Walking into the Demon Possession Center and seeing the devastated experimental area after Chai Jin was ravaging, Huang Yu couldn't help frowning.

All kinds of research equipment and materials were scattered all over the place. There were either claw marks or pits on the wall, mottled bloodstains everywhere, and an extremely unpleasant smell.

"The Lord is here!"

"Hello, Lord!"

"Lord Lord, Master Ah Huai took Sang Shuang to 201 and is now treating him."


As soon as Huang Yu appeared, he attracted greetings from everyone.

After nodding to the magic-pattern possessor who said where A Huai was, Huang Yu instantly moved to the outside of the first laboratory on the second floor.

There were a lot of people outside the laboratory, but when they saw Huang Yu coming up, they saluted and said hello and quickly ducked aside to make way for Huang Yu.

After entering the laboratory, Huang Yu saw A Huai Zheng and an elf healer, treating the injured Sang Shuang.

Healers are special professionals unique to the elves. They can obtain life energy from nature and transfer it to other creatures to enhance their vitality and physique.

This elf healer was found by Huang Yu to improve Ah Huai's physique and get rid of dark diseases.

A Huai's physique was not even as good as that of ordinary citizens before, but under the adjustment of this elf healer, it was much better than before.

In addition, the fifth school of spells opened by the Crown of Mysteries, the natural school, can be upgraded to the fourth level within this period of time, and there are also some special professions of Emile and natural elves.

In the professional training base, related majors are also being opened one by one. For example, the hermit of the holy man has taken many courses related to the natural elves profession.

Now, this healer is consuming his stored life energy to maintain Sang Shuang's life.

And A Huai cooperated with the doctor to sew up the operation and used a potion with a high grade on Sang Shuang.

Everyone was busy for a long time before Sang Shuang turned the corner. After a deep sigh of relief, A Huai and others noticed that Huang Yu had been waiting in the laboratory for a long time.

"Lord Lord!"

Several people hurriedly saluted and said hello, while Ah Huai said to Huang Yu with a look of shame:

"It's my poor management that happened at the Magic Mark Possession Center, please punish me!"

Huang Yu waved his hand and said he didn't care about this kind of thing.

However, the matter of arranging the imperial guards to settle in the Magic Pattern Research Institute needs to be carried out.

For the important personnel of the Magic Weave Research Institute, such as Zhuling, A Huai, and Baili, Huang Yu prepared an extraordinary-grade magic item for each of them—the Wind Breath Amulet to protect their safety.

But there are thousands of people in the Magic Pattern Research Institute, and he can't give each of them one.

In this case, it was already the limit of what Huang Yu could do to send imperial guards to guard him.

Looking at Sang Shuang who was still in a coma, Huang Yu asked:

"Chai Jin is under control. How is Sang Shuang's condition? When will he wake up?"

"Maybe another hour or two."

The answer was the natural elf healer, a female elf with a soft voice.

After hesitating for a while, he continued to reply to Huang Yu:

"If the adults are in an emergency, I can make her wake up forcibly."

These alien professionals have been brainwashed by Huang Yu, and all behaviors are dominated by Huang Yu's will.

They are loyal to Huang Yu and the lord of the universe. Even if their actions will bring disadvantages to others, as long as it is Huang Yu's order, they will execute it without hesitation.


Huang Yu shook his head, rejected the proposal of the nature elf healer, and turned to A Huai:

"A Huai, how much do you know about Chai Jin and Sang Shuang's research?"

Hearing Huang Yu asking himself, Ah Huai organized the language and replied seriously:

"As far as I know, the research projects of Chai Jin and Sang Shuang are still mainly based on the increase of Yili's holdings."

"Some time ago, the two of them produced a perfect-grade 'Yi Power Accumulation' magic pattern."

"But because this magic pattern is a one-time magic pattern, the two of them were not promoted to master because of this."

Seeing the pale Sang Shuang, Ah Huai touched Sang Shuang's forehead with some distress, and continued:

"This magic pattern is the hard work of the two of them, but because of too many shortcomings, it has not been reused."

"Chai Jin and Sang Shuang have been improving their holdings during this period."

"But I don't know much about their follow-up research. I only heard Sang Shuang occasionally say that Chai Jin wants to introduce magic patterns into the body to create a new energy system with human tissues, organs, and systems, so as to create a new energy system in the body. The effect of fixing anisotropic accumulation in the human body.”

"Because of the great risks involved, I also spoke out to discourage it at the time."

Speaking of this, A Huai also said with some regret:

"If I had known this would happen, I should have forcibly stopped their research."

Or is it an odd increase?

After hearing Ah Huai's words, Huang Yu also thought about it.

Yili also knew about this possessed magic pattern Huang Yu. At this time, Chai Jin and Sang Shuang got the inspiration from Kate Zhanji.

It's just that Kate's bloodline ability comes from wild monsters, while Chai Jin and Sang Shuang target some naturally powerful races because wild monsters are easy to be demonized.

Compared with the vast majority of races in the Chaos Continent, human beings have no advantage in basic physical fitness.

Although the extraordinary arms have narrowed the gap caused by racial values ​​to a certain extent, if there is no blessing of various characteristics, a Spartan warrior with the same level and equipment, if there is no blessing of various characteristics and abilities, it is not necessarily true. A half-dragon opponent.

Out of this consideration, Chai Jin and Sang Shuang wanted to "transfer" the excellent abilities of other creatures to humans~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in order to eliminate the individual strength gap with some powerful races.

Their research was successful, and the power increase can transfer part of the magic resistance of the troll, part of the agility of the elves, and part of the power of the giant to humans through the magic pattern.

But their research also failed, because these effects often only lasted for a relatively short period of time, and some effects can even be achieved with some special potions and equipment.

Humans are still human beings, but they have one more one-time ability, and the price they pay is to occupy the position of a demon possessed.

No matter how powerful the unit is, the possessed magic patterns that can be carried on the body at the same time are limited.

Each possessed body increases its holdings in this way. After using it, it needs to be washed off and re-possessed, which is not only troublesome, but also wastes a lot of resources.

Moreover, the number of times the magic pattern is possessed, it will inevitably leave some hidden dangers to the body. A Huai is a living example.

Therefore, compared to short-lived and sequelae outbreaks, the vast majority of units in the universe are more inclined to possessed magic patterns that can be used for a long time.

As the inventors of "Yi Li holdings", Chai Jin and Sang Shuang obviously cannot accept that their achievements become a tasteless product.

In the end, he embarked on taboo research, trying to build a new power system in the human body with the magic pattern, so that people can permanently possess the ability of other races.

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