Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 613: Magic Pattern Biochemical Technology

"Today's situation is my own fault, and I don't need to waste so many resources for me."

"Let's give up the research on 'Alien holdings' in the future."

"I believe you will be able to go further in magic pattern technology."


Yuri floated in the air, but it was Chai Jin's tone, comforting Sang Shuang.

This scene was not directed by Huang Yu, who asked Yuri to imitate Chai Jin's tone to comfort Sang Shuang.

These words were indeed what Chai Jin wanted to say, but Yuri conveyed them.

The teleporter Yuri has powerful mental power and superb skills in using mental power.

At this time, Chai Jin's soul is still in a deep sleep, but Yuri can rate the ability of teleportation, enter Chai Jin's undefended soul, weave everything that just happened into a dream, and pass it to Chai Jin's subconscious.

And Chai Jin made the most sincere expression of his heart based on these dreams.

For Chai Jin, what was going on at this time was a conversation in a dream.

Huang Yu waved his hand and walked out of the room with the others, leaving the last moment for Chai Jin, who was in a dream, and Sang Shuang, who was standing beside his dying husband.

About ten minutes later, Sang Shuang opened the door with red eyes, bowed to Huang Yu and invited him and Ah Huai to enter together.

After the two of them entered the room, Yuri had already hidden his figure, but all the needles inserted into Chai Jin's body had been pulled out.

Obviously, Sang Shuang has given up on Chai Jin's treatment.

The magic pattern held by the different forces gradually began to flicker, and Chai Jin's suppressed body began to mutate again.

The deformed fleshy wing behind it slowly unfolded, and a sarcoma quickly bulged on the other side of the back. It seemed that it would become another wing in no time.

"My lord, the energy in Chai Jin's body can no longer support him to complete the mutation."

"Whether I can let the healer help him and inject some life energy into his body to help him completely complete the alienation."

The first sentence Sang Shuang said shocked Ah Huai.

She said with a puzzled face:

"Sang Shuang, even if Chai Jin completes his alienation, he will not be able to become a human again."

"This state of affairs will only make him more miserable."

"I know." Sang Shuang showed a complicated smile, "I will personally help Brother Jin to solve the pain."

Without explaining too much about A Huai's doubts, Sang Shuang turned his head and asked Huang Yu:

"Lord Lord, Brother Jin died because of 'Yili's increase in holdings'. I don't want his death belt to be full of regrets and unwillingness."

"Although Brother Jin asked me not to continue to study 'Yeoli', I can't let my two 'children' die like this."

"I've figured out a way to permanently fix the Allon holdings."

"Please believe me, Lord, and give me another chance."

"I will definitely be able to create a unique magic pattern system!"

"You're crazy!" A Huai was shocked when she heard Sang Shuang's words, "Look at Chai Jin..."

Seemingly feeling that his tone was a bit sharp, A Huai softly said:

"Xiao Sang, can we talk about this in two days?"

"I know you can't accept it."

"Let's calm down first?"

Sang Shuang gently walked to Chai Jin's side and gently stroked the magic pattern on Chai Jin's body, ignoring A Huai's persuasion, and swore to Huang Yu:

"Lord Lord, after saying goodbye to Brother Jin, I am calm and sober now."

"In fact, Brother Jin has completed the fixation of the increase in Yili, and built a magic energy system in the human body."

"All I have to do is find a way to control this magic energy system."

Seeing Sang Shuang's actions, A Huai swallowed, and an idea popped up in his heart.

And this thought made Ah Huai's scalp numb, and the whole person felt dizzy.

Looking at Huang Yu, Sang Shuang said indifferently what A Huai was thinking:

"Chai Jin, who has established a magic pattern system in his body, is the best research object."

"As long as the activity of Chai Jin's body is maintained, the magic pattern system in his body can be permanently retained."

"And I will conduct a series of experiments on it and find a way to control the implanted magic grain tissue in my body and control it!"

As soon as the words came out, the whole room was shocked.

Even Huang Yu felt a little uncomfortable after seeing Sang Shuang touching Chai Jin again.

Those who do biochemistry are really a bunch of lunatics.

Huang Yu sighed in his heart, seeing another fleshy wing growing behind Chai Jin, and was about to reject Sang Shuang, but suddenly received a message.

【Ding! 】

[The lord has obtained the semi-finished product of the third major research result of Magic Pattern Technology! 】

[Please complete the research on "Magic Pattern Biochemical Technology" as soon as possible. After the research is completed, the Magic Pattern Research Institute will become an epic-grade building! 】


Magic pattern biochemical technology?

Semi-finished product?

Huang Yu glanced at Chai Jin, whose body was shriveled, and at Sang Shuang, whose eyes were firm but unable to hide his sadness, and hesitated for a moment.


Huang Yu shook his head and shouted to the door:

"All healers come in and continue to deliver life energy to Chai Jin!"

"Lord Lord..."

A Huai looked at Huang Yu in disbelief, while Sang Shuang breathed a sigh of relief and bowed deeply to Huang Yu.

"Thank you for being perfect!"

The natural elves healers came in one after another and released their life energy towards Chai Jin.

Huang Yu, A Huai, and Sang Shuang wanted to fall into silence, and their thoughts were different.

The emergence of the third major research result of the Magic Pattern Research Institute made Huang Yu go against his own heart.

Let a wife study her husband's body, even if she voluntarily, as the lord of the two, Huang Yu should not let such a tragedy happen.

However, as a lord, Huang Yu also has to consider the entire territory.

It is still unknown how much benefit the magic pattern biochemical technology can bring to the universe, but the fact that the magic pattern research institute has become an epic-grade building is worthy of Huang Yu agreeing to Sang Shuang's request~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the future, when the Chaos Continent rises together, extraordinary arms, advanced equipment, epic and even legendary buildings are not as rare as they are now.

What can support the dominance of the Universal Territory is the magic pattern technology that only the Universal Territory has.

Before that, Huang Yu would think that the magic pattern mecha would become the third major research achievement of the Magic Pattern Research Institute, but he did not expect that due to an experimental accident, the magic pattern biochemical technology was the first to be born.

According to Huang Yu's order, the healers stuffed clumps of life energy into Chai Jin's body, and Chai Jin quickly changed his image like a half-dragon.

Even Chai Jin's head grew a pair of dragon horns.

However, before Chai Jin had completely completed the mutation, Yuri told Huang Yu that Chai Jin's spirit could no longer hold on, and he had begun to detach from his body.

The poison of the pure magic potion, the tyrannical alienation of the magic lines in the body, and the death will of unwilling monsters to exist in the world, made Chai Jin choose to be relieved.

With a faint sigh, Chai Jin lying on the bed became a living dead.

Sang Shuang's eyes widened so as not to let the tears flow, but he kept stroking Chai Jin's hideous face, even if his palms were bloodied by the barbs growing on the side of his face, he didn't even know it.

However, at this moment, Huang Yu let out a laugh out of time.

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