Huang Yu was ready to attack the South China Sea and the island.

Just last night, Asimia and the Knights of the Deep Tide brought a surprise to Huang Yu. The construction of the Wengcheng in the south of Universal City was completed today.

Perhaps Huang Yu made too much noise during the magic tide, which attracted the attention of the races in the sea.

When the magic tide retreated, Huang Yu built a high wall of ice crystals in the South China Sea, blocking the retreat of the sea monsters ashore.

When Chunyu and other architects were designing, they relied on the high ice crystal wall to enclose this part of the sea area into the boundary of Wengcheng.

Cheng Xu felt the threat of Wengcheng.

Seeing a special human city wall erected from the sea, some sea clans close to the land could not sit still.

Last night, an army of "Shell People" used the waves used by the rising tide to impact the newly formed Urn City wall and harbour.

At that time, Huang Yu was in the period of talent awakening and knew nothing about it.

The Knights of the Deep Tide, who guarded the urn city, under the leadership of Asimia, showed their powerful water warfare capabilities.

Through the special fighting skills of "Shock Current", the five hundred knights of the deep tide moved freely in the tide, easily defeated a number of shellmen warriors who came in, and captured dozens of shellmen.

This is the first confrontation between the Shuiyu Territory and the Sea Clan.

With the advantages of arms and equipment, Universal City won a perfect victory.

The deputy commander of the Knights of the Deep Tide, Asimia, and four other Knights of the Deep Tide were also promoted to hero units in this battle.

The Arcanists of the Crown of Secrets interrogated the shells overnight.

When Huang Yu was successfully promoted to the fifth rank and walked out of the palace, the information about the shell people and the deep-sea race appeared in his hands.

The races in the sea are all kinds of strange, subdivided, maybe there are more races than the terrestrial races in the Chaos Continent.

It can be roughly divided into several major categories such as shell people, shell people, arm people, murlocs, cetaceans, etc. Each of these marine races is like the half-orcs, and there are a large number of branch races, and each branch race has Race values ​​are different.

For example, the murlocs with the most racial categories, many of them are low-level races, but the sharks among the murlocs are the most famous high-level races in the sea.

In addition to the shell people, shell people, fish people and other races, there are some special sea races.

For example, the advanced races Naga, Saiqian, Mermaid and other races have certain similarities, and they are born with spell-like abilities, which are very difficult to deal with.

But even high-level races such as Naga, Saiqian, and mermaid are not the true overlords in the sea.

Among the giants, the only tidal giant standing in the ranks of super races!

A huge Leviathan that can cause a tsunami!

There are also super racial creatures that are hidden in the deep sea and cannot be touched by the shell people.

However, after seeing this information, Huang Yu was not intimidated, but gradually became excited.

The Knights of the Deep Tide have proved their strength in the sea, and it is time to open up the resources of the South China Sea for the Universal Territory.

According to the information from where the captives of the shell people came from, Huang Yu knew that there were not only a large number of sea monsters in the South China Sea, but also rich material resources.

And what really attracted Huang Yu were the large and small, star-studded races in the sea.

Huang Yu has unlocked a lot of commodity purchase rights for the land race, but Huang Yu has not unlocked any commodity rights for the sea race.

Every time Huang Yu opened his Chaos Vision and glanced at the South China Sea, he could see all kinds of lordships, and the number was extremely large, just like a pile of people waiting to mine soul crystals. The creatures are too powerful. According to the news from the shell people, the development speed of the sea race is generally lower than that of the land race.

The shell people who attacked Weng City at night are only the territory of a third-order ordinary race, but they are already considered to be relatively powerful races in the offshore area.

If the Knights of the Deep Tide is cultivated, Huang Yu feels that there is no problem in sweeping the southern coastal areas.

So "Cheetah, try this heroic arm of the shell people and see if you can borrow its identity."

For a moment, Huang Yu was still in Obsidian Square with three faceless people.

The next moment, the four of them appeared in the prison of Universal City.

In front of them there was a large chelicerae,

The surface is smooth, and the whole body is covered with dark cyan carapace.

If you ignore its nearly two-meter height, this shell man looks like a blue crab commonly found on the Blue Star.

At this time, after the repeated destruction by the arcanist in the crown of mystery, the shell human race has lost the ability to think.

Even if Huang Yu and the three faceless people stood in front of it, the shell people didn't react at all.

"Lord Lord, please let me try!"

Cheetah walked in front of the shell people, and did not immediately borrow the "identity" of the shell people, but turned around, glanced at Huang Yu, and glanced at the wild wolf and the homeless.

When the Faceless person borrows his identity, because of his extremely low sense of existence, it is difficult to be discovered by existences other than the controller of the Temple of Thousand Faces.

But the attributes between the faceless and the faceless are compatible, and they can perceive the existence of the other.

And the faceless are very sensitive to their original information, even if they are the same kind, they do not want to be known by it.

Knowing this, Huang Yu nodded to the cheetah and left the prison with the vagabond and the barren wolf.

His gaze shifted again, and Huang Yu brought the homeless and the barren wolf to the coast.

Hearing the sound of the waves hitting the reef, the two faceless people looked back subconsciously.

The eyes swept across the strait, and the end of the line of sight was under a rolling coast.

It is a the continent where the universe is located!

With a distance of more than 100 kilometers, Huang Yu set foot on the island with the power of the throne with the "homeless" and "barren wolf".

Anchors can be made anywhere from there.

With Chaos Vision, Huang Yu created an anchor on the South China Sea island across the strait.

Huang Yu concealed his breath, used teleportation and Hunyuan Wuji alternately, and quickly flew to the human territory on the island with two faceless men.

This island is bigger than Huang Yu imagined, about 60,000 to 70,000 square kilometers. It took Huang Yu nearly a minute to reach the periphery of the human territory.

Flying in the air, Huang Yu set an anchor point on the city wall of the human territory, and then injected the power of time and space.

The ripples in the space reappeared, but it was not Huang Yu's transmission, but a human soldier who fell in front of Huang Yu.

Before the human soldier could figure out what happened, Huang Yu used the hand of his soul to plunge him into chaos.

Pointing to the unconscious human soldier, Huang Yu looked at the homeless man and said, "This identity is yours."

Go to the Golden Councilor of the Giant Monster Territory to upgrade the Faceless of the Universal Alliance - a land of shadows. Time, you can go to other places.

Recall the Faceless without quests, and send them to other territories. You can also set anchors on the lords.

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