A faint roar came from behind the mountain.

In order to complete the layout of Leonidas, the Meteor Mountain Cavalry dragged on for a while.

During this time, the scouts sent by the troll army have been cut off by the Spartan legions.

At this time, the troll army was harassed and provoked by the Meteor Mountain cavalry, which made it a little over the top. Wu Yangyang fell behind the Meteor Mountain cavalry and rushed towards the place where the Spartan warriors were.

Preston, the Spartan standard-bearer, ran back in the army, passing on Leonidas' orders:

"The whole army is ready!"

Following Preston's order, the Spartans immediately moved.

They mounted the stone horn beasts, swung out of formation, and quickly entered a state of battle.

The aura of killing spread in the army formation, and the wind of resonance was around them once again. As long as the battle flag was waved, they would follow Atreus, the king of Sparta, to rush to the enemy without hesitation.

Put the accumulated killing intent and the urge to boil over the battle on the enemy you are about to face!

As for Leonidas, he used the cover of the sky not long ago, riding a flying dragon, with five hundred red and white knights riding iron-feather griffins, and arranged in another place.


The shredding hoofs gradually became denser. This was the hoofs of the cloud-walking gazelle, which meant that the Meteor Mountain cavalry who seduced the troll army had already reached the back of the mountain.

Atreus didn't talk nonsense, he directly raised the silver of the front in his hand and pointed forward.

At the same time, a low horn sounded.


The vicissitudes of life of the horn echoed in the mountains, and was immediately buried by the loud sound of landslides and ground fissures.

Two thousand stone horned knights followed Atreus down the hillside, and the heavy hoofs would step on the ground like an earthquake.

The dust filled the air, the rocks were rolling, and the resonating wind took shape in an instant.

The rumbling hooves echoed in the mountains and became the only sound in this world.

At the bottom of the slope, the troll army that had just been chased by the Meteorite Mountain cavalry all looked at the brown tornado that led to the sky, climbed over the top of the mountain, and rushed towards them.

The Meteor Mountain cavalry was divided into two groups, avoiding the tornado and turning around and rushing towards the troll army.

The commander-in-chief of this troll army, Feiba, violently restrained the stone lizard under his crotch, his eyes instantly widened to the extreme, almost cracking.

Because it saw from the brown tornado densely packed humans riding giant beasts.

Faba's first reaction was impossible.

Such a large-scale heavy cavalry rushed, it did not detect any clues, why those troll wolf riders? . . . . .

Thinking of the troll wolf rider, Feiba suddenly woke up, and then his heart sank.

Not to mention whether the troll wolf riders sent are still alive, even if the troll wolf riders survive, they may not be able to quickly find the position of the army.

It and its army, blinded by profit, have now stepped into a trap long-prepared by the enemy. . . . . .

When he first met the Meteorite Cavalry, Feiba's eyes were almost straight.

This human army with average combat strength, only one or two thousand in number, has three or four pieces of rare-grade equipment.

And the cloud-treading gazelle under their crotch is also a mount of excellent quality.

With such a luxurious configuration, Feiba didn't think much about it, so he brought the troll army to kill the Meteorite Mountain cavalry.

However, although the Meteor Mountain Cavalry is not strong in combat, it is very difficult to deal with in the mountains.

The Meteorite cavalry are light cavalry, and their crotch mounts are better at mountain raids.

The army of trolls followed behind the Meteorite Mountain cavalry, circling around the mountains, not getting a single piece of equipment, but eating all the way.

The Meteor Mountain cavalry also turned several times in the middle, relying on their own agility to shoot harassment with crossbow arrows.

In the end, even Feiba himself was overwhelmed, and felt that even if he caught up to the other party's territory, these hateful humans would have to pay the price.

However, when the Spartan warrior rode the stone horn beast and rushed down from above, Feiba's blood seemed to freeze.

Extraordinary arms + extraordinary mounts, as well as all rare grade sets.

Even with the advantage of racial values, trolls would not be their opponents.

For a moment, Feiba quickly calmed down.

At such a close distance, you can only meet the enemy head-on, and never run away!

The troops in the rear were unaware and were rushing towards this side. The rhythm had just slowed down in a daze, and crowds and stampedes had already appeared in the army.

Countless trolls roared wildly, asking why the front was slowing down.

If you choose to turn around at this time, let's not say whether you can outrun the enemy who is coming in. Just the army colliding back and forth can cause a lot of casualties.

Even entire units can be thrown into chaos and then wiped out by the enemy effortlessly.

What made Feiba a headache was that of the more than 5,000 trolls, only 1,000 of them belonged to the extraordinary arms, which were directly deployed by it.

The other 4,000 trolls are all from different arms and have their own leaders.

Although those troll leaders were temporarily commanded by it because of the Lord's orders and the status of the Feiba king-level troops.

But that doesn't mean it's one with these troll leaders.

In the past two days, they have defeated a lot of alien troops, and even occupied an alien territory, but when it comes to distributing the spoils, Feiba and his extraordinary troops are the first choice, and the other troops can only pick up the leftovers behind it.

It's okay to take this group of people to victory, but once the situation shows signs of collapse, these guys are unreliable.

so. . . . . .

Feiba grabbed the cronies next to him and roared in a low voice:

"The order!"

"Let the Rippers turn back from the two wings, go around to the rear of the team, and let the other troops go up first."

"The tearers go to the rear to form a new formation, and then consider whether to fight or go!"

The Ripper is the extraordinary arm of this troll army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are a total of 2,000 people, of which 1,000 are stationed in the territory under the leadership of another king-level arm.

After hearing Feiba's words, the hero unit in the tearer was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly:

"Commander, the other trolls will..."


Feiba slapped the troll's helmet in front of him with a slap, then slashed the back of the knife on the **** of the stone lizard that was riding on it, and shouted angrily: "Go away, bring the tearer of the right wing to the back for me!"

Glancing at the man, Feiba immediately fled to the side with the tearer on the left wing, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to blow the horn and let the other troops in the rear charge to meet the enemy.

After a long rush, the army formation has long been chaotic. Even if Feiba is a god-level army, it is impossible for these more than 5,000 trolls to organize a formation in such a short period of time.

It can mobilize in a short period of time, only a thousand Troll Rippers under his command.

What's more, except for the tearer and the troll wolf rider, the other arms are infantry, facing the frontal charge of the heavy cavalry, there is no resistance at all.

Instead of letting those miscellaneous soldiers rush into their own formations.

It is better to let them take the initiative to attack, stop the speed of the enemy's advance, disrupt the enemy's lineup, and buy time for the tearers.

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