"Kamakura Samurai, a rare class of troops, a total of 2,000 people."

"Samurai of the wild sword, excellent grade arms, a total of 1,000 people."

"Zhan Nin Village, an extraordinary-grade building, with soul crystals funded by adults, it can be upgraded to Tier 3 immediately."

"At that time, there will be 500 extraordinary troops in the Murayama territory."

"Oh, counting the newly added residents, there are now more than 4,000 ordinary residents in the Murayama territory."

"With these people around, I should soon be able to become a core member of the Alliance of Gods."

. . . . . .

Huang Yu was standing on the balcony hill of the castle in the Murayama territory. [Barren Wolf], who had just become the lord of Murayama, was standing behind Huang Yu, reporting to him the current situation in the Murayama territory.

And next to [Wild Wolf], there was a middle-aged man, who was the faceless [middle-aged man] Huang Yu received from Murayama territory not long ago.

At this time, the Murayama Territory was no longer in the devastated state after the war.

The nearly scrapped third-order fine-grade city wall has disappeared, and what is newly standing in the Murayama territory is a brand-new rare-grade city wall.

The city walls are full of warriors, but the equipment is very simple, and most of them are only first-order.

The buildings in the territory that were destroyed by the wolf cavalry were also cleaned up, the houses were arranged in an orderly manner in the Murayama territory, and the streets were full of people walking.

There are also many minerals and farmland on the periphery of the territory. Although the number is not large, it can also meet the basic forging and production needs of the territory.

The buildings, warriors, and residents that suddenly appeared in the Murayama territory all came from Huang Yu's support for the Faceless [Wild Wolf].

In this way, the strength of Murayama's territory is enhanced, so that after it is converted into a believer, it can squeeze into the core of the alliance of the gods at the fastest speed.

"Sir, Shilla replied to me!"

After the three of them waited in the castle for a while, the faceless [Wild Wolf] who became the lord of Murayama opened his mouth and said to Huang Yu:

"He said I was welcome to join the Church of Light."

"When I build the Church of Light and convert the people's beliefs, I will send people to inspect my territory."

"If I meet the requirements, he will invite me to join the Alliance of the Gods!"

Believers are also divided by power, and Huang Yu's target for [Wild Wolf] is the largest Church of Light among the church forces.

The Silla lord is not only the first believer among the human lords, but also the founder of the alliance of the gods. There are agents and angels in the territory, as well as thousands of paladins who have been transformed by extraordinary arms.

In the power of believers, the lord of Silla has a very high status, and the territorial strength is also the only one.

After hearing that [Wild Wolf] contacted Lord Xinluo, Huang Yu nodded with satisfaction and said to [Desolate Wolf]:

"Go and build the Church of Light."

"Prepare your subjects to accept the faith assimilation of the Church of Light."

"After the [middle-aged] becomes a bishop, it will be left to you."

"First find a way to gain the trust of the Lord of Silla, and then infiltrate the top of the Alliance of Gods."

"The goal of the first stage is to send me the detailed information on the 'God Kingdom Rise Plan'."

Huang Yu gave [Wild Wolf] a few words, and then put his eyes on the Murayama territory.

After a while, the common people here will become believers of the Church of Light.

Kamakura samurai and Nodachi samurai will be transformed into perfect grade holy troops by the church, while the warrior ninjas cultivated in Zhan Nin Village will be transformed into paladins or paladins by the church.

The remaining spellcasters, as well as some highly qualified subjects will be converted into priests, and one of the "lucky ones" will be selected as the bishop of the branch of the Church of Light in Murayama Territory. . . . . .

But no matter what status these people become, they will only become the fuel for the creatures of the gods to gain power.

In this regard, Huang Yu did not feel any guilt.

As long as they are properly controlled, these territorial people can also spend a period of time in peace.

When [Desolate Wolf] breaks into the top level of the believers, Huang Yu will start to weaken the strength of the believers.

As long as it can delay the time for the creatures from the divine prison to escape, it is a blessing for all races on the Chaos Continent.

Huang Yu and the believers have long been at odds, and it is what he must do to combat the believers.

[Wild Wolf] and [Middle-aged Man] left the castle to go to work, while Huang Yu restrained his breath and would activate the talent of Chaos Power to hide his existence.

He still doesn't know what the transformation process of believers is like, but there is a high probability that there will be projections of the will of **** creatures.

If you accidentally expose your own existence, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary troubles.


With the establishment of the church, a vague awareness spread from the church to all around, until it covered the entire village and mountain territory.

Huang Yu's mental power coin, Yuri, the teleporter, is even stronger, and can clearly capture that will.

But with the protection of the law of chaos, that will did not stay on Huang Yu at all.

Immediately afterwards, the lingering Sanskrit sounded in the Murayama territory, and the residents couldn't help kneeling on the ground to pray, their eyes blank and their faces frantic.

The spiritual power was transformed into the power of faith and poured into the church one after another.

And in the dry pool in front of the statue of the church god, gurgling golden holy water was born out of thin air, exuding strong energy fluctuations.

The only seven spellcasters left in the Murayama territory walked into the church with struggling eyes, drank the holy water under the pressure of a will, and then transformed themselves into priests of the Church of Light.

Among the people who were kneeling and praying, some people got up one after another, drank holy water in the church, and transformed into monks and nuns.

The Faceless [middle-aged man] is not among them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The identity he borrowed is just an ordinary farmer with limited qualifications, and it is reasonable for the Church of Light to dislike it.

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed from a subject who drank the holy water. When the golden light dissipated, he became a bishop wearing a red long-distance runner.

"Praise the light!"

"Praise the light!" xn.

. . . . . .

The bishop shouted loudly, and all the subjects agreed. Hearing the voice resounding through the sky, the bishop smiled in satisfaction, flew to the wild wolf and bowed his head:

"Lord Lord, it's time to turn warriors into servants of God!"

"Under the gaze of the gods, they will grow stronger."

"Our territory will become stronger and stronger!"

The bishop's attitude was very low, but Huang Yu knew that if [Wild Wolf] did not agree, the bishop would have to use some tough measures.

Under the influence of the mysterious Sanskrit, many warriors have already started to kneel and pray.

Whether they are obeying the order of the [Wild Wolf] or the order of the bishop is really uncertain.

"Of course, I will give all I have to my Lord!"

[Barren Wolf] waved his hand, and the soldiers patrolling the city walls and the territory walked into the Church of Light in turn, and used a container to pick up the holy water in the holy pool of the church and serve it.

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