The mackerel lord only felt that it was difficult for him to breathe, and the internal organs of the body began to squeeze together with an invisible force, and the bones of the body made a creaking sound, which was extremely painful.

It's all like this, and other mackerel people are naturally even more difficult.

The weak mackerel's body has been deformed, and he began to vomit blood, and the spouted blood was mixed with fragments of internal organs.

Most of the mackerel people had hideous faces and bulging eyes, as if they were about to be squeezed out.

Only a few of the mackerel hero units are still holding on.

It's just that when this terrifying pressure is removed, it is unknown whether they still have the ability to act.

The mackerel lord looked at Huang Yu, who was dozens of meters away, and a sense of absurdity rose in his heart.

As a member of the sea race, they died because of water pressure.

Huang Yu wiggled his giant tail gently, and his huge body slowly floated in front of the mackerel lord.

An ice blade condensed out of thin air and flashed past, separating the head of the mackerel lord.

【Ding! 】

[The lord kills the alien lord - the mackerel lord. 】

[The lord has gained 76,200 experience points and 56,300 soul crystals! 】

[Plundering the innate ability of the mackerel man—the essence of water. 】

. . . . . .

Sea races, not only do their territories develop more slowly than land races, but even their lords are inferior in strength.

The level of this mackerel lord is only lv28, and he has not yet touched the threshold of the fourth rank. In front of Huang Yu, he is as weak as an ant.

Huang Yu glanced at the ability of the void to plunder.

[Talent: Essence of Water]

[Grade: Rare]

[Introduction: It can condense pure water element energy. It can be added when releasing water element spells to enhance the power of spells. It can also directly use the condensed water essence to heal injuries or strengthen physique. . . . . . 】

. . . . . .

The third-order mackerel lord, the most useful ability, is only a rare-grade talent ability.

As an ordinary race of the murlocs, the mackerel's own genetic talent may not be as good as some sea beasts.

But Huang Yu didn't expect that the most valuable talent ability obtained by this guy after upgrading to Tier 3 was only a rare grade.

"If this race appears on the mainland, even if it is not destroyed by other races, it will be swallowed by the beast tide."

"The sea is dangerous, but only for the land races."

"Its complex terrain always allows the race of mackerel people to survive in the cracks."

Huang Yu shook his head and stretched out his hand to summon the trident.

The whole body of this trident is silver-white, and the handle of the halberd has fine lines like fish scales. At the connection of the three forks of the halberd head, there is a protrusion that resembles a mackerel man.

[Discover the lordship of the mackerel people - the trident! 】

[Current status: no owner. 】

【Is it occupied? 】



【Please choose the occupation method! 】


"break down!"

Huang Yu immediately chose to occupy the occupation, and then chose to decompose in the occupation method.

Although the fire has not swallowed the lordship of the murlocs, Huang Yu is not in a hurry.

He came here to get enough soul crystals to buy the legendary Dragon Valley building. There are still some things in the mackerel territory, and there are still hundreds of thousands of soul crystals after decomposition.

Unlock the merchandise of the murlocs in the Chaos Mall, and there is no rush at this time.

After all, there are only five murloc territories left in the South China Sea.

Among the five murloc territories, there is even a second-order one. For Huang Yu, it is a meal on a plate. Next, they will be cleaned up one by one. Even the nomads in the sea, don't even think about running away from him.

[Decomposition is in progress. . . . . . 】

[All the building units in the mackerel territory have been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 84200 soul crystals! 】

[All fixed resources in the mackerel territory have been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 50,200 soul crystals! 】

[The authority of the third-order lord of the mackerel territory has been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 100,000 soul crystals! 】

【The decomposition is complete! 】

. . . . . .

"not bad."

"Including the soul crystals obtained by killing the mackerel lord, there are nearly 300,000 soul crystals."

"If you count the soul crystals that killed miscellaneous soldiers, there are more than 400,000, which is a worthwhile trip."

Huang Yu is quite satisfied with this harvest. After all, he didn't spend a single soldier or one soldier. In less than an hour, he got more than 400,000 yuan, and the efficiency is not bad.

"Next, let's use that Beiren clan territory!"

Turning on Chaos Vision, Huang Yu could see a sphere-shaped lordship more than 20 kilometers away to the southwest.

After the investigation of the Faceless [Cheetah] and the Deep Tide Knight, there is a Beiren territory there.

However, just as Huang Yu was about to leave, he sensed that many beings suddenly appeared in this sea area.

After careful investigation, Huang Yu discovered that the visitor was the Knights of the Deep Tide led by Asimiya.

"It's a bit slow!"

"The battle on my side is over for a long time."

Huang Yu looked at the devastated mackerel territory.

After he dismantled the trident of the mackerel, the remaining mackerel, as long as they could move, had already abandoned this place and became homeless.

But the good thing is that the decomposed buildings and fixed resources will disappear directly, and some gems, materials and other items will be sunk on the seabed at will, and it is more convenient to pack up.

"It seems that after swallowing the authority of the sea clan lord, it is necessary to prepare a sea mount for the knights of the deep tide."

While thinking about it, Huang Yu waited for the arrival of the Deep Tide Knight.

Fortunately, Asimia and the Deep Tide Knights did not come slowly. The shock wave technology they mastered not only enabled them to move quickly and flexibly in the sea, but also obtained some oxygen and extended the time of water activities.

In addition, training shock waves will also adjust and increase the body of the deep tide knights, so that they can adapt to higher water pressure.

That's why they are known as the arms that are best at deep-water combat among the human arms.

When Huang Yu raised his head, he saw hundreds of deep-tide knights shuttle through the water like swimming fish.

Occasionally, their palms and soles vibrate, bringing out a series of blisters that propel them forward.

They wore all kinds of underwater equipment, many of them held a long-range attack weapon similar to a spear gun, and some held conventional weapons such as spears and blades.

In the center of the line is another person holding a special kind of searchlight.

This is a rare-grade magic weave structure made by the Magic Weave Research Institute using light energy crystals and adamantine. It can illuminate the area within a kilometer underwater, and can also be used as an offensive weapon in special cases.

But even so, Huang Yu can still feel the gap in some details when humans and sea clan are active in the sea.

When the searchlight found out Huang Yu's figure, the knights of the deep tide panicked a little.

After all, a ferocious beast with three pairs of blood eyes and a body of more than 100 meters suddenly appeared, and it was considered a good psychological quality not to be startled.

However, after feeling the breath of Huang Yu, Asimia immediately swam over with the knights of the deep tide.

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