In the barren mountains of the west.

A desolate wolf is nesting in a dirt depression, and there are more than a dozen desolate wolves of various sizes nearby.

Not far from this desolate wolf group, there is an unrecognizable corpse of a beast that was eaten.

The remaining flesh and blood on the corpse has not yet shown signs of decay. It seems that not long ago, this barren wolf group got a feast and was resting. The barren wolf suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes showed indifferent but full of humanity light.

The barren wolf made a faint chirping, without any change, and continued to lie down in the swamp.

Not long after, the space in front of the wild wolf was like a calm water surface, and ripples began to appear like a stone was thrown into it.

After a while, a figure appeared in front of the wild wolf, and the spatial vision quickly returned to normal.

Ow! !

Huang Yu did not hide his breath.

When he first appeared, he was in charge of guarding against the sham wolf on the edge, and he saw a human who suddenly appeared within the population.

The wild wolf opened his mouth and howled in fear, warning his own group.

The other wild wolves were awakened one after another, quickly got up, and rushed towards Huang Yu.

Only the barren wolf in front of Huang Yu, with a low head, quietly crawls in front of Huang Yu.

The power of time and space!

Huang Yu raised his hand and waved, and within an area of ​​more than 20 meters around him, the changes of everything suddenly slowed down.

The barren wolf leaped and slowly vacated the body, and the raised Sasquatch was swaying to the ground at an extremely slow speed.

The grass that was pressed against the ground by the wind raised its head slightly, and before it could straighten its waist, it was pressed to the ground again.

Under the control of Huang Yu's space-time power, the flow of time in this area became extremely slow.

As the maker of all this, Huang Yu is naturally unaffected by injuries.

And under his control, the power of time and space did not bless the faceless one he named "Wild Wolf".

In this area, he and the Faceless have the same senses and behaviors as those outside the area.

Huang Yu looked at the faceless man who turned into a barren wolf in front of him, and said:

"I'll take you back to my territory."

"When the time comes, I will give you the opportunity to acquire human identity."

"I believe you don't want to be in the company of beasts anymore!"

Even the indifferent faceless person looked a little sluggish after seeing the visions around him.

It wasn't until Huang Yu's words rang in his ears that the wild wolf came back to his senses.

After Dai heard that Huang Yu would give him the opportunity to gain human status, the wild wolf nodded without hesitation, and opened his mouth to reply in human language:

"I follow your will, Lord!"

Wild Wolf knew that after he obtained his human status, there would definitely be a corresponding task waiting for him.

The undisturbed, hidden life of the Faceless will be broken.

But the barren wolf was tired of living with wild animals and drinking blood.

Although as a faceless person, there is not much desire.

But in the final analysis, the faceless are also human beings, and their way of existence is to live in the "identity" that they borrow and borrow, rather than being bound by the "identity".

If he had a choice, Wild Wolf would prefer to live as a "human".

Moreover, in the face of the new controller of the Thousand Faces Sanctuary, Wild Wolf had no choice.

Huang Yu is the only person in the world who can track them down, and he is also the one who can easily kill them.

Facing Huang Yu's request, the only thing they can do is to cooperate.

"Yes, Huang Yu nodded and put his hand on the wild wolf.

Received the anchor point that he left on the Obsidian Square, and activated the power of time and space to wrap himself and the wild wolf.

The ripples in the space flickered away.

The figures of Huang Yu and the Faceless Man disappeared from the barren wolves in situ at the moment when Huang Yu disappeared, and the power of time and space shrouded in this area also dissipated instantly.

The raised sand fell to the ground, and the weeds rose and fell in the wind.

More than a dozen wild wolves galloped towards the place where Huang Yu disappeared, running and running, only to realize that the intruder who suddenly appeared had suddenly disappeared. The whole process was like an illusion.

The wolf king of the wild wolf pack looked around, sniffed with his sharp nose, and after finding nothing unusual, he slapped the wild wolf who had warned him before.

Then return to the wolves, ready to find the spiritual she-wolf to get in touch with her feelings.

However, after walking back and forth several times, the Wild Wolf King was horrified to discover that the she-wolf had disappeared out of thin air!

In the sight of the Faceless Wild Wolf, the space suddenly began to vibrate and distort, like a huge shaking painting.

As Kun swayed, the painting was like a conjuration, gradually changing colors and lines.

After the generation stabilized, he appeared on the Obsidian Square with Huang Yu. In addition to Huang Yu and the Faceless Wild Wolf, there was a refugee-like human warrior and a leopard on the Obsidian Square.

Both are faceless, Wild Wolf immediately distinguishes that these two are also faceless.

Even in past time and space, there were not many opportunities for the Faceless to meet.

Although there is communication between the Faceless, they also communicate through the Temple of Thousand Faces.

So encountering two of the same kind here, the wild wolf is still a little curious.

However, the faceless person's character of being at ease with the situation and not sticking to cause and effect makes the barren wolf not interested in going forward to ask Huang Yu looked at the faceless person in front of him.

Among the fifty faceless people marked by the Temple of Thousand Faces, these three faceless people are close to him and whose "identity" is of little use to him.

The territory of the "homeless" has just been destroyed by aliens. He and some people have become homeless, and they can hardly survive in the wild.

"Cheetah" is a bit similar to the night lion, but the Leopard man's territory where the cheetah is located is not in the direction of the Lion man's territory where the night lion is.

Moreover, the cheetah is just an ordinary leopard people, at the bottom of the leopard people's territory, and the actual value is more like a wild wolf, it is not necessary to say more, if Huang Yu goes a little later, this guy may become a wolf. concubine...

To bring these three faceless men back to the territory, Huang Yu wasted a lot of strength and was limited by the distance. Jumping in space, teleporting, and transporting people required a lot of energy.

The locations of these three faceless beings are all within a thousand kilometers of the universe.

Even so, every time Huang Yu transmits a person, he needs to consume more than half of the energy, which initially dispelled Huang Yu's idea of ​​​​using the faceless to travel the world because he found that the longest one-way transmission distance is less than 3,000. Kilometers, if it is a teleportation person or a teleportation object, the distance will be shortened to varying degrees. Bring these three faceless people back to the territory. After going back and forth, he has reached the limit of his ability. The reason why Huang Yu went to great lengths to bring the three faceless back to the territory was because he had an important task to give them.

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