Marta led two thousand trolls out of the territory. After Leonidas took the opportunity to release the "child" golden man stored in the space ring, he kept hiding in the air, watching the king-level troops in the troll. .

Afterwards, the "Zi" golden man froze the gates of the troll's territory, the Meteorite cavalry guerrillas, the magic-guided artillery bombarded, the giant dragon attacked, and the red and white knights rode iron-feather griffins to suppress them in the air. . . . . .

Two thousand trolls struggled at the gate of their own territory, and their formation almost collapsed several times, but they were all managed by Marta.

However, although Marta's performance seems to be remarkable, Leonidas can see that Marta is not a commander-type king-level unit.

When commanding the two thousand troll units, Marta made a lot of mistakes. In addition to not letting the formation collapse, she was very rough in the command and formation of the army.

Before even getting in touch with the Spartans, they lost nearly a quarter of their manpower.

If Leonidas were to command these two thousand trolls, after losing a quarter of the trolls, he would have already driven back the enemy he was going to commit.

But Leonidas belonged to the Spartans and was the enemy of these trolls.

What he can do is to defeat the enemy at the fastest speed while ensuring the least casualties on his own side!

So, when Atreus led the Spartan warriors to charge, Leonidas rode his black dragon and flew to the top of Marta's head.

At the same time, take out a perfect grade skill scroll from the space ring.

He wants to send the commander of the enemy army on the road in the simplest, direct and rude way.

As long as Marta died and the troll flag fell, the troll army would be leaderless.

When the Spartan warriors rushed over, the remaining more than 1,000 trolls would collapse at a touch, without any ability to resist.

. . . . . .

"Stop him!"

. . . . . .

In the roar of Marta, the trolls below threw their weapons one after another.

Most of the weapons lost their strength before reaching the height of the black dragon, and only some of the short spears thrown by the troll spear throwers were barely within reach.

The black dragon flapped its wings and fluttered its long tail, and at the same time, like a high-pressure water gun, it sprayed a linear acid liquid, which knocked most of the flying props into the air.

Leonidas also released a huge energy shield flickering with electricity, completely covering him and the black dragon, blocking the remaining projectiles from attacking.

Afterwards, with the horrified expression on Marta's face, she released the perfect-grade spell printed on the scroll in her hand—Earth Wind and Fire.

There seemed to be a momentary stagnation between heaven and earth.

A breeze rose beneath Marta's feet, then spiraled outward in a counterclockwise direction.

Before Marta could escape, she noticed that the wind around her was suddenly dyed in color.

It was a fiery, boiling, dazzling orange-red like the setting sun.

wow wow-

The flames rose with the wind, and in the blink of an eye, the circular area of ​​60 to 70 meters in diameter under the black dragon was turned into a raging fire tornado.

The troll shrouded in the wind and fire of the earth, without even a chance to scream, was engulfed by the fire tornado.

Leonidas' mount, the black dragon, could feel the scorching heat of the flames even if it flew at an altitude of nearly 100 meters, and could not help but flap its wings and climb up.

And the fire tornado created by the earth wind and fire is still spreading, and then moving according to the direction set by Leonidas, swallowing the life of the troll.

The whistling sound of wind and fire engulfed the screams of the troll before he died, and it raged for a few seconds before the wind and fire of the earth slowly disappeared.

The formation of the troll was divided into two halves by the wind and fire of the earth.

Marta and the trolls around her had turned into a part of the hot coke on the ground, and the remaining trolls were in chaos. Looking at the coming Spartan warriors, even the weapons in their hands were a little unsteady.

"The ice is melting again!"


"Run to the city and fight these humans again!"

. . . . . .

Perhaps it was the wind and fire of the earth that affected the "Zi" Jin Ren, or the "Zi" Jin Ren's energy was exhausted.

The frozen city gate and the surrounding ice are melting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time sublimating into a hazy ice fog.

As the hooves of the stone horns drew nearer, the trolls rushed into the bone-piercing fog.

Even if the cold mist inhaled into the nasal cavity can freeze the lungs, these trolls do not want to turn back and fight the chasing humans.

Under the endless means of the human army, these trolls are already terrified, they just want to hide in the city wall, not to face the raging human heavy cavalry.

Whoosh whoosh~

Suddenly, the ice fog condensed and turned into gray water streams. These water streams were like vines, connecting to the troll at the front.

Afterwards, the cold snap vines grow leaves, blossom and bear fruit.

The trolls connected by the gray water flow suddenly grew various ice crystal creations in their bodies, and the blue blood stained on the ice crystals, which looked strangely beautiful.

"Zi" Jin Ren is upgraded to the second level, a new usage of the power of Guishui. After the enemy inhales the water mist created by the power of Guishui, the "Zi" Jinren can trigger the water mist with the gray water flow, causing it to condense. ice crystals.

This ability is a bit similar to Leia's skill, Essence of Ice Thorns, but there are certain differences in the triggering method and energy characteristics.


The gray water flow disappeared, the troll's body fell down weakly, and the ice cubes in the abdominal cavity shattered, tearing the troll's body into pieces.

The troll fleeing into the city, seeing the miserable appearance of his companion, immediately dared not take a step forward.

They looked at the city gate.

The city walls were still covered with ice, and the city gates and corridors were also filled with gray ice crystals, but the "zi" golden man, who was originally protected by the ice crystals, had broken away from the ice and stood in front of the city gate.

It holds a dagger in its left hand, a small round shield in its right and a crossbow on its back, its eyes twinkling, looking at the troll indifferently.

"That metal giant can't hold the cold anymore!"

"Did you see that the ice crystals blocking the gates and corridors are also melting!"

"Look, the ripper has appeared on the city wall!"

. . . . . .

The long-frozen city walls finally began to thaw, and the last thousand Rippers in the troll realm began to set foot on the frozen city walls.

The red and white knights rode iron-feathered griffins and began to enter the airspace of the troll territory, harassing and attacking the Rippers. They were agile, but some people would be killed by the air defense facilities of the troll territory.

The trolls outside the city attacked the "Zi" Jinren again. The "Zi" Jinren did not have much energy left and could not use the power of Guishui. He could only use the ability of the "Soldiers of the World" to fight the trolls. .

The magic artillery began to roar again, and the Meteor Mountain cavalry, who had been fighting for a long time, began to charge.

The red dragon Yayi took three dragon beasts to breathe out dragon breath, destroy the facilities on the city wall of the troll territory, and kill the trolls defending the city wall.

Until the iron hooves of the Spartan warriors rang under the city wall of the troll territory, the "zi" golden man lifted the last bit of ice blocking the corridor and the city gate, then knelt down on one knee and bent over the falling city gate.

Then, Atreus took the lead, riding the stone horn beast and stepping on the troll's corpse, and rushed into the troll territory.

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