When Huang Yu chose yes, an invisible energy was separated between him and the blood of the mysterious creature.

The grinning face that was densely packed and attached to the tentacles immediately became painful and twisted, and finally disappeared.

The orangutan light that filled the entire fire hall was also rapidly fading, and what appeared in front of Huang Yu was a white and crystal clear flesh-like substance. The depressing and negative pressure quickly disappeared, and Huang Yu's will returned to his body.

clap clap clap

In a series of crisp sounds, dense cracks appeared on the tentacles like white jade.

Straws of golden light shot out from the crack, and at the same time shattered the thin white jade shell, revealing strands of pure golden viscous liquid.

The Spiritual Yuan of the Hall of Heroes also suddenly appeared in the Tinder Hall, and Zhong Zhong looked at Huang Yu worriedly.

At this time, Huang Yu's body was out of control again, and his dragon-like body almost filled the entire fire hall.

Scales, granulation, hair. . . . . . The characteristics of various creatures are accumulated on the body, and normal people will immediately fall into madness when they see it. Huang Yu also felt this, and used the predator's physique again to return to normal human form.

From the beginning of awakening to the present, it seems that a long period of time has passed, but in fact it is only about a moment.

Yuan, who was called by Huang Yu to protect the law for a short time, only vaguely felt the uncomfortable pressure.

The golden blood is like a snake, drilling into Huang Yu's body.

Huang Yu nodded to Yuan, indicating that he didn't have to worry, so he let go of his heart and let the golden blood penetrate into his body.

The hazy golden light began to condense, and finally weaved into a huge cocoon, floating under the fire.

And Huang Yu, who is immersed in the cocoon, seems to be swimming in the long river of time and space, sometimes becoming old, and sometimes becoming a child.

And that three-meter-long cocoon is like a virtual game warehouse.

Huang Yu roamed in it, sometimes appearing in the crater full of lava eruptions, and sometimes appearing in the void of bright stars. Even in a certain scene, Huang Yu felt the breath of a blue star.

Huang Yu subconsciously used the law of chaos to protect his own heart, and then let the tide of time and space wrap himself in the world of different time and space.

The ancestral land of orcs, the dragon world, the world tree of elves. . . . . . . Angels soar in the realm of light, the bottomless world where demons roar, the realm of death where all spirits are like waves

The birth of the first elemental creature, the establishment of the first law of shadows, and the first star to light up the Chaos Continent. It was a purple moon!

In the long river of time and space, Huang Yu is exposed to endless information at every moment.

These information washed Huang Yu's soul over and over again, Huang Yu could only passively see, but could not refuse and possess. Huang Yu has been lost in the long river of time and space and has become a symbol similar to the crown of mystery.

The law of chaos can only maintain his ego, but cannot help him escape the long river of time and space.

If there is no external assistance, Huang Yu will be completely lost in the endless time and space, and will never wake up again.

It may be an eternity, but it is the most meaningless and painful eternity.

hum ^

The world Huang Yu stared blankly at suddenly burst into ripples.

An energy enveloped his body, pulling him out of this space and time.

Everything began to spin and twist, like a black hole, swallowing everything that had definition.

Huang Yu was overwhelmed with pain, only felt that he was divided into countless numbers and was swept away by time and space.

Only the part protected by the law of chaos, under the protection of that energy, returned to reality.

When Huang Yu opened his eyes, the golden cocoon turned into dust and disappeared into the hall of fire.

Huang Yu floated lightly in the middle of the fire hall, his eyes closed with a faint golden light, like a sleeping god. As for his Chiguo's body, golden light also flowed away from his skin, and his black hair suddenly grew several meters, swimming freely as if alive.




The dull heartbeat like the sound of drums gradually appeared in the fire hall.

At the same time, inexplicably fine cracks appeared in the air, making the Yuan eyes on the side dread and dare not approach.

As the owner of space-time ability, Yuan knows that those are space cracks.

Even it, if it dares to rush into the past, it may be cut into pieces and scattered all over the world.

At that time, it can only rely on the Hall of Valor to be reborn.

ka ka ka

Huang Yu floated quietly in the air, not yet fully awake, but the Tinder Hall suffered because of the new talent that he had not yet fully mastered.

The floor began to pulverize, and the decorative plants matured in the blink of an eye.

Every time Huang Yu's heart beats, the fire hall is changed to a different place. This kind of unintentional breath makes Yuan Du feel a little incredible.

Finally, after the wooden chair in the Tinder Hall opened eleven times, Huang Yu opened his eyes.

At the same time, the changes in the fire hall began to freeze, and all the space cracks that appeared around Huang Yu from time to time disappeared, and this area did not change at all.


Huang Yu fell to the ground and held his head for a while before returning to normal.


[Congratulations to the lord for his promotion to the fifth rank and awakening the mythical-grade talent ability "Time and Space Traveling God"!]

[Because the talent level is too high, the talent is being analyzed for the lord

Time travel god!

Is this my fourth talent?

Listen to the name, this is a time and space class ability!

Huang Yu raised his head, and the place where he saw the fire hall that he had made unrecognizable by himself.

Yuan Zheng was hiding in the corridor outside the main hall, looking at himself in shock.

Huang Yu beckoned to Yuan, Yuan immediately disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, it had already landed on Huang Yu's shoulder.


I didn't do it, did I?

Huang Yu looked at the unrecognizable fire hall and asked suspiciously.

If it weren't for the restoration of the element's mastery ability, the entire universe territory was under his control. When he was promoted to the fifth rank by himself, the universe territory was beaten down by the enemy.

Could it be that this guy "Yuan" has awakened some bad attributes?

Yuan didn't notice Huang Yu's expression, nodded and said:

"Master, when you were still awake, you couldn't restrain your power of time and space, which is why this phenomenon happened. Hearing Yuan's words, Huang Yu nodded and accepted this statement.

The talent is still being analyzed, Huang Yu feels the new power in the body, and subconsciously drives, wants to restore the fire hall to its original appearance.

Ka Ka Ka

The ground of the Tinder Hall was like a dry riverbed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ cracked big and small, and a space crack appeared on the seat in the center according to Huang Yu's instructions, swallowing this perfect-grade seat. Half off.

Huang Yu opened his mouth slightly and was about to say something.


A piece of glazed gold fell and hit Huang Yu on the forehead, smashing his words back into his stomach.

Patting off the dust on his forehead, Huang Yu stood up, speechless.

His idea was very simple. Since it was his innate ability to destroy the fire hall like this, he would just use his ability to restore it.

Who knows, but it caused further damage to the Tinder Hall.

After thinking for a moment, Huang Yu figured out the principle.

Just as people can easily mix various colors of pigments together, but it is difficult to separate them and restore them to their original appearance.

Huang Yu's space-time ability has tossed this area several times. If Huang Yu wants to recover, he can do more than just time and space backtracking.

Even the space-time ability that Huang Yu can drive now cannot reach the level of time-space retrospection.

Because Huang Yu can only borrow the power of time and space, but cannot control it.

The advancement of time and space will not be changed by manpower.

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