"This is good news!"

Leonidas smiled and said to the crowd, "Even if the dragon recovers from his injuries, he won't dare to sneak attack on our troops without confirming the location of Lord Lord and Sen."

"After knowing the power of Sen, that bronze dragon might be so frightened that he wouldn't even dare to take a step into the territory!"

After simply adjusting the enemy and attracting everyone's attention to the next battle, Leonidas began to introduce the current situation to everyone. The servant army also obtained the military department in the west of the bronze dragon territory through the shadow of Sparta. Next, they need to destroy the servant army led by the half-dragon people, and destroy the defense line formed by the vassal territory, in order to enter the bronze dragon territory. BREAKING ALL OBSTACLES "There is news for everyone!"

Before arranging strategic tasks for everyone, Leonidas' face suddenly sank, and he looked at everyone in the tent with sharp eyes, and after a while, he said: "The tiger cavalry in the west and the servants this morning. The army did a battle and forced those aliens into a territory "if there is no accident, they can receive the guide before nightfall, maybe tomorrow morning," and at that time, we might What are you still grinding with the minions?

Hearing the words of the king-level soldiers, the Oneida warriors who were present were a little overwhelmed with Assi, and the joy in their hearts also disappeared because the bronze dragon territory is large, and they are sandwiched in Zhanyi City and the Japanese regiment. The fast speed could not eliminate the Bronze Dragon Territory. Although it was said to be a joint attack, the two legions were indeed led by the Tiger Cavalry Legion, the Oneida Legion by kings and extraordinary arms (including a thousand imperial guards), and even the auxiliary. The number of soldiers is also comparable, but the tiger cavalry has only three branches and a half dragon species, and the Bi Yong army not only has this god-level troop, but also has two more half dragon species than the tiger cavalry. But now, the tiger cavalry is the first. In one step, they defeated the servant army and drove them into the city. Now the tiger cavalry surrounds the city, basically declaring that the northern servant army's destruction of the tiger cavalry is a heavy cavalry. With the assistance of siege equipment and two golden men, at this stage, there is no alien race that can guarantee that the territory will not be captured by any army under the attack of any army. The failure of the first stage is already a matter of time now. The Bi Yong Legion is the first legion of the Yuyu Territory. If it is overtaken by the tiger cavalry in this war, any Bi Yong warrior will feel dull. "Commander of the King-level Corps, where are those servants?"

"We're going to bring people over now to flatten them!"

"Oneida Warriors, never fall behind!"

Kratos looked anxious, and kept turning the blood double-blade in his hand, wishing that the servant army of the Spartan commander was in front of him, and then he slaughtered it with the blood double-blade, but after seeing the speechless expressions of others , Zhi Latos smiled again, put away the blood double-edged, closed his mouth and listened to the king-level soldiers' ability to send Kratos's combat power. Bi Yong once commented that his combat power was incomparable among the Bi Yong species. People can outperform others, and after meeting Kratos, Huang Yu decided that he, like Ya and Ya, have the ability to impact god-level diving and compared to the limitations of tiger travel, Kratos's "blood test". "Refining" is just a process of continuous accumulation and killing, and there is no upper limit to change to qualitative change. Each battle will allow Kratos to increase the upper limit of strength until he naturally enters the level of god-level arms. Now Kratos is one of the half-dragon species. The strongest, soon Kratos will be the weakest among the god-level arms, and what level of Kratos's strength will reach in the future, even Kratos himself does not know that Kratos is a pure warrior. , a war weapon eager to kill, besides the lord, Huang Yu saw the first creature with infinite growth ability!

"We don't need to worry, we just need to act according to the plan, and we can surpass Tiger Riding!"

The king-level soldier said loudly to the crowd: "After all, we are the First Army Corps!"

Press the model of a stone horned beast on a stream on the map, and the king-level soldiers will assign a strategic mission to everyone present "Xing, the stone horned beast knight is still followed by you and Assi, I will send you two. Hundreds of arcanists, assisting the stone horned beasts to hide their whereabouts..."

"Demos, don't show your feet when attacking, and don't give the servant army a chance to enter the demon territory...

"Arts, remember not to chase too hard, we have to use the servant army to destroy the territory's defense line, let them run all the time, we will lay down wherever they flee, until they have no way to go and can only return to the bronze dragon territory, I will unite with others to destroy it!"

All the tasks were issued, and a deputy army commander and commander left the tent one after another, and the commander rushed out of the barracks with his subordinates, rushed to their respective theaters according to Lie Biyong's instructions, and spread to the north of Yicheng City, killing the aliens who came to the rescue. Afterwards, they got together with those who were guarding outside the werewolf's territory. The two waited for a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sen Cai, who was marching with the logistics force, came to see Sen late, and immediately became excited when he was not happy. Sen shouted: "Sen, where is Lao Tzu's magic cannon!"

"Hurry up and pull me up!"

"There are still two golden men, can you immediately enter the battle now?"

Hu Yiyisen breathed a sigh of relief, and said without saying, "The magic gun has been set up, and the gunner is debugging."

"The two golden people are also replenishing energy, and it is expected to start in ten minutes."

"At most half an hour, you can start a siege"

Sen poured several sips of water in a row, and couldn't help but spit out: "In the future, the logistics should be coordinated by City Lord Jiang Chengzi, and I almost killed me by running around with you two!

Since the end of the battle, He Meng has each carried 3,000 tiger cavalry. These two days are like wild horses, galloping on the grassland recklessly. With the mobility of the cavalry, they have split the southern defense line formed by the bronze dragon vassal territory. Later, I don’t know if it was a plan or a mistake. The two suddenly met inexplicably and attacked the weak army of five thousand senior races and half-dragons against the servant army. Under the attack of two extraordinary cavalry Abandoning the armor, there were only more than one hundred half-dragons left, and seven or eight hundred servants fled into the werewolf territory in front of them to fight in the east and west. On the way with the swollen logistical troops, he was attacked by some alien skirmishers from time to time. In order not to leave the two vanguard troops, Sen even ate meals on the Yanlong horse these two days.

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