There are nearly 500 female Guiluo in the Guiluo Territory, and the number of casters is nearly five times that of the Universal Army.

But quantity doesn't mean quality. Compared with arcanists from Crown of Mysteries, female Gui Luo's spellcasting ability is many grades weaker.

Most of these female ghosts only have some low-level spells, and the number is not large, which is equivalent to human apprentice-level mages.

The Crown of Secrets sent all official arcanists this time, including intermediate and advanced official arcanists.

These arcanists have the knowledge of spells commanded, whether it is spellcasting speed, spellcasting power, or cooperative spellcasting ability, they are not comparable to female Gui Luo.

Before the female Guira could release the second round of defensive spells, the second round of spell attacks by the arcanists above the war frisbee had already arrived.

Gorgeous spell streamers flew by in batches, spreading out a colorful curtain in the sky.

Eight-armed Guiluo yelled for the soldiers under his command to pay attention to avoidance, and the female Guiluo gave up casting spells and hid in the river of blood.

The magic streamer flying in the front did not cause any damage to the Guiluo army. There was only a rich orange mist in the Guiluo army formation, which mixed with the crimson blood energy, causing the red dust to roll in this area.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of blazing magic bullets, explosive fireballs, chain fireballs, meteor fire showers and other third-, fourth-, and fifth-order fire spells escaped into the smoke.

boom! !

With an earth-shattering loud noise, the orange-red smoke suddenly exploded violently, and the city wall, which had been bombarded by multiple rounds of magic cannons, was already riddled with holes and collapsed under such a violent vibration.

The scorching fire burst out in the smoke, and after gathering, it surged around like a tide.

The manic flames blew up pieces of the ground and set off rivers of blood. After the blood water evaporated, many Gui Luo were either engulfed by the flames or crushed by the huge impact.

When the remaining female Guiluo released a spell to quell the explosion, the Guiluo army formation area was devastated, and the surviving Guiluo completely lost their fighting spirit, jumping on the collapsed city wall and fleeing to the Guiluo territory.

At the same time, the "ugly" golden man, the "wei" golden man, the twilight raider, and Kate's war princess also dealt with all the blood beasts.

Looking at the enemy who was throwing armor and armor in front of him, he immediately accelerated and rushed forward.

"This, this is impossible!"

"It doesn't matter if all the extraordinary arms are, why do you still have so many spellcasters!"

"We are high-level race Guiluo... There shouldn't be such a big gap in strength!"

The eight-armed Guiluo of the Rahu tribe removed the armor from his body, his face changed drastically, and his face was full of incredible colors.

The enemy's attack methods are outrageous, and all their preparations are useless to the enemy.

Is this kind of high-intensity firepower crushing really something that the lord of Chaos Continent can have now?

Eight-armed Ghost Luo could no longer remain calm.

Looking at the dry river of blood and the scorched land around him, he was horrified.

Seeing the army of human beings rushing towards it, it seems to see the future of the destruction of the Guiluo territory.

The outcome of this battle seemed to be doomed from the beginning.

If not so reckless, rely on the defensive measures in the territory to deal with. . . . . .

If you control the scouts under your command well, let them cooperate with the action of Qianda. . . . . .

If you lose contact with the Vairocana for the first time, send your subordinates to restore contact with them. . . . . .

So. . . . . . It is possible to avoid this situation. . . . . .

There are countless ifs popping up in Rahu's eight-armed ghost Luo, but what it doesn't know is that these are just wishful thinking.

The battle between the Viratu and Jingbei City also started not long ago, and the situation of the Viratu was not much better than them.

Moreover, in the face of the crushing level of combat power and intelligence advantages, no matter how the Guiluo Territory struggles, it is impossible to avoid the end of being destroyed by the Universal Army.

Now, no matter how the Eight Arms Guiluo regrets it, it is useless.

The gradually excited warriors of the universe, under the leadership of the two golden men, recklessly swayed the desire to kill.

After the blood river dried up, some of the injured or future and escaped male and female Guiluo were strangled by the orderly battle formation of the Twilight Raiders, and some were slaughtered by Kate War Princess.

After the explosion, the Guiluo warriors, who were reluctantly organized by the eight-armed Guiluo and his subordinates, collapsed again after being waded by two golden men.

Then they met the advancing twilight raiders, and they were destroyed by ravages. Except for the few Guiluo who escaped into the territory, there were not a dozen Guiluo warriors who followed the Rahu tribe to fight.

The dignity of being a king-level soldier makes the eight-armed Guiluo roar incessantly. He wants to use his own majesty to rekindle the will of the fallen warriors to fight.

However, the army was defeated like a mountain, and the crushing battle made the remaining Guiluo embarrassed, and no Guiluo was willing to go forward to confront the Twilight Raiders and Kate War Girl.


Eight-armed Guiluo was affected by the "ugly" golden man's flat a, and the shield he held with both hands was instantly shattered into pieces, and the whole person was also slapped by the "ugly" golden man with a stick.

"Cough cough cough."

Eight-armed Guiluo stood up and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, all the bones in his body hurt, and his whole body was smashed and dizzy.

Standing up and looking at the scene of heavy casualties around him, the Eight-Armed Ghost Luo looked around at a loss.

The scorched earth under his feet was still burning, the dry river of blood was smoking black, and the scattered corpses exuded a disgusting smell of barbecue.

But all around him are enemies.

Eight-armed Guiluo stood up and looked around. A Kate War Girl gradually surrounded him, his firm eyes filled with the desire to kill.

That look is like looking at a prey that has fallen into a trap.

"Want to kill me?"


Kate Zhanji's eyes angered the eight-armed ghost It suddenly roared, and the eight arms showed sharp blades, like a peacock with an open screen.

Of course, at best it is a bald-tailed peacock.

His own combat power has always been a proud point of Eight Arms Guiluo. As the "Number One Guiluo under God" in Guiluo's territory, when Wu Mo was away, he was a veritable center.

Although he was surrounded by heavy siege, Eight Arms Guiluo did not feel hopeless, and his ability was the least afraid of group battles.

What about the extraordinary arms, it's just a group of humans!

Even if it were to die, it would be necessary to drag at least a hundred human beings to bury it!

It is the king of the Rahu tribe, one of the eight supreme tribes!

Eight-armed Guiluo, who knew that he had no chance of surviving, regained his spirits, and an endless fighting spirit ignited in his heart.

With killing intent on his face, he rushed towards the nearest Kate War Girl.

"Where are you going!"

At this moment, a roar like a war song came.

Feeling that he was locked by the breath, the Eight Arms Guiluo immediately turned around and saw the human who was charging at him.

She lay down on all fours like a lion, running very fast, and her breath was very fierce.

Seeing the other party's first glance, Eight Arms Guiluo knew that the other party was a king-level soldier!

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