However, in the terrified eyes of Salamander, Huang Yu still shot.

He swung his thick and long giant tail, and slapped the protective cover of the sea pearl fiercely.

The terrifying giant force pressed the translucent protective cover into a shocking pit, which made everyone who looked up at the salamander feel cold.

Especially the salamander lord.

When Huang Yu first appeared, it put all the energy orbs produced in the territory into sea-avoiding pearls to enhance the strength of the sea-avoiding pearl shield.

But almost all the territory was exhausted, but only barely stopped the behemoth with a random blow.

Now the Pearl of Sea Avoidance has issued a warning to it, that huge force has reached the limit that the protective cover can support.

If it happens again, the shield will definitely be breached.


"Don't let him invade the territory!"

"Don't be afraid, come with me!"

The salamander lord swam out of his castle, let out a roar, and organized all salamander warriors in the territory to attack Huang Yu.

At the moment of life and death in the territory, all the salamanders braved their inner fears and summoned the courage to launch their most powerful moves against Huang Yu.

Dense high-pressure water currents, air bubbles, and water blades flew towards Huang Yu.

These attacks rushed through the protective shield without any hindrance, and smashed all of them on Huang Yu.

However, when the turbulent waters gradually calmed down, the salamander people found desperately that the giant beast didn't even shake its body, and still watched them with interest.

"Interesting, this protective cover is a bit similar to the protective cover before the assessment."

"The enemy and the enemy's attack cannot pass through the shield, and they can enter and attack at will."

"It's just that this kind of strength is not enough."

Huang Yu just made this attack, but he didn't even use 30% of his strength.

Void has plundered many races such as dragons, flame demons, giants, elephants, etc. What level of superposition of his power is, even Huang Yu himself does not know.

However, even if it is the Titan of the overlord on the ground, Huang Yu has the confidence to fight against it, and even thinks that he can win again in terms of strength.

"It doesn't matter, earning soul crystals is more important, and I will study it later."

Huang Yu calculated the time and felt a little urgent, so he did not intend to explore the mysteries of these sea races.

After the giant tail turned, it slashed out again, and the protective cover that the salamanders depended on for survival no longer had any defensive ability, and it shattered into several pieces and disappeared into the sea water.

Seeing that the protective cover was broken, the Salamanders rushed towards Huang Yu like crazy under the leadership of their lord.

Huang Yu opened his huge mouth, and after a short brewing, he spit out a breath of lightning dragon.

What is the most lethal attack method for sea creatures?

There is sea water conduction, and the power of the lightning dragon breath has been increased to an extremely terrifying level.

The dazzling electric light burst out suddenly, covering the entire salamander territory in an instant, and then spreading out a lot of distance.

The salamanders rushing towards Huang Yu are powerless to fall. Their thick shells can resist the weapons of other races, and can resist the claws and teeth of ferocious sea beasts, but they cannot resist the lightning dragon breath mixed with elemental energy.

With the protection of shells, the salamanders may be able to resist the huge sea pressure, the high-speed rotating currents and ice blades, but they cannot isolate the damage caused by the current.

Huang Yu's dragon breath is simply the biggest nemesis and natural disaster for the Salamanders.

Two or three thousand salamanders swam, accompanied by flashes of electric light, but only less than one-third of the salamanders could still swim, and the other salamanders fell into the seabed one after another.

Along the way, some sea beasts outside the territory of the Salamanders also suffered, rolled their eyes and floated to the surface.

Even Huang Yu himself felt a slight numbness.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's illegal to put electric fish on Blue Star."

"My dragon breath is enough for me to sit through the prison."

Huang Yu ridiculed himself for a few words, then he swung the giant tail, like a no-man's land, rushed away from the salamander who was seriously injured by the electric shock, and grabbed the lord of the salamander.


With a little force, Lord Salamander's thick shells and his internal organs turned into mud, and he died.


[The lord kills the lord of the family - the lord of the Salamanders. 】

[The lord has gained 65345 experience points and 42410 soul crystals! 】

[Plundering the genetic ability of the salamander man - the water echoes! 】

. . . . . .

This salamander lord is not even as good as the mackerel lord, not only does he give less experience and soul crystals, but his most valuable ability is his genetic ability.

Huang Yu glanced at the introduction of the ability of the water echo.

This is the ability to use its own structure to control the flow of water, release high-pressure water and powerful water blades.

At the same time, this structure also has a sonar-like function, which can help salamanders perceive nearby structures and creatures.

After the lord of the Salamanders died, the remaining Salamanders lost their will to fight and began to flee away from Huang Yu.

Huang Yu stretched out his hand, and several structures resembling salamander shells appeared in his palm.

The surrounding sea water poured in, and after a while, it erupted violently.

Several streams of water intertwined and spewed out spirally, like a fast-rotating drill.

After smashing a few salamanders into pieces, he still had enough energy to run into the distance, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

"The power is average, but it can be used as a structure to accelerate and quickly adjust the direction in the water."

Huang Yu released the water echo behind him, but he did not resist, and was pushed back by the water to the Salamander's castle.

For the first time, Huang Yu is not very familiar with it.

When the slender flippers were swaying to maintain balance, they accidentally smashed the main fortress of Salamanders, and the half-meter-diameter sea-avoiding pearl also fell into the ruins of the main fortress.

In front of Huang Yu, the pearl was the size of a grain of rice, and Huang Yu drove the sea to bring it to him.

In the information prompt that popped out, Huang Yu chose to occupy it, and in the information prompt that popped out immediately, he chose to decompose it.

[Decomposition is in progress. . . . . . 】

[All building units in the Salamander territory have been The lord has obtained 215,600 soul crystals! 】

【. . . . . . All fixed resources. . . . . . 244200 Soul Crystal! 】

[The authority of the third-order lord of the Salamander Territory has been decomposed, and the lord has obtained 100,000 soul crystals! 】

【The decomposition is complete! 】

. . . . . .

"At this stage, except for orcs, any third-order alien territory on the land can be decomposed, and hundreds of thousands or even millions of soul crystals can be obtained."

"After this salamander territory was decomposed, there were only 500,000 soul crystals."

"Counting the soul crystals that killed the Salamander lord and Salamander warrior, it's less than 700,000."

Huang Yu shook his head silently.

The development of these low-race sea races is too slow.

The complex environment in the sea allows them to survive, but it also affects their development.

"Since the quality is not enough, let's make up the quantity."

"Calculate the time, it is enough for me to destroy three or four sea clans."

Huang Yu made a threatening roar again, so that the nearby sea beasts dared not approach here, giving the Deep Tide Knight time to clean the battlefield.

Then the giant tail swung and galloped towards the next alien territory.

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