As soon as the lion commander's roar fell, a lion warrior staggered over and said angrily:

"My lord, a crimson tearer opened the city gate without authorization, saying that it was going out of the city to fight the enemy to the death!"

"When we were blocked by the lions, they were called cowards and hacked to death several soldiers."



The words of the lion warrior were like a bolt from the blue, leaving the lion commander's mind blank, and it took a long time for him to regain his senses.


The Lion Commander slammed his fist on the city wall and roared:

"Are they insane?"

"Let's go out of town and fight to the death? What do these idiots think!"

"Guarding the city walls and city gates, the territory still has a chance of life, and running out at this time, isn't it self-defeating!"

Knowing that a Scarlet Ripper force had opened the city gate without authorization, the Lion Commander almost fainted in anger.

Although it is the commander of the entire army of the Lion Man Territory, it is not from the Crimson Ripper, but the only Lion Man who survived and was promoted to a heroic arm among a group of arms when Luwa first signed in.

Because he has followed Luwa for a long time, he is good at gaining Luwa's favor, and the Scarlet Tearer has no king-level troops, so it has the opportunity to be appointed by Luwa as the army commander of the territory.

In normal times, although it can mobilize the Crimson Ripper, the relationship between the two parties is not harmonious.

But it never expected that those idiots with only killing in their minds would give it such a thing at a critical period.

"Hurry up, let the people below quickly close the city gate!"

"Those Crimson Rippers want to die, let them die."

"Assemble the rest and defend with all your might..."

Before the Lion Man commander could finish speaking, he suddenly felt that the city wall under his feet began to tremble slightly.

It looked out of the city in awe, and saw that the impact speed of the red knights doubled.

The huge bone hoof of the thorn deer fell, causing the earth to tremble, and the surging murderous aura was like a substantial wave, rushing towards the face, making the lion guards on the city wall almost forget to breathe.

"It's too late... those idiots!"

In the end, he scolded the scarlet tearer who opened the city gate. The lion man commander rushed down the city wall and rushed towards the lion men assembled in the city square, while praying that the idiot in his mouth could hold on for a while longer, so that he would have enough time to rectify force.

......The city was broken too fast, and many Lionmen were not ready to engage in close combat with the enemy.

"Commander, be careful, get down!"

At this moment, a lion warrior screamed mournfully at his commander-in-chief.

Hearing the warning from the same clan, the lion commander did not hesitate, and immediately threw himself into the dwarf castle beside him.

Immediately after seeing the dense bone spurs, dragging the green flame tail, it shot towards the troops that were gathering in the square.

These bone spurs didn't fly very fast, and they didn't seem to be lethal, but they were better in number.

After the lion commander took a look, he didn't take it seriously at first, but when those bone spurs fell into the square, a scene that chilled the lion commander happened.

I saw that after the bone spurs fell to the ground or touched the lion warrior, they immediately grew thorny thorns, intertwined with each other and tied the body of the lion warrior together.

Some of the lion men who reacted faster, the pain of the ninja piercing the body and tearing off the thorns on the body.

But the vast majority of lion people did not tear off the thorns in the first place, and were pierced into their bodies by those thorns.

Then, those thorns seemed to have life, inciting to **** the energy and blood in the lion man's body, transforming into red-green at a very fast speed, and growing pink flower bags.

After the flowers bloom, the hypnotic pollen is sown.

Those lion men who were recruited were completely reduced to a breeding ground for the growth of these thorns, turning the entire square into a sea of ​​flowers in a short period of time.

And those lion men who broke free from the thorn bars and sucked were also scratched by the spikes on the thorn bars, and their wounds were purple-black, obviously being highly poisoned.

These poisoned lions gradually fell into weakness again. Not only could they not be able to rescue their kind who were bound by the thorns, but they also fell into the thorns that were growing wildly.

The fourth-order characteristic parasitic seed, the third-order characteristic energy absorption, the third-order characteristic hypnotic pollen, the third-order characteristic debilitating toxin...

This set of characteristics is the characteristic ability that Huang Yu has worked hard to match for the thorn deer.

When caught off guard, it can directly disintegrate a large amount of the enemy's living force.

Among the major legions in the universe, only the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Legion's characteristic ability system is stronger than the Red Skill Knight Legion.

Of course, although this set of characteristic abilities is only one wave, after it is used up, it can only be increased by the natural spells and physical attacks of the thorn deer.

Moreover, this characteristic ability system will also be restrained by characteristics such as the Spartan Legion's resonating wind.

But in general, this is still a very good set of characteristics, and in battle, it can often have the effect of killing at first sight.

Seeing his square turned into a garden, the lion commander was completely desperate.

It could only sit in the dwarf castle and watch the Red Skill Knights rush past the dwarf castle and rush towards the chaotic square.

Those plants that covered the entire square, when the Red Skill Knights arrived, moved out of the way like living creatures, revealing the lion warriors who basically lost their ability to move.

The Crimson Knights did not pay too much and harvested the lives of a large number of lion warriors.

However, the Crimson Ripper is worthy of being one of the most proficient extraordinary troops among the Lions.

The Scarlet Rippers who opened the city gates to face the Red Skill Knights had already been trampled, but the remaining 450 Scarlet Rippers not only escaped the first batch of bone spur projections, but also caught the lion. The buildings in the human territory dealt with the Red Skill Knights who rushed into the castle.

These Crimson Rippers are natural guerrilla masters and berserkers, and the complex terrain is a boost for them, but a hindrance for cavalry such as the Red Skill Knights.

These 450 Scarlet Rippers took the lives of more than 80 Red Skill Knights in the joint efforts of thousands of Red Skill Knights.

In the end, all of them died under the force of the red knight's energy bombing.

The lion warriors soon lost their ability to resist, and the Qingmen guards followed suit and began to hunt down the remaining lion men.

The war frisbee swaggered into the lion's territory from above the lion's city wall, and fired several magic rays from time to time, destroying the defense facilities of the lion's territory.

The red knights, like the tide, rolled toward the castle of the Lion Territory.

A simple work style has been built in front of the castle. A motley army composed of different orc troops stood behind the fortifications and looked at the red knights rushing in trembling.

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