At noon, Fergus had already led the Red Skill Knight Corps to appear outside the Luwa Territory.

This territory is the territory of the lion people where Ye Shi is located. Although it is located on the grassland, it is surrounded by endless forests in the west and the continuous tall mountains in the north.

The center of the area where the territory is located is high, and the edge is very flat. There are two rivers not far away, and the location is quite good.

Now, Huang Yu has taken a fancy to this territory and is ready to build Cangxuan City on its basis.

Although the territory of Luwa is ruled by a "noble" lion among the half-orcs, this lion lord is obviously not a talented person.

Luwa, the lord of the Lion Territory, was only a **** among the Lion nobles before his arrival.

Compared to Tiger the Tiger who once died at the hands of Huang Yu, Luwa the Lion's strength can only be said to be quite satisfactory, and the development of the territory is even worse.

Even after more than a month, this lion man's territory has not developed to the level when Tiger's territory was destroyed.

The lion lord Luwa is a racist among the half-orcs. In his eyes, other races should be his slaves, and the lions of noble blood should be superior.

Even the lion lord Luwa was deeply disgusted by some low-level orc races, and felt that the appearance of those low-level orcs in his sight was defiled his eyes.

Therefore, when Luwa's territory attacked the nearby aliens, even if they encountered the orc territory, they would still kill them, instead of recruiting them to serve their subordinates like Tiger.

So far, there are very few other races in the entire Luwa territory, and most of them are used by the Lion Man Luwa for pleasure.

The Luwa Territory was able to clean up the nearby alien races. In the Chaos Continent, in addition to the powerful Lions, the main reason is because of its good luck. Within 50 kilometers of the Luwa Territory, there are only Lions. an advanced race.

Fergus looked at the high wall of Luwa's territory from a distance, and in his mind came to mind what the lord said before the expedition.

If the lions can't get out of the city, they will charge directly to the south gate of the lion's territory, and then someone will open the city gate for them.

Now thousands of meters apart, Fergus has already seen the expressions of the lion guards on the city wall.

Although the lion men on the city wall stood upright, there was a commotion and panic, and many lion men also showed fear.

Although the intelligence of the lion people is not as good as that of the elves, they are not fools. There are only more than 7,000 lion people in the entire lion-people territory, and there are only more than 5,000 pure lion people warriors.

The humans outside are not only well-equipped and well-mounted, but also have a different temperament.

And they have seen the arms with this kind of temperament, and that is the five hundred extraordinary arms in the territory - the Scarlet Tearers.

Now, the number of human extraordinary arms is more than ten times that of them!

Seeing the demeanor of the lion men, Fergus knew that these lion men would not easily go out of the city to fight.

Turning his head, Fergus pointed to the city and said to the Red Skill Knight and Qing Mingwei behind him:

"That city wall looks majestic, but it's actually riddled with holes."

"Those lion men look tall, but they're just a bunch of timid rats."

"In the face of such an enemy, we only need to do one thing."

Turning around, Fergus raised the huge spiral sword in his hand and roared:


! "

As soon as his legs were clamped, the thorn deer under Fergus' crotch leaped out.

At the same time, the brass dragon Gastro also shook his wings, rose from the army formation, and flew towards the lion man territory.





Facing an alien territory protected by a high wall, the coach even issued an order to charge.

The thorn deer does have a good jumping ability, but it can't jump 30 meters, directly jump over the city wall, and jump into the territory of Luwa.

Just rushing over like this, the Red Skill Knights must not smash into a pile of meat on the city wall?

However, in the face of Fergus' unrealistic orders, the Red Skill Knights did not hesitate. After seeing their head coach rushing out, each chapter leader led his men and rushed out immediately.

During this process, the bone spurs on the thorn deer began to interweave, forming a barrier like a motorcycle windshield in front of the red knight.

It's just that this barrier can't be used to block the wind, and it can only help the red knights to block the flying attack from the lion man.

However, in the process of the red knights charging, in the blink of an eye, each of them separated a phantom clone.

These phantom clones are one of the characteristic abilities that Huang Yu prepared for the Red Technique Knights. They have no entity and collision area, but they have certain combat capabilities.

The most important thing is that these phantom clones can resonate with another feature of the Red Knight Order, "damage cancellation".

Every time the Red Skill Knight receives damage, no matter how serious the injury is, he can choose to consume a phantom clone to offset the damage.

The characteristics of the fourth-order phantom avatars are enough for each Red Skill Knight to separate three phantom clones, which is equivalent to each Red Skill Knight having three lives.

As soon as the Red Skill Knight Legion was dispatched, the lion commander who was in charge of the defense on the city wall changed his face, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"Why are there so many extraordinary arms!"

"Why are these humans able to drive dragons?"

"Get all the Crimson Rippers to the walls... oh, hell, what are those things!"

With the exclamation of the lion commander, a war Frisbee slowly floated behind the Red Skill Knights.

The dense golden light dots rained down on the Lion Man The mages stationed in the Frisbee of War also released spells one after another.

For a time, the streamers of various colors were scattered on both sides of the battle, and the streamers that fell on the red knights increased their speed, strength and defense.

The spell that flew to the lion's territory exploded, released poisonous gas, and various attacks.

This was not enough. The Qingming Guards in the rear activated the magic cannons, and ten magic cannons fired at the same time, and ten giant version of the explosion magic pills smashed on the city wall of the lion's territory with a whistling sound.

Before the Red Skill Knights attacked the south gate of the Lion Man Territory, the Lion Man guarding the city wall was cleaned up.

Amidst the splendor of spells and monstrous fire, only a few lions survived.

The lion-man leader was lucky not to die, and his eyes almost popped out when he saw the opponent's continuous attack methods.

Under the attack of the enemy's long-range firepower, all the defensive means they prepared were scrapped before they could come in handy.

"Damn it! What are these things!" The lion man commander's face was pale, and seeing that the red knight was about to rush to the city, he turned back and shouted:

"All ready to fight with these humans!"

"Let the Scarlet Rippers gather in the square behind the city gate, we vow to keep the enemy out of the city gate!"

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