When Atreus rode the stone horned beast and rushed out of the door, what he saw in his eyes was the flickering brilliance of countless spells, as well as the dense rain of arrows and spears.

The triggered energy shield popped up instantly and shattered immediately.

Atreus was first shot into a hedgehog by arrows and spears, and then smashed into pieces with various spell attacks.

And the potential stone horned beast in the sanctuary under Atris's crotch, like him, is subject to the focus of the troll.

This stone horned beast with a height of five or six meters devoured all kinds of high-grade ores in the world. Although he didn't die under the troll's concentrated fire, he was also very miserable.

There were large and small cracks in its visor, and its whole body was tattered. Some places were scorched by electricity, and some places were turned into coke. One of the huge stone horns was broken. Not a trace of flesh.

But this did not make the stone horned beast fall, the severe pain made it completely out of control.

Dragging the broken body, the stone horned beast let out a low and terrifying roar, splattered blood and ran wildly, rushing towards the troll army that was waiting in front of him like madness.

The troll lord is in this army.

As soon as Atreus stepped out of the door, it saw that the opponent was a king-level soldier, and then ordered his subordinates to attack without hesitation.

After seeing Atreus being bombarded into pieces, the troll lord was overjoyed.

With one blow, the commander of the enemy's core arms was killed, which was so simple that the troll lord felt a little unreal.

After losing the commander-in-chief, the enemy will inevitably be in chaos. Although the enemy has already attacked the territory, the territory may still be saved!

However, after seeing the hideous-looking stone horned beast rushing towards him, and the Spartan warriors adjusting their formations in an orderly manner after entering the city, the troll lord could not help frowning.

The chaos he expected did not appear, and the human army did not fall into chaos because of the death of the commander.

They don't seem to care about whether the king-level unit is dead or alive. Everyone's goal is only one, and that is to flatten the territory of the stone horn beast in one go.

"The whole army is ready!"

"Guard the territory!"

The troll lord shouted and threw out the two spears in his hand.

The spear crossed two silver arcs in the air, hitting the Atris Stonehorn Beast's eye with precision.

Roar! !

The stone horned beast let out a dull cry. It lost its vision and was physically inconvenient. After breaking through several roadblocks, it headed into the building next to it.

The tall stone building was knocked out of a big hole in an instant, and then collapsed with the savage impact and trampling of the stone horned beast, completely burying the stone horned beast inside.

The troll lord didn't look at the stone horn beast, his face was very gloomy.

Because it just discovered that the human king-level soldier appeared in front of the Spartan warrior again, wearing a rare new standard armor, and replaced a mount.

"how can that be?"

"That human king-level soldier didn't die!"

"I saw with my own eyes that he was shot into a hedgehog and smashed into pieces!"

The troll lord was puzzled and shocked, and Atreus was blown to pieces under his own eyes.

But at this time, the person who should be dead and can no longer die, actually appeared in front of him intact.

However, the situation has been overwhelmed by it.

When the three-year-old Spartan warriors entered the city, Atreus couldn't wait to lead the Spartan warriors and began to charge towards the location of the troll lord.

The rumbling hooves sounded again.

Are cavalry not suitable for street fighting?

No, that's for regular cavalry.

With the increased holdings of the stone horns, the Spartan warriors do not need to shuttle in the alleys to fight the trolls, they only need to drive the stone horns to push them flat!

So, under the stunned gaze of the troll lord, more than 900 Spartan warriors, riding on stone horned beasts, lined up in a long formation and charged into the depths of the troll territory.

They encountered walls, demolished walls, and exploded buildings. Except for some special buildings, all the obstacles encountered by the Spartan warriors suffered devastating blows.

The troops and citizens of the troll lord ambushed in various streets, like a mouse running away when harvesting wheat fields, fleeing into the depths of the territory in embarrassment.

With the support of magnetic storm launchers, explosive magic pills, magic lightsabers, adamantine cutters and other equipment, coupled with the stone horned beasts who are good at destruction, the Spartan warriors suddenly transformed into the universe demolition team.

While destroying enemy buildings and obstacles, it can still maintain a certain charge speed, which makes the troll lord who has never seen the magic-weave construction look a little suspicious of life.

Can heavy cavalry still fight like this?

Even if the Spartan warriors can be expelled from the territory, the territory has been destroyed in a large area, which is already a devastating blow.

If there is a saying of leveling the territory, the Spartans are definitely practitioners of the literal meaning.

Ow! !

The loud dragon roar resounded throughout the troll territory.

The Spartans were destroying the building, and the dragons came to set fire to poison and acid.

After the four giant dragons and five hundred iron-feather griffins solved the enemies on the city wall, they began to invade the troll territory.

The green-billed vulture, who had been wandering for a long time, finally gathered up the courage and went up to it.

However, he was attacked back and forth by the red dragon Yai, whose size exceeded 30 meters, and the more than 100 green-billed vulture knights in the troll territory were scattered as birds and beasts, and they were completely defeated.

The troll lord led the remnants of the soldiers and the people to keep retreating and moving~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It was not until they came to the castle and there was no way to retreat that they knew that their situation was over.

Looking at the embarrassed subordinates and the terrified territorial people, the troll lord was a little dazed.

The time from receiving Feiba's summons for help to the actual war with humans was actually not that long.

But whether it was Feba, Marta, or itself, when it came to fighting with humans, it never had the upper hand, and was almost beaten.

Even with the imminent destruction of the territory, there is still a sense of unreality in the heart of the troll lord.

Among the many lords of the troll family, although it is not the top one, its comprehensive strength can also be ranked in the upper level.

But as an intermediate race, facing the territory of an ordinary race, it and its subordinates were beaten and could not fight back.

When the two sides are at war, whether it is the level of arms, level, mounts, and equipment, humans have completely crushed the troll territory/

Especially the kind of magical equipment that the troll lord has never heard of or seen before, it makes the trolls have no way to deal with it.

In the whole battle, the most difficult thing for the troll lord to accept is that, as a normal human race, he can actually drive four giant dragons!

Dragons are super races!

What is the reason that makes them surrender to the feet of human beings?

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