"Lord Lord?"

Asimiya controlled the water flow, floated in front of Huang Yu, and asked a tentative question.

Her outfit at this time is a bit like the frogman on Blue Star, but she doesn't have too much bloated equipment on her body.

Except for the eyes, the rest of the body is tightly wrapped by the perfect set of equipment, and the nose, mouth, ears and other parts are also tightly wrapped, including special functional devices such as filtering air and relieving water pressure.

The special device of the throat can also transmit and amplify the sound according to the vibration of the throat, so that the deep tide knight can conduct relatively complex underwater communication.

After the magic tide in the South China Sea, Huang Yu asked the Magic Pattern Research Institute to speed up the research on marine mobile equipment.

The small objects on Asimiya's body are all recent products of the Magic Weave Research Institute.

Yesterday, the Magic Pattern Research Institute came up with a finished product, which is goggles with underwater detection function and dark vision function. Now the relevant tests have been passed, but it has not yet been mass-produced.

However, compared to the research and development of other legion-standard equipment, the research and development of the equipment required by the Knights of the Deep Tide is still slower.

After all, the deep sea is also a field that has never been involved in the Magic Pattern Research Institute.

"Asimia, I'll leave it to you to clean up here."

"The next thing I'm going to is the Beiren Territory No. 3. Come here when you're done."

Huang Yu gave Asimiya a command, and then floated up from the deep sea with a long tail.

Using the ability of the element master, he sensed the sea beast wandering several kilometers away, and immediately opened his mouth and roared.


The long and clear roar spread to the distance, and the ice crystal spears condensed outside the mackerel territory, and then blasted away.

These ice spears were extremely fast, and under the control of Huang Yu's elemental mastery ability, they seemed to have grown eyes, killing many sea beasts surrounding them.

Under the threat of the roar and the ice spear, those sea beasts fled immediately, and they should not dare to come back to the mackerel territory in a short time.

Huang Yu nodded at Asimiya, his long tail and flippers swept away, and his huge body swept away like a cannonball.

When the Deep Tide Knights stabilized their bodies and looked back, Huang Yu had completely disappeared from their sight.

"The Lord's strength is real... terrifying!"

Asimia sighed sincerely, then looked down at the mackerel territory below.

After Huang Yu's rampage, the mackerel's territory has long been destroyed. Various items are scattered on the seabed along with the mackerel's body. The mackerel who was injured and unable to escape hid in the coral reef, with frightened eyes. And looked at the Deep Tide Knight in despair.

"Following the lord to go out for the first time, I just came to clean the battlefield."

"The strength of the Knights of the Deep Tide needs to be improved urgently!"

After a moment of emotion, Asimia organized the knights of the deep tide to hunt down the remaining mackerel people and collect the materials scattered in the mackerel people's territory.

However, there are not many valuable ones. The deep tide knights don't like the weapons used by the mackerel people at all. The most valuable thing present is only a set of excellent grade armor on the mackerel lord.

"Thanks to me, I also pulled out all five battleships."

"It would be a shame to bring back five boats of garbage."

Asimia shuttled back and forth among the coral reefs, and the long and thin blade in her hand burst out from time to time, killing a mackerel who had no time to escape.

Looking back and looking at the situation around, seeing that the battlefield was almost sorted out, he left a hundred deep tide knights to salvage supplies, opened the battleship, and swam directly to the Beiren territory with the remaining deep tide knights.

This time, we must go faster, otherwise the lords will eat meat, and they will not be able to drink soup...

On the other hand, it didn't take long for Huang Yu to arrive at the Beiren tribe.

The shellfish here are salamanders, with a rickety body carrying a spiral shell.

The shell is larger than their body, with various colored patterns on it, it is very thick, and it seems that the defense power should not be weak.

And with such a heavy shell on his back, the salamander man is not slow to move on the seabed.

Different from the murlocs, the lordship of the Bei people is a huge pearl with a diameter of half a meter, which is inlaid on a spiral reef building.

This pearl exudes a hazy light, stirring up energy, forming a huge translucent shield around the outer shell of the Beiren.

Unlike the murlocs, the Beren's territory is fixed and cannot be moved.

And there is a protective cover to protect, ordinary sea beasts and enemies can't invade their territory, and the Bei people live relatively comfortably.

Not only do they have minerals and buildings in their territories, they also grow some seabed plants and materials. They have thick carapaces for protection, and they don't have a high demand for equipment.

Even the vast majority of salamanders can attack by manipulating water flow through shell structures, as well as tentacles and mouthparts, similar to water-based spell-like abilities.

Before arriving at the salamander territory, Huang Yu saw from a distance that a heroic unit of the salamander used a shell to launch a high-pressure rotating current, which easily destroyed a coral reef~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Killed a third-order sea beast hidden in it.

"The trident of the murlocs can drive the sea, and the pearls of the shells can release the shield."

"The lordship authority of the vast majority of races on the land also has its own magical effect."

"The dwarves' ground fire furnace can be used to forge equipment and supply energy to the territory."

"The icon of the giant monster can store dark energy and form a night when necessary, so that all the giant monsters have the peak combat power."

"In this comparison, the lordship of human beings seems to be a bit ordinary."

So far, Huang Yu has not found any special functions of the fire, not even the heating function.

Because the blue fire has no actual temperature, even if he uses chaotic vision, Huang Yu only sees a complex energy body.

This makes the basic race value only rank among ordinary human beings, and it is more difficult to live on the Chaos Continent.

A giant beast with a length of 100 meters suddenly appeared outside the territory, looking down at the entire Salamander territory.

Like the mackerel people, the salamander people immediately fell into fear.

The huge size also represents strength, which is an existence that Salamanders with an average height of less than one meter cannot look up to.

Like the mackerel, they also belong to the common race. If there are high-level races or even intermediate races near the territory, they may all turn to each other and become the other's vassal race.

Seeing Huang Yu at this time, he didn't even have the courage to fight back, so he could only pray in his heart, hoping that the giant beasts in front of him would not look down on their hard-shelled food with little teeth.

At the same time, it is hoped that the protective cover of the sea pearl can resist the attack of the giant beast.


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