world channel.

[Is Lord Saiyu poor and crazy? Rare grade central mount, dare to sell 80,000 soul crystals?

(It should be the wrong price, the price of goods in the Universal Store is usually much cheaper than that of the Chaos Mall. 】

[It must have been a mistake in the price tag, that product has disappeared, and it should have been taken off the shelf by the lord of the universe. 】

A small episode appeared in the trading platform Universal Store, which caused a small-scale central discussion on the World Channel.

Only a rare-grade mount, won the price of an excellent-grade commodity in the Universal Store, which made the human lord who always likes to guard the Universal Store to pick up leaks curious for a while. The discussion about this matter quickly subsided, and it didn't take long for it to be forgotten.

Many found out that the central lord didn't take it seriously at all.

In their eyes, this is just a mistake by the lord of the universe in the territory of the universe.

After sending the barren wolf away, it didn't take long for Huang Yu to receive a message.

[Lord Yan Xing paid 80,000 soul crystals to buy a rare-grade mount Wild Wolf! 】

After returning to the territory, Huang Yu first sent the "Cause and Effect" successful Yang Faceless [Cheetah] to the South China Sea, and let it sneak into the shell people's territory based on the "identity" information.

Afterwards, he contacted the faceless man [Stranger] who had the identity of the lord of the pavilion, and asked him to buy the faceless man [Wild Wolf] through the Universal Store.

Huang Yu wanted to use Lord Yan Xing's hand to insert a chess piece into the camp of the believers.

In the past two days of central observation, Huang Yu found that the Goya territory where the Faceless [Sister] was located was completely controlled by the agent.

Moreover, Goya's territory is very far from the universe territory, so far that Huang Yu can't even use the nuns to unite the anchor point.

And [Sister] Yang's strength is very poor, far less than [Stranger] [Ye Shi], a faceless person like Yang, even borrowing the identity of the militia Yang is extremely difficult, and it is impossible to infiltrate the believer's church in a short time.

The distance is too far for Huang Yu to intervene, and the spy's strength is too low to obtain useful information for a long time.

Therefore, Huang Yu intends to re-deploy the power of believers.

He intends to copy [The Stranger] to borrow the identity of the lord of Yan Xing as the central bank, and use the faceless [Wild Wolf] to control a territory again.

Let the faceless man [Wild Wolf] take the initiative to become a believer, support him powerfully, and it is best to mix into the alliance of the gods.

It also planned the central war zones of different churches, and marked the central lord forces in the region, in order to promote the alliance between the believers and lords, and establish a church state in various places in the Chaos Continent.

The believers internally plan the rise of the kingdom of God.

However, this information is only open to the members of the Central Committee of the Alliance of Gods. Those who know it have signed contracts. The details have not been leaked until now. Only some believers will occasionally mention Huang Yu's comments on the "God's Domain Co-Prosperity Plan" in the World Channel. "I'm very concerned, after all, even if Huang Yu relies on the Huanzi Alliance, he can't achieve this level.

After all, not all lords are willing to expose their central territory to the eyes of other lords.

Believers do not pay much attention to the location of the territory because of the constraints of the church.

If the central government can be united earlier, their central strength will be stronger.

So Huang Yu plans to personally support a believer and let him infiltrate the alliance of the gods to get some useful information for himself...

[Lord Lord, you gave me the central soul crystal and I have already purchased an extraordinary unit. 】

[Not long ago, a lord in the center of my friend list kept asking me for help again. I planned to hide the [Wild Wolf] in the support troops, and take this opportunity to send the [Wild Wolf] there. 】

[The human lord is called Murayama lord. He seems to hate you very much. He often encourages us to slander you in the world channel together. I think it is more suitable for the central candidate of this plan. 】

Yu is chatting privately with the faceless [Stranger].

Because of the status of the lord of [Stranger] Central, Huang Yu valued this faceless man very much, and sent a lot of supplies in the past two days.

In addition to a large number of soul crystals, there is also no universal logo central equipment, potions, skill scrolls, etc., to ensure that the [Stranger] Central Yanxing territory can successfully have a foothold in the pure mainland.

With the help of Huang Yuyang, [Stranger] has retrained the first extraordinary army in Yanxing territory.

It won't be long before you trust, and the territory of Yan Xing will become the top territory of the central human beings in the territory of ordinary members of the Universal Alliance.

After seeing the [Stranger] central plan, Huang Yu felt that the feasibility was very high.

But after seeing the lord of Yangcunshan who was familiar with him again, Huang Yu couldn't help but chuckle.

There are many people who do not deal with the central human lords with him, and there are also many who hate him, curse him, and slander his central human lords.

For example, [Stranger] borrowed Lynch, the lord of the Central Pavilion, who was once a member of the Central Committee of these people.

But among these people, there are very few people who can impress Huang Yu, and Lord Murayama happens to be one of them.

It's just that Huang Yu didn't expect that he hadn't heard of Murayama's lord for so long.

Using the Faceless to borrow the identity of an innocent human lord, Huang Yu, although he will not be unable to do it, he will not do it easily.

But if the target is the lord of Murayama who is at odds with himself and hates himself to the core, Huang Yu will never have any feeling of the central Think about it, Huang Yu will chat again Reply to [Stranger].

[Tell [Wild Wolf] that if he cannot directly borrow the identity of the lord of Murayama, let him temporarily hide in the territory of Murayama. 】

[If the Murayama Territory is not too far from the Universal Territory, I will personally go over and help him borrow the identity of the Murayama Lord. 】

[In addition, when it comes to the outside world, whether it is you or [Barren Wolf], you must show hostility to our central government, and at the same time strengthen contact with such people. 】

[The human side is your responsibility, and the believer side will be handed over to the wild wolf. 】

[At ordinary times, you must pay attention to hiding your identity. If you encounter difficulties that cannot be solved, please remember to contact me at any time. 】

When [Homeless] borrowed the identity center, Huang Yu found that when the faceless person borrowed the target identity, the worse the target's mental state, the easier it would be to succeed that human warrior. Instinct Yang resisted for a while, and was borrowed by the [homeless].

The strength of the lords is generally not weak, although most of them lack combat experience, but under the blessing of talent and abilities, they are stronger than ordinary heroes.

If the Faceless wants to borrow the identity of the lord, it is extremely difficult, and [Stranger] can succeed, in addition to the long-term layout, it also has a certain degree of contingency. The strength of the main body of [Wild Wolf] is even worse than that of [Stranger]. If you want to borrow the identity of the lord of Murayama, you need Huang Yuyang's help.

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