[Report: The Seventh Chapter of Deep Tide Knights has occupied the territory of the deer people! 】

[Report: With the assistance of the [Wanderer], the sixth chapter of the Knights of the Deep Tide has successfully broken through the human territory! 】


[Report: The Fourth and Fifth Chapters of the Deep Tide Knights have broken through the Crystal Clan territory! 】


[Report: The Second and Third Chapters of the Deep Tide Knights have broken through the troll territory! 】


In the communication crystal, pieces of information occupied information kept coming.

When the storm lord Fabilio was fighting against the Thunder Titan Clios, Huang Yu had already led the Legion of the Deep Tide Knights and a thousand imperial guards to sneak into the South Sea Island.

Under the command of Ashimia, the leader of the Knights of the Deep Tide, the Knights of the Deep Tide and a thousand Royal Guards divided into five groups and rushed to cut off the vassal territory of the Thunder Titan.

Among them, the territory of the deer people, which was swallowed up by the bronze dragon Fabilio, and the weakest human territory with the faceless [Wanderer] as the inner responder, were captured by the universe army not long after the battle began.

The territories of the Crystal Clan and the trolls also entered extinction after holding on for a long time.

Only the most respected dwarf territory under the Titans is still struggling under the combined attack of the First Deep Tide Knights and the Third Royal Guard.

I believe that it will not be long before this dwarf territory will follow the footsteps of the first four vassal territories.

All the knights of the Deep Tide went to attack the vassals of Titan, and Huang Yu naturally wouldn't stand by.

He came to the Titan Territory alone, and first used his talent to forcefully activate the volcano.

The volcano erupted suddenly, and the huge power directly destroyed one-fifth of the Titan Palace. The hot molten lava flowed freely, swallowing the lives of hundreds of Titan guards.

In the dust and blazing high temperature, Huang Yu took out the empty jade of Yuan Yuan, summoned the Spirit Yuan of the Hall of Heroes, and a thousand heroic spirits to help out.

As energy creatures, the environment has little influence on Heroic Spirits.

Although the Titan Guards are tyrannical in strength, and their individual strength can almost catch up with the heroic arms, they still retreat at an extremely fast speed after facing the attack of the heroic spirits.

Heroic spirits are not only born with the strength of hero-level arms, but also surpass the number of Titan guards.

When Kraos came to the foot of the volcano, its palace had been demolished by Yuan and Dilios.

The remaining Titan guards were guarding the Titan Throne and were slaughtered by the heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor.


Seeing the tragic state of his territory, Thunder Titan let out a roar, stretched out his hand and condensed an electric spear more than 100 meters long, and was about to blast the heroic spirits who besieged the Titan guard.

However, at this moment, a human being the size of an ant in front of Titan, wrapped in golden light, flew in front of it.

Huang Yu stretched out his hand to open a space crack and engulfed the electric spear condensed by the Thunder Titan.

Heroic spirits cannot rely on experience points to upgrade, and all the experience points they gain after killing the enemy are contributed to Huang Yu.

After receiving this experience, Huang Yu's level was upgraded to lv46.

At the first sight of Huang Yu, Kraos recognized the human being in front of him as the demon dragon who had fought with him before.

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous.

Creos jumped up, the ground was a formation, and the huge body was like a hill, pressing down on Huang Yu.

Huang Yu instantly completed the magic dragon transformation, but in a standing posture based on the flame demon, he was a head higher than Kreos.


The two fists smashed together, and the huge force seemed to cause some ripples in the space.

With multiple superpositions of giant strength, Huang Yu's strength is even higher than that of a naturally powerful race like the Titans.

In a pure competition of power, Huang Yu had the upper hand, while Kraos took two steps back, looking at Huang Yu after being transformed into a dragon in disbelief.

"Just take your big guy and experiment with my training results at the magic tower training ground."

Although he had an inspiring confrontation with the bronze dragon Fabilio, the mental state of Kraus was not bad. Although Huang Yu could kill him, it is still difficult to directly release the hand of the soul to subdue him. quite large.

Before subduing Kraos, Huang Yu also wanted to hone his fighting skills.

After all, a spellcaster who cannot melee combat is not a qualified spellcaster.

Rubbing his wrists, Huang Yu used the ability of the Flame Demon to condense a flame glove for himself, and then rushed towards the Thunder Titan.

After seeing it, Kraos, not to be outdone, stalked his body with thunder and lightning, and greeted Huang Yu.

In the loud noise of "Pumpengpeng", the two behemoths scuffled together.

For a time, the ground shook and the mountain shook, and the slightly calm volcano seemed to show signs of eruption. All the creatures on the South Sea Island could feel the ground shaking faintly.

Since his arrival in the Chaos Continent, Huang Yu has been training his combat skills all the time. Even if he has three god-level talents and one legendary talent, Huang Yu has not given up on honing his combat skills.

After the Magic Tower training camp was upgraded to Tier 5, the training effect was even more significant. Although Huang Yu was still unable to compete with the king-level arms in combat skills, Huang Yu's combat skills were already stronger than most hero arms in the territory.

How long did Kraos and Huang Yu fight, he was quickly put to the ground by Huang Yu.

Huang Yu rode on the Titan and punched and kicked for a while.

The terrifying giant hit Kraos in a dizzy state. He wanted to release his skills several times to attack Huang Yu. com was interrupted by Huang Yu at the right time.

And Kraios' reliance, the violent thunder and lightning, after touching Huang Yu, was also obedient like a sheep, unable to cause any damage to Huang Yu.

The physical game between the two caused a big pit in the area where they fought, and the remaining Titan guards and heroic spirits watched in horror.

"Huh, it's almost there!"

Seeing the bruised and swollen face of Kraos who was beaten by himself, Huang Yu breathed a sigh of relief. He recovered his human form and released a few soul-based spells, which weakened Kraos' mental state. Then release the hand of the soul, using the power of chaos to tamper with the memories of the Thunder Titan.

Titans, like dragons, have inherited memories, and there are still some differences between the two.

Naturally, Huang Yu couldn't use the "Dragon Lord" set to modify Kraos' memory. Thinking that after the fire devoured the Titan Throne, he might have more Titans in the future, so Huang Yu re-drafted a " "Titan Master" template, with modifications to Kraos' soul memory.

After Huang Yu finished modifying Kraos' memory and gave him his first embrace, the battle on the entire South Sea Island was over.

The Dwarf Territory was quickly defeated after Fabilio arrived.

The heroic spirits killed the last Titan guards one by one. At this time, they surrounded the Titan Throne, waiting for Huang Yu to go and occupy it.

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