Sandra, the commander of the Second Army of the Amazon Legion, meets the Lord! "

In Jingbei City, among the Amazon female warriors, Sandra, who has the title of Thorn of Darkness, saw Huang Yu who suddenly appeared in front of her, and put the half blade that she subconsciously pulled back into the scabbard, and immediately greeted Huang Yu with a salute.

Huang Yu nodded, motioned for Sandra to get up, and then said:

"Is Ryana in town?"

Hearing Huang Yu's question, Sandra replied:

"The legionnaire is in the city. He should be planning a defensive building with Master Chunyu now. Would you like to ask her subordinates to call her over to see you?"

Huang Yu nodded, and after Sandra bowed, she backed away and went to find Ryan.

Yesterday the Amazon Legion had a crusade against the troll territory.

However, due to various reasons, they did not occupy the giant monster's territory. They just killed more than 2,000 giant monsters and returned to Jingbei City.

Perhaps it was the strength of the Amazon female legion that made the giant monster lords feel the pressure. Those giant monsters did not come to attack Jingbei City last night. Instead, they strengthened patrols around the territory and added a lot of defense facilities to the territory.

The giant monster lord spent a lot of money, and overnight, he built a rare-grade city wall in the core area of ​​the territory and raised it to the second rank.

Afterwards, I don't know what means to completely wrap the territory with dark energy.

The remaining more than 6,000 giant monsters, in that dark energy, can exert their peak combat power after nightfall.

After Huang Yu learned the news, he told Ruianna not to rush to attack the giant monster's territory, and waited for him to come over and then discuss the war matters.

The blue city ruins have been briefly cleaned up by construction workers and Amazon Legionnaires.

Huang Yu was standing at the place where the former castle of Canglan City was, with cracks and moss slate under his feet, surrounded by camps of the Amazon Legion and the architects and construction workers of the Engineering Department.

A little further away, you can see a brand-new Kunjinyan city wall, surrounded on all sides, almost completed.

Jingbei City is deep in the dense forest. The trees around the city are extremely thick and lush, and there are many big trees that rise above the city wall.

In addition, the land in this area is also slightly flat. The place where Jingbei City is located is already a high point, but neither of the two gentle slopes can be considered.

This is different from Universal City, Zhanyi City, and Rising Sun City.

After several days of development, the people who migrated from the land on the edge of Jingbei City to Jingbei City now lack a secondary fire to be activated.

Huang Yu looked at the secondary fire in his hand, and a message automatically popped up in his consciousness.

[Do you want to activate the sub-tinder here? 】

Seeing the information prompt, Huang Yu immediately chose yes.

The golden protective cover on the outer side of the secondary fire disappeared like a bubble, and a weak blue flame floated out of Huang Yu's hand, grew a little bit stronger in the wind, and landed in the area selected by Huang Yu.

Then, the sub-fire radiated a hazy golden light, covering the area of ​​100 meters,

The outlines of the wooden hut and thatched hut were solidified one after another in the golden light, and a simple stone platform appeared outside the wooden hut.

The fire has been upgraded to the fifth level, and the teleportation function has been opened, which can be teleported between sub-city.

Although Jingbei City's secondary fire is currently only Tier 1, teleportation can also be enabled, but there are only five teleportation places in total.

The name of the new branch city has already been set. Huang Yu changed "Huang Yu" (village) to "Jingbei" village on the sub-tinder information panel, and then immediately chose to upgrade the sub-tinder of Jingbei City.

[Will it consume 100 soul crystals, 1000 units of wood, and 500 units of stone to upgrade the secondary fire to Tier 2? 】

[Whether 1000 soul crystals are consumed,]

[Whether to consume]

After Huang Yu upgraded Jingbei City's secondary fire to second-order, he quickly upgraded it to third-order.

While waiting for the upgrade, Huang Yu went to Chaos Mall to buy a lot of basic resources, such as various minerals, grain seeds, and medicine seedlings.

In addition, Huang Yu also added 10,000 residents to Jingbei City, and took out the food and supplies he carried in his anchor space.

The administrative officer Jun, who had served as Shilin's assistant, was transferred to Jingbei City as the administrative officer of Jingbei City.

At this time, Jun was leading eight government officials and more than 30 security personnel to settle the surging population and take stock of the supplies brought by Huang Yu.

Jingbei City, which was originally cold and green, immediately became lively because of the appearance of these people.

"See Lord Lord!"

When the secondary fire was upgrading to Tier 3, Ryana came to Huang Yu's side.

She and a few Amazon female warriors took Chunyu to Jingbei City for a tour, and after hearing Huang Yu's arrival, they immediately returned to Jingbei City, wasting a bit of time in the middle.

Seeing Ryana, Huang Yu didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly:

"How are the soldiers preparing?

Hearing Huang Yu's question, Ruiana suddenly regained her vigor and replied with a sonorous force:

Fight for you anytime!

"Not bad!" Huang Yu's figure flashed, riding on the black-scaled leopard that Sandra carefully prepared, and said, "Then we will send troops now, and strive to occupy the giant demon territory before night falls."

Seeing that it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, it would be dark in another three hours.

And that giant monster territory has more than 6,000 giant monsters and is extremely powerful. Even if the Amazon army is dispatched, it must pay a heavy price to occupy the giant monster territory before night falls.

But after hearing Huang Yu's words, Ryana had no doubts.

Before, she could still feel Huang Yu's powerful breath, but now that Huang Yu was standing in front of her, she felt that Huang Yu was no different from ordinary people.

This shows that Huang Yu's strength has exceeded her cognition.

"As ordered!"

Ryana saluted and began to give orders to the officers of the Amazon Legion at all levels.

In the resounding sound of the horn, the Amazon female warriors and the Black Armor Gate Chapter quickly assembled.

Ryana left 800 Amazon female warriors named Heijiamen Chapter warriors, and "Mao" Jinmen to guard the North City.

Then he took more than 4,000 soldiers from the Amazon Legion and walked out of Jingbei City together with the "Yin" Jin Ren.

When the army assembled and set off, Jingbei City's secondary fire also successfully rose to the third tier. "In this case, it is good to upgrade Jingbei City to the fourth-tier territory."

Huang Yu now has no shortage of soul crystals and special building materials. After opening the sub-tinder interface, he immediately chose to upgrade it to a Tier 4 city.

[Please allocate the special building materials needed for the secondary fire upgrade...]

200 units of pure magic stone, 200 units of spiritual jade, 200 units of water marble, 200 units of nurturing…]

When Zhanyi City and Rising Sun City were upgraded to Tier 4 territories, the characteristics of the territories they obtained were very good. Huang Yu followed suit and made Jingbei City use the same special building materials.

One hundred thousand soul crystals and a large amount of materials disappeared from the warehouse, and the golden light emitted by the fire scattered away, covering the entire Jingbei City. The fourth city in the Universal Territory, at the beginning of its establishment, has risen to the fourth rank!

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