In the center of demonic possession, the surviving demon Chai Jin was lying on a bed surrounded by infusion stents.

The dense needles were inserted into Chai Jin's body, and the medicine in the infusion bottle was injected into his body.

These infusion bottles are filled with a kind of blue-colored potion, which is a pure magic potion made from troll blood and some special materials.

Sang Shuang, who had just woken up, was dragging his still-unrecovered body, while Yu Ahuai and the elf healer healed Chai Jin's body mutation.

After Sang Shuang woke up, he eagerly asked Ah Huai to bring her to Chai Jin's side.

After seeing Chai Jin's tragic situation again, Ah Huai's heart was full of self-blame and guilt.

If she could have followed A Huai's suggestion and dissuaded Chai Jin from stopping this taboo experiment, Chai Jin would not have ended up like this.

However, it is too late to regret now, and the most important thing at present is how to restore Chai Jin to the original state.

With Yuri's control, Chai Jin completely lost his mobility and fell into a coma.

After Sang Shuang and A Huai checked Chai Jin, they found that the situation was not optimistic. Now Chai Jin can no longer be called a person.

His body's flesh, skin, and even bones have undergone large-scale changes, and he has transformed into a half-dragon-like organizational structure. Even some of his internal organs have mutated, and his body structure is far from that of humans.

The only good thing is that because of Yuri's protection, Chai Jin's brain and some nerves have not been assimilated by the half-dragon genes.

It's just that the dense magic patterns rooted in all parts of Chai Jin's body are difficult to deal with, and now they are constantly extending to the few remaining human organizations of Chai Jin.

If these magic patterns cannot be suppressed, Chai Jin will sooner or later become a real half-dragon person by increasing the magic pattern with the power of a half-dragon person.

And the brutal transformation of the magic patterns will make Chai Jin completely lose his mind and become a tyrannical beast.

Although he is one of the inventors of Yili's increase in holdings, the incident was urgent, and Sang Shuang did not have a good means of restraint.

He could only ask Ah Huai to help him to call out a batch of pure magic potions from the magic pattern possession center, and use the infusion method to follow the magic pattern network in Chai Jin's body that was gradually complicated like blood vessels, and constantly clean Chai Jin's body like weeds. Crazy magic lines.

It is a medicine with three points of poison. Although the medicine that eliminates the energy circuit is a neutral medicine, it also has a certain degree of toxicity.

Chai Jin's body strength is only a fighter who has just entered the second rank. Even a security officer from a professional training base can't compare, and his physical fitness is not as strong.

The poison accumulated after pouring a large amount of the pure magic potion was enough to kill Chai Jin.

Moreover, it is still unclear whether the increase of the magic pattern into the body will have other reactions with this medicine. For the sake of safety, after the two people introduced the pure magic medicine into Chai Jin's body, they must guide it out.

In the way of scouring, the several main magic lines that invaded Chai Jin's body were suppressed. As for those small branches of magic lines, the two of them could not help.

This method is inefficient and wastes a lot. Just to prevent Chai Jin's condition from worsening, it has already consumed dozens of pure magic potions, with a total value of nearly one million soul crystals.

But consuming so many resources only achieves the effect of suppression. The main reason is that the magic pattern in Chai Jin's body absorbs the energy it possesses, and it keeps dispersing.

Once the energy in the body is exhausted, the magic pattern will naturally stop assimilating, but Chai Jin was already a four-person at that time.

For this reason, Sang Shuang had to ask Huang Yu to send a few more healers over to continuously inject vitality into Chai Jin's body to ensure that it would not be sucked up by the magic lines in his body.

It's just that the healer stuffing life energy into Chai Jin's body is equivalent to supplying energy to the magic pattern, and his behavior is tantamount to putting out fire with pay.

At this time, A Huai and Sang Shuang used the pure magic potion to suppress the magic lines in Chai Jin's body, and at the same time asked the healer to supply energy to the magic lines, but barely maintained a balance.

No matter how you look at it, you are in a dead end.

If Chai Jin wants to survive, he can only mutate into a half-dragon completely, otherwise, he will either be poisoned to death by the pure magic potion, or be sucked to death by the magic pattern.

Of course, there is another option, and that is to be converted into a vampire by Huang Yu or the blood gods under his command. If you are lucky, you may also gain the ability related to the physique of predators.

Beidi Pavilion

But whether the vampire body can withstand the erosion of the magic pattern is still unknown.

Looking at his lover whose body gradually turned grayish blue, tears fell from Sang Shuang's eyes.

Even if he just washed his body with the pure magic potion, a lot of toxins were still deposited in Chai Jin's body. At this time, Chai Jin was dying step by step.

"The bottle is empty, replace it with a new potion!"

A Huai was busy sweating profusely. When he raised his head to let his assistant wipe the sweat, he noticed that the bottle of pure magic potion on the shelf was gone, and hurriedly greeted others to replenish the potion.

However, her assistant murmured:

"Director... The pure magic potion in the warehouse is gone."

"Potionists from other project teams are helping with the configuration, but it will take a while to get it done..."


A Huai took a moment, and was awakened by a whimper.

Turning his head to look, he saw Sang Shuang lying on Chai Jin's body, his body twitched and he let out a suppressed cry.

"I'm sorry, Brother Jin!"

"What should I can I save you!"

When the magic-purifying potion is used up, with the growth rate of those magic lines, I am afraid that Chai Jin will completely mutate into a half-dragon person before the new magic-purifying potion arrives.

Ah Huai's eyes were sore, but she didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only lean over and hug Sang Shuang's shoulder.

She is not married yet, but she also has a yearning for love and marriage. At this time, seeing the miserable situation of Sang Shuang and Chai Jin, she couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"Little Sang..."

Suddenly a slightly ethereal voice sounded in the room.

Sang Shuang raised his head in shock, looked at Chai Jin who was no longer human, reached out and hugged Chai Jin's hideous head and shouted:

"Brother Jin, is that you?"

"Did you just talk?"

Ah Huai also heard the voice, stood up and looked around.

However, the other people in the room felt a little hairy, and those who stood on the side saw it more realistically. Chai Jin never said anything from the beginning to the end. Where did the voice just come from.

At this moment, Huang Yu and Yuri, who were waiting outside, suddenly appeared in the room.

I saw Yuri floating in the air, his eyes closed, and a few words were spit out from his slightly opened mouth.

"Xiao Sang, you've done enough for me to stop."

"I'm sorry, I hurt you back then."

"Being able to marry you is the greatest luck in my life."

Chai Jin's voice came from Yuri's mouth, surprising everyone present.

And Sang Shuang turned back tremblingly and said sadly:

"Brother Jin, that's not your fault."

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