Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 615: Cangxuan City, Thorny Deer, Qing Mingwei

In the seventh month that the whole people came to the Chaos Continent, fine snowflakes floated in the area where the Universal City was located.

The lush trees outside the city have long since become dead trees with claws and claws. Most of them can't even hang a few dead leaves. Only a few coniferous forests retain some greenery for this area.

Under the leadership of Fergus, the king-level army, 7,500 warriors of the Red Skill Knights, along with 3,000 Blue Nether Guards, 500 Red and White Knights, and 1,000 Royal Guards, were cheered by the people. , slowly walked out of Huanyu City.

This is the first expedition of the Red Technique Knights, and when the fifth branch city "Cangxuan" in the universe is established, they will be stationed there for a long time to open up territory for the city, and rarely return to the city.

Therefore, for this expedition of the Red Skill Knights, Juno, the newly appointed foreign minister of Universal Universe, specially prepared a farewell ceremony for the Red Skill Knights.

Let the warriors of the Red Skill Knights wear garlands and leave Universal City surrounded by the people.

The mount Huang Yu prepared for the members of the Red Skill Knights is a perfect grade thorn deer.

This tall but agile mount is good at long-distance raids on the grasslands, and can shuttle freely in the forest, which is very suitable for the strategic needs of the Red Skill Knights.

The thorn deer is usually three or four meters tall. The name of the thorn does not come from its fierce and sharp antlers, but from its winding down from its back, like a gradually blooming thorn, wrapping its body, limbs, neck and head. Bone spur.

These bone spurs are dense and extremely hard, and the thorn deer can control these bone spurs to disperse, gather, and eject, which is their main means of defense and attack.

When cooperating with the rider, these bone spurs can even completely fix the rider's lower body on the back, which not only enhances the rider's body stability when engaging with the enemy, but also protects the rider's lower body from damage. Excellent mount.

The thorn deer is one of the characteristic mounts of the elves, and its status is still higher than the horned eagle.

In addition to the thorn-like bone spurs, the thorn deer also possesses natural energy and can unleash natural spells.

This natural spell can manipulate the surrounding plants and make them grow rapidly, and can also extract the life energy from the plants to heal themselves and others.

Although among the many types of mounts in the universe, the thorn deer is not as deadly as the flame dragon horse, its strength and defense are not as good as that of the stone horned beast, and its attack power is not as good as that of the thunder-patterned cloud-winged beast.

Even in a perfect-grade mount, the speed of the thorn deer is not as good as that of the black-scaled leopard, the endurance is not as good as the star wolf, the strength is not as good as the giant caiman, and it cannot have the flying ability like the silver-winged eagle and the iron-feather griffin.

(Note: The Giant Caimen Crocodile is the mount of the Black Armored Battle Group, and the Silver Winged Eagle is the mount of the Silver Feather Flying Army.)

However, the comprehensive attributes must be on top of a group of perfect grade mounts.

Can fight, run, resist, heal, control, and output... It's a real hexagonal mount.

As for Qing Mingwei, it was an auxiliary soldier that Huang Yu matched with the Red Skill Knights.

Qing Mingwei and the Orpheus Chapter are somewhat similar, both are a kind of arms with a variety of warrior occupations.

Shield soldiers, spearmen, knife and axemen, archers... But the core warriors of the Orpheus Chapter are a group of assault fighters who are good at positional warfare, while the core warriors of the Qingming Guard are A kind of Qingming guerrilla army between assassins and rangers.

"Sura Wushen"

Whether it is the Assault Soldiers of the Offi Chapter or the Qingming Guerrilla Army, the strength is close to the existence of extraordinary arms.

Under Huang Yu's plan, this Qingming guerrilla army will serve as the scout unit of the Red Skill Knights. During special periods, it can also perform some assassination missions.

Five hundred red and white knights are the standard for each legion.

These field doctors are not only the medics of the various regiments, but also serve as the duty of the air combat unit.

When the legion needed them, they also rode iron-feathered griffins and rushed into the sky to fight the enemy.

It's just that with the emergence of giant dragons, the main force in aerial combat has been handed over to giant dragons driven by various legions. For example, Fergus has a young brass dragon named Gastro, and the Red Knights The other two heroic units with extremely high potential also contracted a young dragon each, but they are still raised in the Dragon Valley for the time being.

Along with the Red Skill Knights, there is also the Seventh Chapter of the Royal Guard, the leader of which is Sun Xin, the hero of the Royal Guard.

The Royal Guards of the Third Army of the Universe has always been a relatively special army. They are rarely responsible for attacking foreign races, and their main task is to defend the various sub-cities of the world.

Jiang Chengzi, the commander of the army, led the first division of the Imperial Guard to guard Zhanyi City.

For a while, he led the Fourth Chapter of the Imperial Guards to guard Rising Sun City, Ru Meng led the Fifth Division of the Imperial Guards to guard Jingbei City, and Su Muzhe led the Imperial Guards to guard Qingxi City.

In addition, only the deputy commander of the legion, Ying Changtian, led the second and third chapters of the Imperial Guards to guard in Universal City.

The Red Skill Knight Corps was only fighters, and there were 11,500 people. The Imperial Guard also escorted 100 arcanists, 200 casters, magic weave constructors, government officials, magicians Special professionals such as pharmacists and architects, as well as dozens of foreign professionals.

These people are the formation team of Cangxuan City. As for the construction workers needed to build the city, they will be delivered by different construction project teams on the way to the boundary of Cangwu City.

At present, the six acropolis located near Huanyu City, Xiyu City, Rongyu City, Maoyu City, and Xingyu City have been completed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only Shengyu City and Longyu City are still under construction.

Eighteen small towns and seventy-two villages have been built one after another, and many workers have now been freed from construction work.

Next, they will follow the Red Skill Knight Corps to go outside the Universe Territory to build Cangxuan City, the fifth branch city.

Perhaps due to the influence of the Blue Star bloodline in the previous life, Huang Yu attached great importance to the infrastructure of the territory.

In addition to the sub-city, the acropolis, and the villages and towns, Huang Yu frantically built roads to connect the sub-city, the acropolis, and the villages and towns.

Under the new construction, there is no more forest in the universe.

Every few kilometers, you will encounter people, just like the taste of human society.

At this time, the road taken by the Red Skill Knights is the main road leading to Jingbei City. The road is 50 meters wide. damage.

From time to time, you can see all kinds of heavy oil trucks fueled by ether heavy oil going back and forth on the road, some of which are pulling goods and some are carrying people.

It is precisely because of the construction of these straight roads that without wasting the teleportation quota, people from each sub-city can travel between Universal City and each sub-city within three hours.

And if the Red Skill Knights marched with all their strength, they could reach Jingbei City in about an hour.

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