The cold and bone-chilling cold air kept coming from behind, making Marta feel like falling into an ice cellar.

The "Zi" golden man fell from the sky, and after landing, he took advantage of his small size to block the unclosed gate of the troll's territory with his body.

When the troll was still amazed at the sudden appearance of the metal giant, when he had time to attack it in the future, the "zi" Jinren immediately poured out his own power of Guishui.

The light gray ice crystals swelled like balloons, blocking the city gates and corridors in the blink of an eye, and then there was still room to expand outwards, freezing an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters into an ice field.

Within this range, many trolls were frozen into ice sculptures by the power of Guishui before they could escape.

And the fog-like cold air rising from the ice field can even put out the torch directly.

Many trolls tried to step into the icefield and attacked the "zi" golden man who froze the corridors and city gates, but before they persisted for long, their limbs were as stiff as solid wood.

He could only endure the severe pain caused by frostbite and escape from the area where the ice field was located.

This change made the trolls in and out of the city in disarray, especially the trolls who fought with Marta outside the city.

The back road was blocked, and there were strong enemies in front. They lost their territory as a support and suddenly boiled.

And when the Meteor Mountain Cavalry appeared and began to roam around the trolls, the two thousand trolls were completely in chaos.

Some launched a charge, some dodged in embarrassment, and some trolls were shouting loudly, so that the trolls should not panic and return to formation. . . . . .

Marta and her own Troll Ripper Guards took a lot of effort to appease the chaotic trolls and form a formation.

It knows that the enemy's main force has annihilated the troll tearer led by Feiba, and is rushing towards this side quickly.

Continuing such chaos in the ranks, they will die without a place to die, and may even put the territory at risk of being overrun by humans.

What they have to do now is to persist under the attack of the enemy until the ice layer that freezes the city gates and corridors melts.

Only by regaining contact with the territory, the soldiers and one place, can they fight the human army.

Through the continuous evaporating gray fog, Marta keenly felt that this was a vision of the melting ice sheet.

Even if they don't attack the "sub" Jinmen, these ice layers will dissolve after a period of time.

What they have to do is to keep the next enemy out of the territory, return to the city after the city gate is unblocked, and rely on the city wall to repel the enemy.

As for leaving all the enemies behind, Marta never thought of such a thing.

The only thousand stone lizards left in the troll territory have been buried by Feiba, and the remaining troops can only fight on foot.

The enemy is either heavy cavalry or light cavalry, and it is basically impossible to destroy them.

Moreover, the annihilation of a thousand troll tearers led by Faba was a big blow to the entire troll territory.

In this case, Marta can only hope that these human beings will get away with it.

If you really want to fight to the death, and lose another wave of troops, it is something that the troll lord does not want to see.

On the low mountain outside the troll's territory, some of the Meteor Mountain cavalry controlled the magic-guided cannon and bombarded the troll led by Marta.

Boom! !

When the two giant version explosion demon kings were about to fly into the troll formation, they were intercepted by dense spears and exploded in mid-air.

Like fireworks blooming, flames are thrown around.

Another giant version of the blasting magic pill passed through the flying spear smoothly and landed in the troll formation near Marta.

Then. . . . . . boom!

The blazing fire suddenly burst out, and the power of the explosion blasted an open space with a diameter of more than 20 meters from the troll formation.

The troll standing in the area was blown to pieces, and the flesh and blood stumps quickly turned into coke in the flames brought by the crystal blasting stone.

It was the first time Marta saw this kind of long-range attack equipment, and the three magic cannons were the culprits that caused the confusion of the troll formation before.

The explosive magic pill flew extremely fast, and even Marta could only barely capture its flight path.

Other troll classes, in the beginning, don't even know where the attack is coming from.

After paying enough price, Marta barely found a way to deal with it.

When seeing signs of attack from the magic cannon, command the troll spearmen to throw short spears to intercept them.

This is a superficial way that pays attention to timing and technology, and sometimes it can only rely on luck, but it is Marta's helpless way to deal with it.

Human light cavalry surrounds them, and the four abominable dragons will rush down from time to time to spit out dragon breaths. There are also hundreds of human cavalry riding iron-feather griffins, hovering above the troll army, using arrows and flying arrows. Spears and an explosive orb strike the troll army.

Marta was exhausted just defending against the various aerial attacks of humans, and she couldn't draw any manpower to attack the magic cannons in three directions.

And what makes Marta feel the most distressed is that the territory is clearly behind them, but they can't help them in any way.

Affected by the frozen city wall of the "Zi" golden man, the trolls originally stationed on the city wall were frozen to death in an instant, and some remote attack settings on the city wall cannot be manipulated now.

It can neither help them fight enemies outside their territory, nor assist in sniping the dragons and iron-feathered griffin knights in the sky.

As for the more than 100 green-billed vultures in the territory, under the might of the four giant dragons, they only dared to rise and fall over the territory and did not dare to approach at all.

"Why doesn't it melt!"

Marta ran back and forth in the army, trying to maintain the formation, turned back to look at the city gate, but found that the ice layer formed by the power of "Zi" Jinren Guishui had only melted less than half.

But in this period of time, the troll it led has lost nearly a quarter of its value.

When the human heavy cavalry arrives, it will be a question whether it can retreat to the territory. . . . . .

bang bang bang —

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

The roar of hoofs came, and Marta could even feel the ground shaking slightly.

Its face became more and more ugly. It looked in the direction of the sound, and after a while, it saw several burly beasts, human warriors with cyan heavy armor, rushing like this.

The moment she saw the Spartan warriors, Marta knew why the Troll Ripper led by Feiba lost so badly.

No matter in terms of equipment, numbers or mounts, the Troll Ripper is very different from this human heavy Moreover, when I saw the heavy cavalry rushing towards this side At that time, Marta felt like a long spear piercing the mountains and the sun, with an unstoppable attitude, as if she wanted to stab herself.

The momentum of those humans seems to have accumulated for a long time, and their charging posture seems to be unstoppable!

"The giant shield hand moves forward, the spear hand holds the spear..."

"Check whether the obstacle equipment is properly arranged!"

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"


Seeing that his own momentum was instantly suppressed by the Spartan warriors, Marta stood on the back of the stone lizard and gave orders, and blew the horn himself to boost morale.


Along with a gust of wind, Marta suddenly felt a shadow drop over her head.

When it looked up subconsciously, it saw a black dragon nearly thirty meters long hovering above its head.

On the back of the black dragon, there is a human being on his back.

Marta and the human looked at each other, and intuitively told it that the other party was also a king-level soldier.

After seeing the sneer on the human face and the scroll that suddenly appeared in her hand, Marta immediately felt the danger.

"Stop him!"

"Quickly kill him for me!"

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