Seeing the spear that made the dragon's scalp numb pierce his heart, the bronze dragon lord Fabrio spit out a gust of wind in an emergency, and then, according to his survival instinct, used the cloud fog technique, ice technique, repulsion technique, and wind technique. Scythe and other swarms of Hong Longya and Sen did not expect these scoundrels to use their messy spell attacks, and by chance, the sound produced a good effect. They were pushed into the clouds and mist together, and the repelling technique just bounced off Hong Longya's breath, and when the clouds and mists converged, the offensive spells such as ice and wind sickle hit Hong Longya's panic operation, but instead let Hong Longya. Long Ya suffered a lot of injuries, its left wing was torn open by the wind sickle, and an ice stick in the neck almost hit its breathing organ, Hong Longya endured the severe pain, flapping his wings and swept through the clouds and mist, Then I saw the bronze dragon Fabrio fleeing in a hurry: "No need to chase, Ya" That's the target that the lord sees, it doesn't make much sense for us to catch up."

"Just let it go this time!"

Sen stopped Ya's thoughts of catching up, handed the dragon spear forward, and easily inserted it into the ice stuck in Ya's neck. The guide ice was pulled out by Sen, Ya's face, body trembling, and the red dragon swayed down to the ground. Ya's injuries are actually a bit serious. Just trying to catch up with Fabilio, the bronze dragon chasing in this state, he may have lost his ability to move, and even the safety Wu Yexue who fell into death fell to the ground, causing a lot of dust and hay. He jumped off his body first, and fell to Long Ya, who looked at his knight. Long Ya's eyes showed embarrassment. If it hadn't dropped the chain at the critical moment, just now Sen would have the ability to kill the arrogant bronze dragon Wu Ye Xiancong. A potion was taken out of the space ring and sprinkled evenly on the bleeding wound on Longya's neck, and a translucent flesh film grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, preventing the loss of blood. The grade of healing potion was poured into Long Ya's mouth, and the wounds on Wu Yexue's neck and right wing came out, but fine granulation buds grew. These granulation buds continued to grow and fuse, and the translucent fleshy membrane gradually became black and hardened. , it soon turned into a substance-like substance, and about half an hour later, the layer fell off automatically, and on the exposed thick red skin, a tiny piece of "!!!"

Long Ya let out a comfortable roar and lowered his wings, signaling Sen to return to his back. Sen patted Wu Yexue's head, jumped up, and jumped to the dragon seat placed on the back of the red dragon. The seat is a kind of equipment that functions like a horse, which can firmly fix the human body on the back of the dragon. In addition, the dragon seat also has an energy shield defense function, which can be separated from the dragon's back in a critical moment and become a maglev flying disc. To protect the dragon knight who has no flying ability and wait for Wu Ye to be fixed, Long Ya vibrated his wings and made his body vacate. When flying over the dragon spear that was inserted not far away, his body quickly deflected, allowing Sen to unplug the long spear. The 20-meter dragon spear~ Sen is at the bottom of the dragon spear, the dragon spear like a flagpole shrinks rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it becomes a four-meter-long weapon with huge double-edged weapons on both sides to place the dragon spear. In the card slot of the dragon seat, Wu Ye mobilized the button on the dragon seat and rode Longya in a more comfortable sitting position. This dragon spear also came from the Blue Mountain Workshop of the Magic Pattern Research Institute and was specially designed for the dragon knight. As for attack weapons, only master-level foundry can create Huang Yushang. After being included in the mixed mall, each dragon gun is priced at 450,000 soul crystals in the mixed mall!

The main parts of these dragon spears are made of star iron, which is not only light in weight, high in hardness, and strong in flexibility, but also has an energy transfer efficiency that is no different from fine gold and mithril. Weapons, the Yanyun Eighteen Riders that ride dragon beasts are also slightly inferior, and only the Spartans with extraordinary strength and giant dragons can ride such weapons. In addition to the dragon spear, there are other weapons fixed on the dragon seat. , For example, the length is close to three meters, the arrows used are like spears and special huge bows and arrows, and the flying claws fixed on the dragon seat with gold string ropes are like extra-large pyrotechnic arrows and pyrotechnic spearheads. There are also many, but Mori used All are the inventory in their own space ring. In the future war, whether it is close combat, pursuit, long-range or fire coverage, the dragon knights can serve as Wu Ye driving the red dragon and fly back to the camp of the Leo Legion~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Because Longya took some time to heal, after he came back, Demos, Kratos, and Ass had already returned. When Sen walked into the military tent, Leo's five Spartans, Ganix, Della and some commanders, as well as the chief arcanist of Sun City, the branch dean of the research institute, and others, celebrated Asth's promotion to Sparta in the military tent together, "Congratulations, Asth!

Sen stepped forward, lightly hammered Ass's shoulder with his fist, and said with a smile, "Every Leo warrior will be proud of you!"

Hearing Sen's words, Assi couldn't help but think of Onidas Onidas is now a heroic spirit, no longer a Leo warrior, but in private, Assi often visits Onidas in the Hall of Valor, sometimes, The friendship between the two is not like a brother, but more like a father and son. If Onidas knew that he was promoted to the Spartan species, he would definitely be excited and proud, even if he is no longer a member of the Leo warriors. Raised a confidence that Wu Ye Xuesi sacrificed himself to save himself, and he did not let him down!

"Sen, how did you fight the bronze dragon?"

At this moment, Lie Honglongya, who was in command of the entire army, asked Sen to ask Sen when Sen was promoted to a god-level unit. Lie Honglongya and others also wanted to add "God" to Sen when they called him, just like Gui Luo. Honorable title, but was agreed by Wu Ye, "The bronze dragon was defeated and suffered a lot of injuries, but with its physique and territorial strength, it should not take long for Sen to be able to recover. Sen answered Lie Honglongya's words seriously and heard Sen defeated the bronze dragon, but everyone looked as expected

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