"I didn't expect so many accidents to happen."

"It also destroyed the fire hall like this..."

"It seems that the Fire Hall can only be renovated by the architects."

As the promotion ended, Huang Yu's consciousness became more and more sober.

Looking at the Tinder Hall destroyed by himself, Huang Yu was looking forward to his fourth talent ability.

Even when he was promoted to Tier 4 and awakened the chaotic power and law talent, the vision he caused was not so strong.

And this is the awakening medium that has been purified by the will of the source. The blood of that mysterious creature removes some of its abilities and characteristics while removing the spiritual imprint of the creatures in hell.

If those abilities and characteristics are not cleared, and if the awakening is successful, what kind of talent will be obtained?

Could it be the one that can be hoped and cannot be achieved at the highest level?

Huang Yu sat in the hall of Tinder and began to imagine.

However, as he became more aware of his own abilities, Huang Yu also knew that he valued the blood of that mysterious creature a little more.

With three god-level talents, Huang Yu has more and more knowledge and information.

He could vaguely feel that the Law of Chaos and the Law of Time and Space are actually two supreme laws that do not distinguish between high and low, while the Law of Elements is inferior.

And through the talent ability, and the remnants of perception in the process of awakening talent, the power of the law of chaos may even be above the time and space wandering gods.

After all, the difference between the two can be seen through the talent name.

The law of chaos can distort the power of the law and make the development of things deviate from the constraints of the law.

Although the God of Time and Space was given the name of "God", he was still bound by the law of time and space, and could only borrow the power of the law of time and space.

Compared with the two, they are both god-level talents, and Time Traveler is actually inferior to the law of chaos.

However, the law of time and space is too tyrannical, and its expressiveness is more intuitive than the law of chaos, so Huang Yu is temporarily in a cognitive misunderstanding.

And Huang Yu's development of the law of chaotic power is currently only scratching the surface.

After all, this innate ability involves "vector manipulation", "scalar manipulation" and "power of chaos", which all require a lot of research and reserves.

Huang Yu has only mastered the fur.

【Ding! 】

【Analysis is successful! 】

It took about half an hour for the analysis of the time and space wandering **** talent to be completed. After the prompt message flashed, the information panel about the time and space wandering **** talent appeared in Huang Yu's consciousness.

[The God of Time and Space (Myth Grade Talent)]

[Ability 1—The power of time and space: Using the power of time and space, you can selectively tear, twist, stretch, etc. the space of the target and the target area.

It can also perform relative acceleration, delay or even pause on the time of the target and the target area.

As the lord's strength increases, the scope of influence will continue to increase]

[Ability 2 - Space Anchor: The lord can set space anchors on the places and objects that can be reached by the spirit and senses, so as to move instantaneously, or release attacks and objects.

The lord himself is the original anchor, and can open a space fragment at any time. The space fragment can swallow anything and exile it in the turbulent time and space.

However, the lord can retrieve the items in the time-space turbulence by virtue of the marked anchor point.

When condensing anchor points, the farther the distance is, the greater the energy consumption]

[Ability 3: Interception in time: The lord can intercept a fragment from the time and space of the current world, and the content of the fragment is random, but if he interferes with it purposefully, it will cause an unknown deflection of the direction of related events.

The lord can also intercept the time of the established target and affect it with random consequences.

If the target's time segment is directly erased, the target will be lost in the reincarnation of time and space...]

[Ability 4: Brand of the Law of One-One: The existence above the law of non-time and space cannot completely erase the traces of the lord in time and space.

The current level of the lord is low, and he cannot sense the brand left in the long river of time and space, and temporarily cannot use the brand ability...]

[Ability 5: The Gate of Immortal Travel (seal): Open the door of immortal travel, and the lord can walk in time and space for a short time.

The lord's current strength is low, and he cannot walk in time and space. He can only pass through the gate of immortality and release time and space turbulence to impact the target and the target area, ... 】

[Ability 6: Breath of Immortality: The main component of the blood of mysterious creatures is immortal blood. The lord has obtained the breath of immortality. Illegal ability cannot eliminate the body and soul of the lord, but this ability is invalid for sealing abilities]

[Other abilities, please explore the lord on your own! 】

The analysis of the talent of Time Traveling God is more intuitive than the law of chaos.

After reading the analysis, Huang Yu felt the power of god-level talent.

The power of time and space is different from the power of chaos.

The power of chaos is a distortion of the ability of the lower laws, while the power of time and space is the influence on the current time and space.

After Huang Yu's successful awakening, the impact on the Tinder Hall is the most direct manifestation of the power of time and space.

Space tearing, time acceleration... These abilities make the enemy hard to guard during combat.

Of course, the power of time and space mastered by Huang Yu can only affect a certain range of things.

He can tear space and divide the enemy into several pieces, but he has no ability to tear apart the crystal walls of Chaos Continent and other worlds. He can accelerate the aging of the enemy, and even rejuvenate the target, but he cannot make the whole world stop for him.

In other words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huang Yu can only interfere with what is happening within a limited range, and the laws of time and space will not be changed by his will.

The space anchor and time interception are higher-level applications of the power of time and space.

It involves teleportation, space teleportation, and the ability to affect the past, present and future.

Especially the ability to intercept time, Huang Yu immediately thought of the Faceless.

Most of these faceless people are of average strength, and so far there has not been an existence above the extraordinary.

But it is these ordinary human beings who can avoid the reincarnation of time and space and achieve eternity in a sense, because they have abandoned all their own information and cause and effect...

"Set spatial anchors on places and objects that can be reached by the mind and senses, so as to move instantaneously, or to launch attacks and objects"

"When I wear the face of the faceless, I can share the vision of the faceless. Can I use this to condense the anchor?"

When thinking of the Faceless, Huang Yu naturally thought of the unfortunate girl who lived in the country of shadows.

The shadow girl has only one value to Huang Yu, and that is to establish a passage from the universe to the country of shadows.

But after acquiring the ability to anchor in space, Huang Yu also acquired the ability to teleport over long distances. If he can create an anchor in the Land of Shadows through the Shadow Girl, he can personally open the way to the Land of Shadows!

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