The hatred for a person will always rise to the point where it cannot be added due to various reasons.

The friendship at the beginning of time travel was just the seed of Murayama's hatred for Huang Yu.

What makes this hatred continue to grow is Huang Yu's detached status among the human lords, and the endless good things in his hands.

Obviously on the same starting line, why is it that my village, Yangtai, is struggling with life and death, while the lord of the universe can look down on the heroes and treat other lords as nothing.

Where am I not doing enough?

How could he, the lord of the universe, be better than me?

After fighting with the orcs for a few days, Murayama Yangtai's spiritual will has reached its limit, and the title of the universe lord has become the fuse that triggers his inner tyranny.

So after learning Huang Yu's identity, Murayama Yangtai didn't think about why Huang Yu appeared here, why the extraordinary soldier was out of his control, and he didn't even think about whether he would be Huang Yu's opponent. The demon attacked Huang Yu.

"There's really nothing to talk about between us."

Murayama Yangtai didn't say anything and launched an attack directly, which really surprised Huang Yu.

But the other party's heart felt like real hatred, which also made Huang Yu understand that there was absolutely no need for nonsense towards the enemy.

Watching Murayama lord rushing towards him, Huang Yu was in the palm of his hand, grabbing with five fingers.

The power of time and space surged, and Murayama Yangtai stopped suddenly, and was fixed in the air like a sculpture.

Time and space stand still!

One of the basic uses of the power of time and space, which can thicken the space of the target area, reduce the scope and even freeze that part of the space, is a space-time control skill explored by Huang Yu.

It's just that the target controlled by the stagnation of time and space can still feel the passage of time and retain its own consciousness, which is not the same as the acceleration and stillness of time.

Looking at Huang Yu several meters away, Murayama Yangtai struggled hard, but found that his body seemed to be frozen in ice, and his whole body was locked in the body by an invisible force, unable to move a finger.

After struggling for a while and realizing that he couldn't do anything, Murayama Yangtai regained some sanity and began to think about his own situation.

His level has also been raised to the fourth level, but in front of Huang Yu, he has no power to fight back. The strength gap between the two sides is like a moat.

Although I don't know how the lord of the universe sneaked into his territory and the fire hall, Murayama Yangta knew that there must be no good things.

He hated Huang Yu in his heart, but he didn't think that Huang Yu would come over to seek revenge for the friction when he came.

His own territory has just been in disaster, and it is not attractive to the lord of the universe.

The other party came to the door, just want to use himself to do something.

The pressure of death overcame the tyranny in Murayama Yangtai's heart, allowing him to quickly return to his senses.

"Lord of the Universe, what I just did was a post-war stress response, and I didn't have the idea of ​​being your enemy!"

"What do you want me to do, I promise you everything, even if I dedicate the territory to you, I am willing."

"Just please let me go. We are human beings. We don't need you to live or die, do we?"

. . . . . .

Listening to Murayama Yangtai's words, Huang Yu chuckled and said:

"I really don't need to kill you, I just want to borrow something from you."

Hearing Huang Yu's words, Murayama Yangtai smiled and said immediately:

"I'll give you anything you want."

At the same time, think about what you have in yourself that is worthy of the other person's fancy.

After all, the lord of the universe throws a lot of items on the trading platform every day, and it can be said that there is no shortage of anything.

And the most valuable thing in his hand is a magic cannon bought from Chaos Mall.

Although he hated Huang Yu in his heart, at the recommendation of others, Murayama Yangtai bought a magic gun and found that it was really easy to use. . . . . .

But Huang Yu's purpose is definitely not this. . . . . .

Murayama Yang Taiqiang endured his anger, showed a flattering look to Huang Yu, and looked at Huang Yu expectantly.

"Hehe... What I want is your identity."


Murayama Yangtai was stunned for a while, but Huang Yu's sneer let him know that this was not a good thing.

But before he had any reaction, he felt a powerful mental force pouring into his soul roughly, and then his eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

After using the hand of the soul to stun Murayama Yangtai, Huang Yu threw him in front of the barren wolf, who had turned into an extraordinary soldier, and said:

"You try to deprive him of his identity with causal borrowing."

"Hurry up."

"If you encounter resistance, tell me, and I will help you solve it."

The Faceless [Wild Wolf] nodded, used the illusion of Wuzhen to become Murayama Yangtai, and then launched a karma loan to deprive Murayama Yangtai of his identity.

Huang Yu unfolded Chaos Vision to check the situation in and around Murayama's territory to prevent accidents.

With the help of the faceless [Stranger], Huang Yu sent the faceless [Wild Wolf] into the Murayama territory.

However, just this morning, Huang Yu learned from [The Stranger] that after obtaining five hundred extraordinary arms, the Murayama territory was still in danger of being lost.

As a last resort, Huang Yu could only use the space anchor to teleport to the wild wolf, then sneak into the orc army, kill the orc lord and his core subordinates, and help the Murayama territory to solve the crisis.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of his layout for the Alliance of the to prevent the night from being too long, Huang Yu even put aside the meeting with the lords and came to the Murayama territory in person to help the faceless [Barren Wolf] steal Murayama Yangtai's lordship.

But looking at the devastated Murayama territory, Huang Yu felt a headache again.

With the current state of Murayama Territory, even if it is transformed into a believer's territory, it will be difficult to survive the conquests of the surrounding alien races.

He also needs to pay a certain amount of soul crystals to support the Murayama territory.

Seeing that [Wild Wolf]'s aura about the Murayama Lord became more and more intense, and the body of the Murayama Lord became translucent, Huang Yu knew that the causal borrowing of [Wild Wolf] had been successful.

It starts to activate the space anchor to explore nearby teleportable anchors.

He was not planning to return to the Universal Territory, but was searching for the nearest Faceless One. Soon, Huang Yu found the [middle-aged man] who was more than 500 kilometers away from the Murayama Territory.

The two most important people in the believer's territory are the lord and the branch bishop.

Sometimes, as a candidate to communicate with the creatures of the gods, the bishop even has more power than the lord.

The reason why Huang Yu is looking for the [middle-aged person] is to replace the bishop selected by the god-hell creature after the Murayama territory is converted into the believer territory, so as to completely control the Murayama territory.

After confirming the position of the [middle-aged person], Huang Yu activated the space anchor, and his body quickly disappeared in the fluctuating space.

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