Huang Yu was a little excited at the thought that he might soon have the opportunity to enter the Land of Shadows and obtain a shadow diamond of 600,000 soul crystals.

Needless to say the importance of space equipment, if a stable way to obtain shadow diamonds can be opened up, it is only the income that can be brought by mining shadow diamonds, and it is possible to catch up with the income of reselling Chaos Mall goods now!

Huang Yu's heart was hot, and he was going to try it later.

The time and space imprint and the abilities of the gate of immortality have high requirements for use.

Just like vector manipulation and scalar manipulation, Huang Yu can only use the fur.

Although his strength is strong, in the final analysis, he has only just entered the fifth rank.

As if you want to use the AAA battery to drive the high-speed rail, the energy demand is not on the same order of magnitude.

In fact, it's not just the fifth talent, Time Traveling God. Among Huang Yu's four talents, except for Void Plunder, the other three god-level talents, he didn't even exert one percent of his power.

What limits Huang Yu's talent and ability is his basic level.

In addition to the above five abilities, the last breath of immortality also made Huang Yu very familiar.

Isn't this ability an enhanced version of Atris' immortal body?

It's just that Atris' immortal body only targets the body and not the soul, but if Atris can be promoted to the god-level arms with his immortal embrace, his immortal body may also be transformed into Huang Yu's immortal breath.

Huang Yu stood up and clenched his fists.

The power of time and space that has not yet been masterfully controlled circulated in his body, and layers of golden light flickered in his body, like the immortal golden body that Blue Star Buddhism said.

The delicate skin looks translucent and translucent. Through chaotic vision, Huang Yu can see that his bones are as hard as diamonds, his flesh and blood are as tough as gold-red rubber, and his internal organs are working symbolically.

With the current physical fitness, even if he doesn't eat, drink or breathe for a month, Huang Yu will still live well.

Although Huang Yu has only just entered the fifth rank, his body is already stronger than the existence above the extraordinary.

Whether it was on You An, the orc prophet Ragnar, or the Dark Flame Flying Crow, Huang Yu felt that their soul strength and physical strength were far less powerful than his own.

You An once told Huang Yu that the sixth-order transcendence is the threshold for all creatures.

But Huang Yu felt that he should be able to easily cross this threshold.

The body and soul under the blessing of immortal breath no longer need extraordinary power to strengthen.

"The powerful ability is really fascinating!"

"But don't take it lightly."

"A little blood can give me a god-level talent. What level is the real strength of the existence in the god's prison?"

"Tenth-order eternity... Or is it already beyond the rank"

The four awakenings of high rules, although Huang Yu was mostly protected by the source of chaos and protected from the impact of various information, he still more or less retained a vague impression of certain things.

The most important point is to have a deeper understanding of the level of power in this world than You An.

The sixth-order extraordinary, the seventh-order sanctuary, the eighth-order legendary, the ninth-order immortal, and the tenth-order eternal.

Only by reaching the ninth-order immortality can one control the power to control the laws of the world, while the tenth-order eternity can stand above the world laws.

Of course, the supreme laws such as the law of time and space, the law of chaos, and the law of void, and the laws of the world, such as the law of elements, the law of shadow, and the law of the dead, are not on the same level at all.

In other words, the law of the world is an extension of the supreme law, but most of the components of the law of the world are derived from the law of chaos...

Huang Yu stood in the fire hall, reached out and did not enter the space in front of him, then took out a long dress from the bedroom on the top floor of the castle and put it on his body, then flashed his figure and appeared in front of the Thousand-faced Church at the back of the castle.

However, Huang Yu originally wanted to create an anchor point in the Thousand Faces Church, but found that he could not perceive the interior of the church, so he could only shuttle outside the church.

"Whatever you think, the Thousand-faced Sanctuary doesn't look like an epic building."

"It's not impossible for its various abilities to be regarded as legendary buildings."

"This building has hidden secrets, but Xiao Huang Yu couldn't help but think of the faceless person mentioned in the information introduction of the Thousand-faced Sanctuary, who believed in a mysterious Thousand-faced Demon God.

Being named as the Demon God, if it is in the plane world, it is only a ninth-order immortal existence at most.

But if it is the Chaos Demon God and the Void Demon God, then it is the tenth-order eternity, an existence that coexists with the Supreme Law.

The walls of the Thousand-faced Church began to twist, and then Huang Yu was sucked into it.

After entering for the second time, Huang Yu was not "welcomed" by all the faces. The only ones who appeared in front of him were the fifty faceless people who had been activated by him, Huang Yu, who found the face of the shadow girl, and reached out to pick it up and buckle it. on his face.

His eyes turned, but Huang Yu no longer had the discomfort he had last time.

The process of consciousness traveling through time and space, he had already experienced it many times when he was promoted to the fifth rank. The sight quickly recovered in Huang Yu's eyes was a city composed of shadows.

The shadow girl was obviously standing on a high point, so Huang Yu could see the general appearance of this shadow city.

The city is littered with rubble, and occasionally shadowy creatures can be seen flashing past, seemingly abandoned.

However, Huang Yu could still see that the buildings in this city were not much different from those on the Chaos Continent.

"grown ups."

The shadow girl greeted her indifferently, but didn't say anything.

Huang Yu also knew that the faceless people are like this by nature, so he didn't have any dissatisfaction, and began to stimulate the talent of time and space wandering gods to make anchor points on the rooftop where the shadow girl was on the corner of the rooftop, The pale white light spots that only Huang Yu could see began to appear.


Seeing that the anchor points began to condense, Huang Yu's face was filled with joy, but before he was happy for too long, he felt that his mental power was rapidly disappearing.

In an instant, he felt dizzy, and the connection with the shadow girl was disconnected.

Huang Yu took off the shadow girl mask, and it took a while before returning to normal.

He drank a perfect-grade potion, but Huang Yu found that the effect of the potion had not yet recovered automatically, so he stuffed the other potions back into the space ring.

Then put the shadow girl's mask back in place, her eyes flickered and analyzed:

"It failed but the solution worked."

"It's just that I'm not strong enough now to create an anchor point across the barriers of the world."

"However, as long as the shadow girl is still alive, sooner or later the universe will be able to enter the country of shadows."

Seeing that the method was feasible, Huang Yu asked the Stranger, Ye Shi, and the nun to try it out.

The Lion Territory where Ye Shi was located was not too far from the Universal Territory, so Huang Yu did not take much effort to condense the anchor point.

But when it comes to rallying anchors in the area where the Stranger and the nun are located, Huang Yu struggles a lot. After a successful cohesion, you must rest for a period of time.

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