The area where Jingbei City is located has been ravaged by the undead for a period of time, and many territories and powerful monsters have been engulfed by the tide of the undead.

When the undead went north, the giant demon territory that survived by chance became the only overlord in this area.

There is no enemy harassment around the territory, the giant monsters ushered in a period of peaceful development, and all the surrounding resources are used arbitrarily for them.

A few swarms are not a threat to trolls, as they are more formidable than wild monsters at night.

Because few enemies can threaten the security of the giant monster's territory, the giant monster lord doesn't even want to waste soul crystals to build a city wall for the territory.

It was not until yesterday that an extraordinary human force suddenly attacked the giant monster's territory, and the giant monster lord realized that a human force had appeared around his territory.

Unprepared, more than 2,000 giant monsters were lost in the giant monster territory, and the giant monster lord, who felt pressure from the Amazon army, not only released all the dark energy stored in the icon, but also built a city wall overnight.

Because of the uniqueness of the mall and the upgrade mechanism of the city wall, as long as there are enough soul crystals, any lord can build a high-level wall in the territory in a very short period of time.

But even so, the giant monster lord has no sense of security.

As one of the giant monsters, one of the rare giants with mysterious spell-like abilities, the giant monster lord felt a sense of destruction from the human army.

It tries to find the source of destruction through its own racial abilities and psychic abilities, but only touches a layer of nothingness.

This made the giant monster lord uneasy, and he didn't even dare to send the giant monster out again.

Under this kind of unease, Huang Yu and his Amazon army finally welcomed Huang Yu and his Amazon army.

. . . . . .

"Lord Lord, the area in front of you that is shrouded in darkness is the giant monster's territory."

Huang Yuriana, Citeria and Melanipo walked out of the jungle one after another.

Because of the black-scaled leopards, iron-feathered griffins, and secluded star wolves, the time it took for the Amazons to reach the giant demon territory was just over half an hour.

The place where the giant monster's territory is located is deeper into the forest, and the vegetation here is extraordinarily lush.

Thick trees with a diameter of several meters can be seen everywhere, and the dense canopies are like canopies, interlocking layer by layer, and few light can penetrate their barriers.

It's just that in the periphery of the giant monster's territory, the trees have been cut down. After walking out of the jungle, Huang Yu saw the night soaked in sunlight.

This is an amazing imagination.

In the face of the unfavorable light of darkness, this time it was impossible to disperse that dark area.

Only the outline of the giant monster's territory and the swaying figure could be vaguely seen.

Because of Huang Yu's existence, the Amazon Legion walked out of the jungle without fear, and adjusted its formation outside the city wall in front of the giant monster's territory.

Huang Yu turned on Chaos Vision and looked towards the giant demon territory.

Even if there is a barrier of night, the giant demon territory has nothing to hide in Huang Yu's eyes.

Huang Yu could see the city walls shrouded in darkness, and the giant monsters were looking at the Amazon army solemnly, apparently waiting for a long time.

These giant monsters are tall and bloated, and only some heroic units have some muscle outlines on their bodies.

Their pale skin has some cyan in them, their bodies are hairless, their ears are small and sharp, only a few of them wear armor, and most of them hold heavy weapons.

Under the support of the night, the giant monsters showed an excited look. When they saw the human army walk out of the jungle, many giant monsters bared their teeth and roared, and the cyan liquid was flowing in their mouths, which looked a little disgusting.

Huang Yu observed for a while, then turned his head and asked Ryana:

"Ryanna, is the magic cannon ready?"

"If you're ready, start siege!"

The city wall of the Giant Monster Territory is only a second-order rare grade city wall, which can be easily blasted away with a magic cannon. In front of any legion in the Universe Territory, the existence of this city wall is of great significance.

It is a pity that the giant monster lord does not know this. In the subconsciousness of many races, the city wall is the best protection for the territory.

Ryana nodded, and ordered the Black Armormen Chapter warriors who controlled the magic gun to attack the giant demon territory.

Puff puff-

With a few soft sounds, the giant version of the explosion magic pill blasted out of the magic cannon and galloped away towards the giant demon territory.

However, the blasting magic pill, which used to attack aliens without any advantage, was blocked by an invisible force when it hadn't hit the city wall of the giant monster's territory.

Several explosive magic pills appeared in mid-air, and then stayed in the air for a while.

The magic pattern on the explosion magic pill flickered a few times, then quickly extinguished, and fell straight to the ground.


Huang Yu was taken aback.

The giant version of the explosion magic pill did not explode and became a dud. This is the first time this has happened since the magic pattern structure was developed.

In the giant monster's territory, is there a way to make the magic pattern structure invalid?

The magic weave configuration makes the unique armament of the universe. Huang Yu didn't think that the enemy would develop a restraint method, but he didn't expect to encounter it so quickly.

And it's still in an alien territory that has never dealt with.

"Ryanna, let the magic cannon attack again."

Huang Yu instructed Ryana, and then turned on Chaos Vision to search for the root cause of the failure of the magic weave structure.

Puff puff-

The magic cannon attacked again, and the explosion magic pill rushed to the front of the giant monster's territory in the blink of an eye, but the magic gun's attack this time was not focused on the city gate of the giant monster's territory, but was divided into three directions.

At the same time, an invisible energy impact instantly formed blocking the front of the giant monster's territory.


The two side-opening blasting magic pills successfully hit the city wall of the giant monster's territory. After the fire light subsided, there were two more huge pits on the city wall, and they were full of cracks.

If the same place is bombarded several times, this second-order rare grade city wall may collapse.

And the blasting magic pill that blasted towards the giant monster's territory lost its movement again.

The boiling energy inside was cooled by the impact, and the magic pattern that transmitted the energy was also damaged, like a short-circuited wire.

Huang Yu captured the source of the attack. There were several giant monsters with light blue energy in the chaotic vision. Soon, they launched an attack similar to a mental shock.

But just as he was about to start, one of those giant monsters suddenly burst into a dazzling blue light.

Three energy attacks suddenly enveloped the three magic cannons in the Amazon Legion.

Huang Yu used the ability of scalar manipulation to disperse two of them, but he was not able to save another magic gun in the future.


The magic pattern on the magic gun flashed a few times, and then burst out a few energy fireworks in the zizi sound, and then completely dimmed.

The psychic energy attack of that giant monster actually scrapped a magic gun!

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