The two soldiers of the Black Armored Sect who controlled the magic gun seemed a little helpless after the magic gun was destroyed.

Arcanist Lucida, who was arranged by Huang Yu to Jingbei City as a magic advisor in Jingbei City, was not too far from the magic gun, and he felt the spiritual energy immediately.

After stepping forward to observe, Lucida said with some amazement:

"Lord Lord, such a powerful spiritual energy, it can even interfere directly..."

"Do not!"

"It used a mental attack to directly cut off the solidification energy circuit of the magic gun!"

After sighing, Lucida shook her head and said in a tone of voice that the cabbage was arched by a pig:

"This kind of attack is too rough!"

"It's just tyranny!"

"If I have this level of mental power, I can instantly cast any kind of spell under the supernatural."

Huang Yu, who has chaotic vision, sees what just happened more clearly than Lucida.

Apart from dragons, titans and himself, it was the first time he had seen this level of spiritual energy.

If you use Chaos Drift directly on that giant monster, you might fail.

but. . . . . .

"When you are exposed to my sight, you can't run!"

Huang Yu looked at the giant monster with a unique shape.

Compared to the ordinary giant monster with a terrifying tonnage, this giant monster with extremely high mental strength is exceptionally coordinated.

His skin was like crystal sapphire, his muscles were clear, his ears were like a fairy, and his eyes were as pure as the sky.

If it wasn't for its sudden burst of powerful spiritual energy, Huang Yu might not have been able to notice it, which was blocking outside prying eyes with spiritual energy.

"No surprise, this is the giant monster lord!"

Huang Yu stared behind the giant monster lord, where an anchor was condensed.

At the moment when the anchor point was formed, the giant demon lord turned his head with a feeling, and then saw a human being slowly appearing behind him.

After seeing Huang Yu, the spiritual power that was powerful enough to directly affect reality conveyed an extremely strong sense of fear to the giant monster lord.

Its expression suddenly became hideous, and it subconsciously used the ability of its own spiritual giant to mobilize the surging spiritual power to attack Huang Yu.

Huang Yu felt a little dazed, and the immortal breath in his body surged instantly.

The surging mental power of the giant monster lord was like a wave of water hitting the reef, and it instantly shattered into waves.

"It's a pity to obliterate such a powerful individual with such powerful spiritual energy."

"This kind of special monster can cause devastating damage to the magic pattern structure. It is better to take it back and let the Crown of Mysteries and the Magic Pattern Research Institute study it."

"Maybe it can even promote the upgrade of the magic weave structure!"

The giant demon lord looked painful, his eyes were cloudy, and he was in the pain of mental backlash.

In this case, no matter how strong its spiritual power is, Huang Yu's chaotic drifting can wipe out its soul.

But this giant monster is too rare, and Huang Yu intends to keep it for his own use.

Huang Yu withdrew his hand and gave up using Chaos Drift to exile the giant monster lord.

Then, using the power of chaos and the hand of the soul, the giant monster lord fell into a stupor.

From Huang Yu's appearance in the giant monster's territory, to the time when the giant monster lord fainted, a second or so passed.

Surrounding the giant monster lord, the giant monster, who was forced to develop mental abilities by his ability, finally felt Huang Yu's arrival.

They turned their heads and saw that their lord was unable to kneel in front of another human being.


Hearing the noisy cries of the giant monsters, Huang Yu frowned and activated the power of time and space.

In the area of ​​more than 20 meters with Huang Yu as the center, space cracks appear and disappear from time to time.

Except for the giant monster lord, the other giant monsters just rushed into this area and instantly turned into pieces of meat.

Go, go, go. . . . . . .

The dense pieces of meat slammed on the ground, and the originally normal city towers instantly turned into a purgatory.

Huang Yu waved his hand and flew out of the attic with the unconscious giant monster lord, towards the central area of ​​the giant monster's territory.

Seeing that the lord was taken away by the human, the anger of the giant monsters temporarily suppressed the fear in their hearts, and they roared and attacked Huang Yu.

A large number of flying props and spell-like abilities flew towards Huang Yu, and the shining light even made the night light a bit.

The power of time and space!

Vector manipulation!

Hundreds of thousands of monsters' attacks are a bit difficult to control at one time, but if these targets are busy, it will be much easier for Topaz.

The power of time and space unfolded again, and in Huang Yu's senses, all flying attacks slowed down.

In the eyes of the giant monster and the Amazon Legion outside the city, Huang Yu just pushed outward at a very fast speed, and those flying attacks turned back.

Many giant monsters were shocked and could not dodge in time. They were hit by their own attacks and suffered heavy losses for a while.

With continuous use of god-level innate abilities, Huang Yu also felt a little tired. Looking at the giant monster below, Huang Yu entered the state of being a dragon.

The dragon with a wingspan of several hundred meters suddenly appeared in the sky above the giant monster's territory.

Not to mention the giant monster, even the people of the Amazon Legion were horrified when they saw the huge dragon spreading its wings in the night.

In Huang Yu's eyes, the tall giant demon has also become a weak bug.

Dragon Breath!

In the face of alien races, Huang Yu killed him without mercy, and he was a dragon's breath in the face of the giant monster's territory.

The giant pillar of flame pierced through the night, and after burning the giant monster below to ashes, it rolled around like lava, and easily melted through the city tower and city wall.

The wailing in the giant monster's territory is The lord was arrested, and there is an incompetent existence in the sky. All the giant monsters have lost their will to fight, and the entire giant monster's territory has been completely plunged into chaos.

Huang Yu was in no mood to kill those giant monsters one by one.

He has already eliminated the lord of the giant monster, penetrated the city wall of the giant monster, and killed a large number of monster elites surrounding the giant monster lord. The rest is left to the Amazon army led by Ryana.

And Ryana and others outside the city quickly recovered and led the Amazon legion to kill the giant demon territory.

The end of the war was determined before the war began. Even if the giant monsters died and gained a lot of experience points, the soldiers of the Amazon Legion were still a little boring.

Sure enough, as soon as the lord made his move, we could only play the rest. . . . . .

Gently vibrating his wings, Huang Yu came to the sky above the giant demon castle.

He transformed into a human form again and killed the rushing giant monster. Huang Yu smashed the gate of the giant monster's territory. In the lobby, he saw the lordship of the giant monster family - the giant monster icon!

The giant monster icon is actually a giant monster carved with special jade. Its shape is not like the ordinary giant monsters outside, but it is somewhat similar to the giant monster lord in Huang Yu's hands.

At this time, the giant monster icon is exuding rich dark energy in its open hands, and these dark energies are also the source of supporting the night of the giant monster's territory.

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