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Feast of the Night: The giant monster family is used to staying out at night. During the day, the left brain of the giant monster will enter a sleep state, and the body is controlled by the right brain and instinct. When night falls, the giant monster will wake up completely and show its powerful fighting ability.

Spiritual Giant Monster: A very special individual in the giant monster family, born with a huge spiritual power, with a variety of spiritual power attack methods, and a keen intuition about things about themselves.

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Space Apostle: The blood-born inheritance ability can distort, overlap, tear, and teleport the space in the target area.

Immortal Embrace: The blood descendant's ability to inherit, comprehensively improve Yuri's physique, and has a super self-healing ability. If Yuri activates the immortal blood in his body, he can have an immortal body.

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Spiritual Conception: Yuri's extraordinary talent ability awakened when he was promoted to Tier 4. Gather mental power, launch mental attacks, or create illusions and provoke emotions. If the target does not resist, the soul captured by the mental construct will be at the mercy of Yuri.

Soul Constraint: Yuri's perfect-grade talent ability awakened when he was promoted to Tier 3. Soul constraints can be imposed on targets with unequal mental strength, or on targets who voluntarily accept spiritual detection. The actual effect of soul conditioning is similar to a contract,

Spiritual Link: Yuri awakens excellent grade talent ability when he is promoted to the second rank. Ability to form a psychic connection with the target for information transfer and energy resonance.

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Power of blood: The ability of the vampire family to use special blood spells, which can only be used by vampires of the blood-born level.

The body of a vampire, the pain is weakened, the fatigue is not exhausted, and the self-healing ability is extremely strong.

Vampire Embrace: A racial ability that can only be mastered by the nobles of vampires, which can transform vampire blood servants and other races into vampires.

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Yuri's initial level was the fourth level, but after being transformed into a vampire by Huang Yu, the level did not drop, but increased.

This is not to say that Yuri's aptitude or strength is much stronger than Emile's.

But because Huang Yu has been promoted to the fifth rank, not only has his rank improved, but his own ability has also been greatly enhanced again.

At this time, the blood essence that Huang Yu condensed was much stronger than what he gave when he first embraced Aimier.

After being transformed into a vampire by Huang Yu, because of the particularity of that drop of blood essence, Yuri's mental power and the space-time talent inherited from Huang Yu have undergone a mutation, giving birth to the ability of a teleporter.

At first glance, Yuri's long-distance teleportation ability is much inferior to Huang Yu's, and the place Yuri wants to teleport must be something he can recall.

Yuri cannot teleport to places he has not seen before.

Compared with the space anchor that Huang Yu can teleport at a glance, Yuri's teleporter is more limited.

However, teleporters can enter the spiritual world of other creatures and affect them, which is very special, even Huang Yu can't do it.

The spiritual world and the material world are completely different concepts. Although Huang Yu's chaotic power and law talent has the ability to involve this part, Huang Yu currently has no means to intervene.

Needless to say, teleporters are a very powerful ability.

If it is rated by talent ability, the teleporter can be said to have touched the threshold of god-level talent.

In addition to the teleporter, Yuri also has two bloodline inheritance abilities.

Yuri did not fully inherit the power of time and space of Huang Yu, but only obtained the power of space, and like Emile's Son of Elements, it is a weakened version.

But to Huang Yu's surprise, Yuri also inherited part of Huang Yu's ability to immortal breath.

This ability type is the same type as Atreus, both are Immortal Embrace.

But perhaps Huang Yu's current level is relatively low, Yuri's Immortal Embrace is not as perverted as Atreus, but a comprehensive increase in physique and super self-healing ability.

Only after activating Immortal Blood can Yuri gain an undead body like Atreus.

In addition to the teleporter and the blood-born inheritance ability, Yuri's other abilities, like Emile, are divided into three systems.

The racial ability of the giant monster family, the racial ability of the vampire family, and the innate ability of advanced awakening.

And when Yuri was promoted to the fourth rank, he actually obtained an extraordinary-grade talent ability spiritual concept. It seems that after the undead receded, the giant monster gained a lot of benefits without a strong enemy. . . . . .

The induction between the blood descendants made Emile appear beside Huang Yu shortly after Yuri arrived in Huanyu City.

After saying hello to Huang Yu, Emile did not show a happy look when she saw her own kind, but showed some hostility.

The intuitive Yuri can naturally feel Emile's hostility, but his emotions have been cleared by Huang Yu along with his previous memories.

At this time, its memories and emotions are very simple, all centered on Huang Yu.

In Yuri's heart, it will not take the initiative to do things other than Huang Yu's orders.

Seeing Yuri's flat and indifferent expression, Emile took a step back and disappeared into Huang Yu's shadow.

In front of Huang Yu, it did not want to conflict with the other party.

And as a legal practitioner, Emile could feel the oppression brought about by the surging spiritual power of the other party.

Even if it does rush up, it is not necessarily an opponent.

Huang Yu was also aware of their emotions~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but did not want to intervene.

Holding the communication crystal, he was contacting the master of the Magic Weave Academy and Suad of the Crown of Mysteries.

The powerful mental energy can directly affect the energy operation of the magic weave structure, which is the first fatal weakness that the magic weave structure has exposed since its development.

If this weakness is not solved, all the magic texture constructions may be instantly scrapped when encountering enemies with strong mental power.

This kind of thing is completely unacceptable to Huang Yu.

Fortunately, there is now Yuri, an enhanced test subject, and it should not be too difficult for Yuri to cooperate with the magic pattern research institute to solve the problem of mental power destroying the magic pattern circuit.

As for why Suade of the Crown of Secrets was also called over, it was because Huang Yu wanted Yuri to learn arcane magic.

Yuri's abilities are strong in all aspects, but his attack methods are somewhat monotonous.

Huang Yu wanted to cultivate him into a highly mobile spellcaster, and Yuri's mental power, so powerful that arcanists would be jealous, was a powerful guarantee for this goal.

Yuri has the status of a lord, and he only needs a skill book to learn spells.

Whether it is a teleporter or a mental link, Yuri has the ability to transmit information with other targets.

This ability is used to learn knowledge and research, and the strength must be improved by leaps and bounds.

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