[Congratulations to Lord Kashde, Lord Kaguya, Lord Garro, Lord Blazing Sky, Lord Starscar for becoming the golden councilors of the Universal Alliance! Gold Councillors will receive the following benefits in the Oneworld Alliance. . . . . . 】

[Congratulations to Lord Haichen, Lord Bauhinia, Lord Zhongtian. . . . . . Ten lords became the Silver Councillors of the Oneworld Alliance. . . . . . 】

[The world alliance has now become a fifth-order alliance, and the lord teleportation function has been opened! 】

[In order to celebrate the fifth rank of the alliance, the world territory will give each Gold Councillor [Superior Grade Possessed Magic Pattern] once, and Silver Councillor [Rare Grade Possessed Magic Mark] twice. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

In the chaotic fantasy world, the Golden Council of the Oneworld Alliance convened again.

Nezel, Minister of Finance of the Universal Territory, stood at the top, summarizing and publicizing the matters after the alliance was upgraded.

This time, the Universal Territory took out possessed magic patterns worth three or four million soul crystals as a reward for the golden councilor and the silver councilor, which made ordinary members of the Universal Alliance envious.

Even Lord Jialuo, Lord Starscar and others were amazed at Huang Yu's generosity.

The soul crystals that Lord Huang Yu waved and scattered were equivalent to decomposing all the income of a Tier 4 alien territory, which made them not shocked.

Last night, after Huang Yu placed Yuri, he spent nearly ten million soul crystals to upgrade the alliance certificate to the fifth rank.

The One Universe Alliance was the latecomer, surpassing the Zhili Guild and the Alliance of the Gods in a short period of time, becoming the strongest alliance of human forces, and the World Channel also caused a stir because of this incident.

In particular, the functions opened after the alliance was upgraded to Tier 5, as well as the extraordinary, epic, and even legendary items with preferential prices in the Points Mall, made many human lords yearn for it.

Many human lords entrusted relationships, or gave gifts, and asked members of the alliance to intercede with Huang Yu and want to join the Universal Alliance, but they were all rejected by Huang Yu.

With the current strength of the Universal Territory, the need to support fifty top human lords has reached the upper limit.

If the number of members increases, it may affect the development of the universe itself, which will do more harm than good.

When the Universal Alliance was upgraded to Tier 5, the lord teleportation function that Huang Yu valued the most had been activated, and even the daily limit for the members of the alliance to ask for help had been increased to 500 extraordinary arms.

Even the members of the Universal Alliance are all top-notch human lords, there are many lords, and there are only 500 extraordinary arms in the territory.

This level of support has been able to meet their needs for a long time.

The Oneworld Alliance is on the right track. In the next time, Huang Yu does not plan to upgrade the Oneworld Alliance any more. He will focus on the entire Chaos Continent.

[This meeting is over, everyone can discuss with each other or leave by themselves. 】

After the introduction of the relevant content, Nezel announced the end of the meeting.

A small number of lords left one after another, and more lords gathered in groups in twos and threes to chat and communicate with each other.

But Lord Kashid and Lord Garo avoided the other lords and surrounded Huang Yu.

Perhaps it was the way Huang Yu brought Nezel to a meeting that inspired everyone, and Lord Gashid and Lord Jia Luo also each brought a political officer-type professional.

No one is perfect, and as a lord, it is impossible to cover everything. In some things, professional things still have to be done by professional people.

"The lord of the universe is the atmosphere, and the possessed magic patterns worth hundreds of thousands of dollars can be given. I can't wait to see the scenery of the universe."

The first to speak was Lord Blazing Sky, his tone was rough and bold, and he seemed to have a kind smile.

"The blazing lord is polite. If you are interested, you are welcome to visit the universe at any time."

Huang Yu replied politely.

He doesn't have any friendship with Seraph Lord, but Seraph Lord has spoken for him on the World Channel, so his senses are not bad.

"The lord of the universe, I have this intention."

As soon as Huang Yu finished speaking, Lord Hui Ye immediately answered and said:

"After Wu Guang came back, he was full of praise for the food in the universe. I have been yearning for it for a long time."

As Lord Chitian and Lord Kaguya spoke in succession, others also spoke to Huang Yu.

"Lord Universe, is your territory already Tier 5?"

"If we go, will the market of the world territory be open to us?"

"Can Universal Bank directly withdraw the Universal Currency from the account? This is much more convenient."

. . . . . .

Huang Yu is like a star holding the moon, surrounded by many lords to ask questions.

The lord teleportation was turned on, and what attracted Lord Kasted, Lord Kaguya and the others was not the request for help from the five hundred extraordinary arms, but the world territory full of legends since it came.

They also want to see what kind of place can create magical things such as magic texture construction and possessed magic texture. By the way, take a look at the gap between your own territory and the world territory.

And these lords are also very curious about Huang Yu.

Except for Lord Jialuo and Lord Kashid who signed a contract with Huang Yu, no one else knew Huang Yu's real name, let alone Huang Yu's appearance and strength.

In addition, the more than 20 dragon eggs that suddenly appeared in the Points Mall this morning also surprised all the lords.

That is the dragon egg of the super race giant dragon family!

Although there is the possibility of hatching failure, it is also something that can be encountered and unattainable.

After all, dragons are super races. Although UU read www.uukanshu.com, like Titans, they live alone, but their individual strengths are far from being viewed in terms of rank.

Sometimes, in front of this flying super race, the number is not easy to use.

Although the lords in the universe are the most outstanding part of the human lords, most of them do not have the strength to fight against a fourth-order dragon.

Even Lord Kashid, Lord Kaguya and others, after encountering the giant dragon, can only repel the giant dragon instead of killing it.

After all, at this stage, not every lord can have the exaggerated air power of the universe.

Humans who are accustomed to ground combat, want to kill the air overlord dragon, the difficulty is not ordinary.

Even if they were lucky enough to kill a dragon, the lords would most likely choose to disintegrate rather than devour it.

After all, dragons like to absorb other races as vassals. Decomposing a dragon's territory is equivalent to decomposing the territories of several different races.

Except for Huang Yu, other human beings cannot buy the goods of the dragon clan through the Chaos Mall.

Even if a territory has only one dragon, it can have a great advantage in aerial combat.

So when Huang Yu put the more than 20 dragon eggs in the points mall, it didn't take long for the lords to get them all, and the lord Gashide bought six as soon as he made a move!

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