The sound of humming, humming, and hoarseness echoed in the vicinity of the volcano like a thunderous sound, making people feel as if the space was shaking.

Huang Yu took the barren wolf to the foot of the volcano and looked up to see a huge palace built on the crater.

And that rumbling snoring came from that palace.

After sending the "nomads" to the human territory on the South China Sea Island, Huang Yu became interested in two unknown races on the island.

He first went to the alien territory represented by the colorful spar, and only after that did he discover that the race whose lordship is the colorful stone turned out to be the crystal tribe he encountered in the vampire territory.

It's just that, unlike the blue crystal clan, the crystal clans on the South Sea Island are all khaki.

Their bodies are khaki yellow, with a translucent crystal at the center of their eyebrows. Their facial features are not much different from those of humans, but their body size is much larger than that of humans.

Crystals are intermediate races with innate spell-like abilities.

Huang Yu guessed that the crystals of different colors represent different abilities and attributes. For example, the blue-skinned crystals encountered in the vampire territory possessed ice spell-like abilities.

On the other hand, the yellow-skinned crystal clan on the South Sea Island possessed the ability of earth-based spell-like abilities.

However, what made Huang Yu even more different was that he actually saw some humans here.

In addition to human beings, there are dwarf trolls and deer among orcs, including humans and crystal races, in the territory of the Crystal Clan. It seems that they get along quite well.

Kilometers away from the Clan’s territory, these five races communicate with each other. The items in the hands of the peaceful trade are that humans sell food, dwarves sell equipment, trolls and deermen sell materials, wild monster cubs, and crystal clan sells potions and spells Creation…

Although it is a barter, the trading pattern is very stable, and there are few disputes between the five races.

It doesn't look like a chaotic continent where all races compete for hegemony, but rather like a utopia where all races coexist peacefully.

However, it can be vaguely seen that human beings, as ordinary races, are mostly in the weak crystal clan territory, which is located in the center of the island, so this market is likely to be maintained and established by the five races.

There is no competition between them, but instead, under the influence of a certain factor, they have cooperated.

However, this island has a total of six lordships, but Huang Yu did not see the emergence of the sixth race in the market.

Huang Yu felt that the strange peace on the South China Sea Island must be related to the race that did not appear.

Under the guidance of the shadow of the throne, Huang Yu hid his breath and came to the foot of the volcano to investigate the race he had always been curious about.

Listening to the snoring sound like thunder and lightning, and looking at the huge palace so tall that even a giant would feel empty, even if he hadn't seen the true face of that race, Huang Yu had guessed the owner of Throne Quan Village.

A veritable land overlord!

The super race with the same name as the dragon overlord in the sky, the overlord in the sea, the tidal giant and the Leviathan—the Titan!

Super races have always lived alone, with a strong sense of territory between individuals.

They usually only create some blood-born creatures, or enslave other races to serve themselves, and rarely live in the same territory for a long time with their fellow races.

At the time when the army of Shuaiyu invaded Bailong Lake, the white dragon enslaved many races, and there were also some powerful blood merchants and half-dragons to assist in the management.

In the Titan Palace in front of him, Huang Yu also found a creature called Titan Guard, patrolling inside and outside the Titan Palace.

The Half-Dragon and the Titan Guard are the extraordinary arms of the super race. Each of them is a warrior with spell-like abilities, and their strength is equivalent to the heroic arms of other races.

The Titan Throne in front of him is a Tier 4 lordship. Huang Yu can perceive the sleeping Titan in the palace as a Tier 5 Titan.

There are about four or five hundred guards in the Titan Palace.

Only the strength of the Titan Territory is the strongest one that Huang Yu has encountered except the orc coalition.

With such an overlord staying on the South China Sea Island, although the other five races have not been swallowed up, they must have been attached.

See the Titans ruling the entire South Sea Island.

Although the other five races are only third-order territories, if they are twisted into a rope, they are also behemoths on the Chaos Continent.

Even if it is the Universal Territory, if you don't send two well-established legions, you can't occupy the South China Sea Island like a destructive force...

The faceless barren wolf on the side, in the thunderous snoring, looked more and more uglier than the giant dragon, and the titan also had his own coercion.

Unlike Longwei's suppression of wild monsters, Titan's coercion is particularly effective against intelligent creatures.

Although Barbarian Wolf and Huang Yu were outside the Titan territory, the aftermath of the Titan's might still affected the low-strength Faceless.

Of course, this coercion was ineffective against Huang Yu.

"This is the first time I have encountered a Titan. I don't know what kind of Titan is in it."

The hidden Yang in Huang Yu's eyes revealed excitement.

Titans, like dragons, have clear species divisions, and the basis for the divisions comes from the abilities they master.

Titans with elemental abilities include Frost Titan, Thunder Titan, Storm Titan, Lava Titan, Mountain Titan, etc.

Titans with other abilities, there are golden titans with invincible defense, space titans with mastery of space and mysterious star titans, etc., and so on.

Seeing that the barren wolf beside him was already trembling, Huang Yu shook his head, put his hand on the barren wolf's head, activated the space anchor, and sent the barren wolf back to the territory first.

Then, with a flash, he appeared in the Titan Territory in the form of a dragon.

He wanted to play against this Titan to verify his strength after being promoted to Tier 5.

Since stepping into the fifth rank, this is Huang Yu's first magic dragon transformation.

At this time, after he turned into a dragon, his body length has reached more than 70 meters, and his wingspan is nearly 300 meters. He is a veritable behemoth.

Huang Yu did not hide his breath, and the terrifying coercion enveloped the entire Titan territory in an instant.

The huge shadow was cast down, covering the small half of the Titan Palace, and the turbulent aura shrouded the Titan territory, and the Titan guards with good strength felt that the world in front of them had dimmed.

At the moment Huang Yu appeared, the thunderous snoring of the Titan Palace stopped instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a thick white lightning fell out of nowhere and struck Huang Yu instantly.

However, although the lightning was tight in the chest, it did not cause any damage to Huang Yu. Three lightning strikes hit Huang Yu's body, and then spread to Huang Yu's body. Huang Yu only felt a tingling sensation, and there was no other discomfort. On the huge body, only a few areas had traces of electric focus.

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