A lot of equipment!

Where did these humans get so much equipment!

Luobu Eight Arms Guiluo looked at the Yu army fighting with the blood beasts, subconsciously ignoring the combat power displayed by the Yu army, but looked down at the equipment on the Twilight Raider and Kate War if all these equipments were It is used to arm Luobu. When the number of Luobu's arms is equal to that of Luozhong, even if there is a god-level arm called Mo, Luobu will no longer be suppressed by Luozhong. When that time comes, they will be the strongest forces in the Guiluo territory. After some observation, the eight-armed ghost Luo couldn't help frowning. The combat power shown by these humans was a bit beyond his expectations. Luo Bu has also fought against alien extraordinary arms, or the extraordinary arms of the intermediate race ogre, but only Judging from the combat power shown by the two sides, these extraordinary human arms are even more successful in this kind of combat power, not only the gap brought by the equipment, but more from the individuals who do human beings. I don’t know why , The strength, speed, agility, and even self-healing ability of these human beings are terrifyingly strong. I have never seen them take a healing potion. A scar that breaks through the flesh and the bone is not bleeding for a few breaths, and there are signs of healing. This kind of terrifying physical quality, not even the Guiluo warriors. Most of these human extraordinary arms also have some special existences, mastering a variety of spell-like abilities, and those human warriors who are shrinking behind the two metal giants, 】The various peculiar behaviors of the attacked object made the Eight Arms Guiluo think that the enemy in front of him was in addition, "What are these two metal giants?

Watching the massacre, the blood beasts transformed by the giants, whose weapons were covered with blood and meat sauce, were like paper paste in front of the two golden men. Until now, no blood beasts can hinder a little. After the progress of the two golden figurines is transformed, the blood beast's strength will indeed drop a lot compared to the original body, but the combat power shown by these two golden figurines is too exaggerated, right?

Although it is a combat-oriented king-level arm, and does not have long commanding troops, but in terms of the ability to evaluate the combat power of both the enemy and the enemy, the eight-armed ghost Luo still has the strength of the human army in front of him, which is much stronger than what his subordinates reported before. A war, far from being as good as it reported to Lord Guiluo in the main hall...

Looking at the blood beast formation that was about to be worn, for some reason, Eight Arms Guiluo was inexplicably panicked. This panic came from those strong human troops, and also from the dense forest with lush trees in the distance. At this moment, the bright light The sound of the dragon roar came from the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry, who dealt with the Guiluo scout, and flew from a distance. After seeing this scene, the two war frisbees lifted their camouflage and slowly flew high into the sky. The white knights took off one after another, flying around the war frisbee, escorting the war frisbee for the war frisbee. The arcanists entered the mage warehouse one after another, and the magic weave constructor who was about to release the spell to control the war frisbee cooperated with the goblin engineer on the side. Turn on the fine gold magic light weapon on the war frisbee, and aim it at the Guiluo territory in front of Huang Yu, who sits in the dry battle frisbee. The general attack has begun!"

Just as Huang Yu thought, the two war frisbees opened fire first, and the dense photoelectricity sprinkled on the Guiluo army like raindrops, which also added powerful rays. Never seen such an attacking method of the Guiluo army for the first time. Although the damage of Magic Light Rain is smaller than that of Magic Light Ray and Magic Light Burst, its penetrating power is not weak at all, and the number of terrifying Gui Luo army is still small. Together, after being hit by the magic light rain before even holding the shield, nearly a hundred ghosts were beaten into a sieve and the magic light rays mixed in the magic light rain were like sharp knives. Sweeping through the Guiluo army, I don’t know how many Guiluo were injured by the magic light rays, and many Guiluo were directly cut into two halves for a while, the ghost Luo’s army was scattered all over the place, the original fighting intent The fanatical Guiluo warriors shouted in unison, staring blankly at the two metal creations in the sky in the distance, "What are these things!"

First there were two metal giants, and then two metal flying machines. After the eight-armed ghost Luo came, after encountering these east, look at the giant dragon flying from the northern sky. The attack of the Yu army made the eight-armed ghost Luo dazzled. Chaos, for a while I don't know how to deal with "come back!"

The war frisbee once again shone a little bit of light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Eight-armed Guiluo was shocked when he saw it, and roared, and let the soldiers under him put up their armor and the second round of magic light rain and magic light rays came, but it was just that This time, the Guiluo army has been prepared. The magic light rain and magic light rays did not directly hit most of the Guiluo, but this is the case. Some Guiluo warriors with ordinary grades, even wooden shields and bone shields, are also in the first place. The second round of magic light rain and magic light ray thumped the injured Guiluo, screaming and plunging into the nearby blood river. The formation, which was finally maintained, became chaotic. At this time, the two golden men were already walking, bringing 2,800 twilight raiders to the front of the Guiluo army. At this moment, a blood spring gushing out from the blood river. , A beautiful **** Shura appeared on the blood spring, twisted as if dancing, released various gain-type spells at the male Guiluo, and released defensive spells into the sky. At the same time, the war Frisbee closed. The adamantine magic light weapon with depleted energy was used, and the arcanists who had been in the mage warehouse for a long time, under the leadership of Suad and Wei, released the long-brewed magic magician located above the war Frisbee. The sorcerer, casts offensive spells on the giraffe army, mixed with some negative spells, defense breaking spells, and the arcanist below casts buff spells on his army, interspersed with some protective spells, rotten spells, streamers from the sky Passing by, the defensive spells arranged by Sexual Asura intercepted most of them, but a small number of spells still entered the Guiluo army. The fifth round of magic-guided artillery attacks hit the cracks. Launched a giant version of the explosion magic pill twelve firelights exploded in the Guiluo army, making a deafening roar, and the Yu army was still in close quarters, and Guiluo lost a large number of soldiers

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