And the same, chasing Xingmeng everywhere, there is an army, they are the half-dragon and the servant army hiding in the werewolf territory. At this time, the commander of this servant army, the half-dragon king-level soldier tile is standing on the werewolf city wall. On the top, looking at the confluence of the Tiger Cavalry Corps and feeling hopeless because of the sand table left by Huang Yu, Xing He Meng did not have a good idea of ​​the enemy's military department, but he knew the location of the enemy's territory like the back of his hand. Feijun, the two of them raided the vassal territory of Bronze Dragon. Now there is a special force of 800 people in the Tiger Riders. The giant dragon, as well as the Iron Feather Lion Knight and the Long Giant Eagle Knight, are an extremely powerful air force. Although the Tiger Knight has many enemies, they are all squeezed by the bronze dragon, and the developed alien statues constitute the southern force of the bronze dragon. The five alien vassal territories of the defense line are all Tier 3 territories. Although the five territories have nearly 30,000 arms, they are all low-level arms. They can’t even make up a perfect rank of 3,000 troops, let alone. It is an excellent flying unit relying on powerful cavalry and air power. The tiger cavalry attacked the city and pulled 7mma4a. The aliens placed all the strongholds outside the city. Guide The servant army came to the south of the bronze dragon territory. The original plan was only to face the human army head-on. When the war started, the bronze dragon Fabilio had seen that he had no chance of winning against him, so Fabilio planned to use those worthless vassal race armies to maintain the balance of the borders of the territory, not to be let by the army of Uteri. , is to let Meng know that he is a hard bone and pay a light price so that he hopes that Miao Zhi will retreat, so that he can breathe. For this reason, the bronze dragon Fabilio also secretly assimilated a hidden area in the territory of Duoliyu, a vassal. To prevent Yu Territory from "better to be broken by jade" and to destroy it, it is the back way left by the bronze dragon Fabrio, but it does not want to give up its great foundation until it is absolutely necessary, and go to a branch city that is currently only a third-tier city to make a comeback. But beyond the expectations of the bronze dragon Fabilio and the commander of the servant army, the tiger cavalry was so mobile that it broke through two vassal territories on the first day, and put the vassal races in the miscellaneous outside the city. After waking up from sleep the next day, the first news that Wa got was that the third vassal territory was in a bad situation. If it went on like this, Tiger Cavalry took all the vassal territories to the extreme. The troops removed them, and the servant army became a lonely army without support. There was no way to stop the tiger cavalry from rushing into the bronze dragon territory. As a last resort, Wa can only send the servant army to end the siege of the tiger cavalry. Before the collapse of the fourth vassal territory, whether the tiger cavalry can be repelled or not, Wa is still very confident that the five hundred half-dragons under it, even if compared with the extraordinary arms of other races, each In addition, the half-dragons are still extremely weak flying units, possess spell-like abilities, extremely high resistance to spells and objects, and also make good use of various weapons. Dwarf artillerymen with explosive power, bull guards and mud giant guards as heavy armored warriors, zebra guards and wildebeest guards as cavalry The various occupations of the tribe are intertwined to form the most powerful force in the bronze dragon territory. Its combat power is not inferior to the same number of extraordinary arms, and those humans are just a group of cavalry, as long as their range of activities can be limited, It will make them pay dearly...

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny. On the vast grassland, it is very easy to limit the range of activities of the two cavalry. Even the zebras and wildebeests who are born cavalry cannot catch up with the cavalry. Longma's tiger cavalry tile was first slipped by the tiger cavalry followed by Xing, and then was stolen by the tiger cavalry envoy of Miao Zhifang. When it knew that it was impossible and wanted to retreat to the last werewolf territory, it found that its own troops did not know when. Sandwiched between two tiger cavalry, the tiger cavalry followed by Huang Yuxing turned into two flaming dragons and rushed back and forth into the servant army it Miao Zhijia knew that sometimes, races There are many ways to make up the gap between them. The power of the half-dragon man cannot affect the flame dragon horse in the slightest, and even the gust of wind inherited from the bronze dragon cannot control the flaming dragon that the tiger cavalry transformed into. It has been unable to cause much damage to the well-equipped tiger cavalry. The troops of other races are also quite miserable. As two branches of the centaur family, the cavalry formation composed of zebras and wildebeests was rushed as soon as they came into contact with the tiger cavalry. The firearm power of the scattered dwarf artilleryman was not as powerful as that of the pyrotechnic arrows, and the range and accuracy were also a bit poor, even before the tiger riders could move. The dwarf artillerymen destroy all the mud giants and they are even more **** mildew. Their bodies transformed from mud are not afraid of physical attacks, and even immune to some spell attacks, but they are most afraid of fire-related energy attacks. The water will be evaporated by the flames and the breath of the flames, the body will be turned into dry clods, and it will be crushed into powder by the moving horse's hooves. Infinitely large, orc warriors with astonishing defenses are among the orcs who can compete with elephants, but they also have a weakness, that is, their actions are relatively slow. The warriors formed a formation, and they just endured the charge of the tiger cavalry for more than an hour before the entire army was annihilated. The color tile crushed the dragon-shaped prop in his hand, and his eyes were lowered, in the eyes of the werewolf lord and the wildebeest commander Xi. , said the order of the bronze dragon Fabrio, "The Lord does not allow us to evacuate, and wants us to stay here!"

Hearing Wa's words, the expressions of the werewolf lord and the wildebeest leader changed.

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