Huang Yu dived rapidly in the sea, thanks to the body after the transformation of the moss dragon, the deep water pressure and water breathing could not trouble him.

This is Huang Yu's first time into the sea, and with the blessing of the void plundering talent, Huang Yu only felt a little sluggish when he entered the sea, and then quickly adapted to the sea action.

His long, large tail, and every swing of his sturdy flippers allowed him to dive to depths of hundreds of meters in an instant.

The terrifying coercion exuded from the whole body also caused the sea monsters in this sea to flee wildly around.

As the depth of the dive increased, the light in the sea became almost non-existent, and what Huang Yu could see was pitch black on Thursday.

However, after turning on Chaos Vision, dim light is no longer a problem.

Soon, a light appeared in Huang Yu's sight.

Marine life swimming in groups, marine plants rooted in rocks, sand, and beautiful coral reefs rising like hills.

And the murloc territory was hidden in the forests formed by those coral reefs.

The three pairs of magic eyes were like huge lanterns, emitting a scarlet shimmer, illuminating Huang Yu's ferocious face after transforming into a dragon.

Huang Yu unscrupulously released his breath, and the murloc territory below him had already noticed the arrival of this behemoth.

These murlocs are covered with bright silver fine scales, their mouths are full of sharp fangs, their slightly bowed bodies are fusiform, their dorsal fins grow from the back of their heads to the end of their tails, and although their limbs are short, they can use weapons.

It's just that their weapons are very simple. Most of them are composed of sea beast bones, teeth, as well as some shellfish and reefs. Huang Yu rarely sees murlocs holding weapons made of metal.

Huang Yu briefly checked the information of these murlocs.

【Mackerel Man】

[Race Level: Normal]

[Sovereign Authority: Trident]

[Introduction: A branch of the murlocs, one of the more common species in the murlocs, likes to migrating and hunting in the sea in groups, but usually does not trade to unfamiliar seas. . . . . . 】

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When Huang Yu planned to attack the Southern Sea Clan, he found that the location of these murloc territories was somewhat different from the location of the sand table he had made before.

When he saw the trident, the lord of the murlocs, Huang Yu guessed that the murlocs might be nomads in the sea, just like the orcs on the mainland.

In other words, they do not have a fixed territory. If they want to obtain soul crystals by decomposing their lordship, the benefits are not high.

Now seeing these murlocs and getting their basic information, Huang Yu's guess has been confirmed.

But come here, no matter how small mosquitoes are, they are still meat.

Moreover, ordinary sea clans like mackerel people dare not gallop freely in the sea.

Before they are fully developed, they still need a base camp as a support to deal with the large number of sea monsters in the sea and the attacks of other sea clans.

Those coral reefs are their defense facilities, and there are also some buildings and resources in them. After decomposition, they will not only gain the soul crystal of lordship like the orcs.

For Huang Yu, there is still oil and water to catch.

After all, destroying a third-order murloc territory with more than 2,000 murloc warriors was just a matter of convenience for Huang Yu.

Under the terrified eyes of the murlocs, Huang Yu plunged directly into the center of the murloc base camp and smashed the tall coral reef that guarded the murloc palace.

The fishman didn't know how he was targeted by this giant beast. When he felt Huang Yu's coercion, he was already in fear, and the entire territory was also very chaotic.

However, when they saw Huang Yu breaking through the coral reef protecting the lord's palace, these murlocs still mustered up their courage and rushed towards Huang Yu frantically with the weapons in their hands.

At the same time, a mackerel man with a height of more than two meters, also carrying a trident made of unknown metal, rushed out of the palace composed of sea beast bones and shellfish such as barnacles .

Earth, wind, water, fire, in the deep sea, what kind of energy is the most concentrated?

Huang Yu mobilized the power of element domination, and only felt that the sea water within a few kilometers was under his control.

In this area, all water elements are under his control.

As his thoughts moved, a thick waterspout formed in an instant around him, and more than 2,000 mackerel people were involved in the waterspout.

These mackerel people struggled hard, but found that the sea water around them was like glue, wrapping them tightly, and they couldn't get out of it.

At the same time, many ice blades gradually appeared in the waterspout.

These ice blades carry a cold air, and in the high-speed rotating water flow, they become a weapon for killing people.

The mackerel who was involved in the waterspout seemed to be poured into the meat grinder, and was chopped into pieces by the ice blade not long after.

A snowflake bloomed in the waterspout, and was diluted by the water in an instant.

The waterspout that surrounded Huang Yu and the mackerel's territory turned into a blood-colored tornado in just a few seconds.

The smell of blood quickly spread around, and the sea monsters became excited one after another, wandering in the mackerel territory and far away, but due to Huang Yu's coercion, they did not dare to come over easily.

Only after Huang Yu left would they have a chance to enjoy this pie-like feast from the sky.


Seeing that most of his subordinates died tragically in an instant, the mackerel lord let out a strange roar, raised the trident in his hand and slammed into Haiti.


Accompanied by a soft sound, the energy spreads around like ripples.

In Huang Yu's perception an unknown force began to compete with himself for the control of the water flow in this sea area.

At the same time, the whirling waterspout also slowed down, and many mackerel people who were lucky enough to survive escaped from the waterspout, looking at the behemoth standing in the territory in horror and despair.

"The power of water control brought about by the authority of the lord?"

"It's far from the ability to suppress the flow of water with the Law of Elements!"

"After all, I am... the master of all elements!"

Huang Yu was a little more serious, and dismissed the waterspout mixed with ice blades, closed his eyes, and spread out his flippers.

In the eyes of all the mackerel people, the sea water that had just been turned upside down by the waterspout suddenly stopped for a moment.

Many murlocs wanted to use this to get close to Huang Yu, but found that they struggled very hard to swim, struggling for a long time but couldn't move very far.

Seeing Huang Yu's actions, the mackerel lord felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and let the trident take him to fly towards Huang Yu.

at this time.

Huang Yu suddenly opened his eyes.

At the same time, all the mackerel people felt that the nearby sea water was squeezing them desperately.

For a time, including the mackerel lord holding a trident, all creatures in this sea area were unable to move.

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