Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 622: South Sea Island Volcanic Furnace Reconstruction Plan

[You have occupied the Titan territory and found the lordship of the Titan family - the Titan Throne! 】

【Is it occupied? 】




【Please choose the occupation method! 】




In front of the Titan Throne, which is more than 70 to 80 meters high, the blue flames that the flames spread out were originally only the size of an inconspicuous fist.

But this flame has been fueled by the Titan Throne, and it has grown rapidly in the process of devouring.

It didn't take long for the blazing blue flames to wrap the entire Titan Throne and devour it.

At the same time, the Titan Palace, which had been in ruins, also poured down like sand and slowly disappeared.

So far, the five alien races on the South China Sea Island, plus one human vassal territory, were all wiped out by Huang Yu, and the entire South China Sea Island fell into the hands of Huang Yu.

Seeing that the Titan Territory had disappeared, Huang Yu turned to look at the dwarf master beside him and asked:

"Groin, can you transform this volcano into a ground fire furnace?"

The lord of the dwarves is called the Earthfire Furnace, which can lead to underground magma to supply energy for smelting items.

But in addition to the ground fire furnace, the dwarves can also transform the natural terrain to enhance the defense of their territory and use it to complete some smelting work.

Like the dwarf territory on the South Sea Island before, a magma channel was opened from this volcano and a special furnace system was created.

Not only can it borrow magma to create equipment, but also transform many magma defense facilities, which brought a lot of trouble to the first chapter of the Deep Tide Knights and the third chapter of the Imperial Guard.

It was because Huang Yu saw this that he intentionally transformed the active volcano where the Titan Territory was located into a furnace to supply energy for the entire territory.

To this end, he also spent more than 4 million soul crystals to buy a dwarf master-level professional - Groin, and wanted him to lead the transformation of the active volcano.

"Master, I have participated in the biggest miracle in the history of the dwarves - the construction of the Boiling Empire. At that time, we transformed twenty-three active volcanoes into a ground fire furnace together!"

Groin said with a loud voice and proud face:

"As long as there are enough people, transforming this small volcano will be a piece of cake for me."

"I can even lay the pipes of the ground fire furnace to the entire South Sea Island."

"At that time, South China Sea Island will become an island of smelting, an island of molten lava that is easy to defend and difficult to attack."

"Even if one day the volcano erupts suddenly, I can channel its energy into the sea and reduce the hazard of the eruption to almost nothing."

The "little volcano" in Groin's mouth is more than 1,000 meters high, with a circumference of 50 to 60 kilometers at the bottom of the mountain, covering an area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers. The entire Titan territory only occupies a small area.

The entire South China Sea Island is about 200 kilometers long from east to west, and more than 100 kilometers wide from north to south, with a total area of ​​nearly 40,000 square kilometers.

In terms of area alone, it is also half the size of the previous Universal Territory.

If the island were to be completely remodeled, the amount of work would only be comparable to that of the "Universal Acropolis Construction Project" currently underway.

But in terms of difficulty, the "South China Sea Island Volcanic Furnace Reconstruction Plan" obviously needs to be a few blocks away from the "Universal Acropolis Construction Project".

Listening to Groin's tone, transforming this volcano is a matter of hand for him.

It is very confident in this matter, and there is only one factor that limits its performance, and that is manpower.

The most important thing in the universe is manpower.

Huang Yu, who has huge financial resources, can summon a team of tens of thousands of construction workers and a team of hundreds of professional architects at any time as long as he is willing.

Although Groin's tone was arrogant, Huang Yu still believed what he said.

Although dwarves love to brag, they rarely talk big in their area of ​​expertise.

The dwarf next to him is more special, which can be seen from its price far exceeding that of a normal master-level professional.

Whether it was Nezel or Eugene, as well as some other master-level professionals in the territory who were summoned from the Chaos Mall, when Huang Yu purchased it, the highest price did not exceed 3 million soul crystals.

But Groin cost Huang Yu more than 4 million, nearly 5 million soul crystals!

Among superhero-level hero units, Groin's price tag is second only to the dragon.

This rough-looking dwarf master was once considered one of the most unfortunate geniuses in the history of dwarves in the information introduction.

It originally had the opportunity to step into a god-level professional, but died young in a political conspiracy, becoming the biggest loss after the rise of the Dwarf Boiling Empire.

"You don't have to worry about the staff, just tell me how much you need."

Huang Yu patted Groin on the shoulder and encouraged:

"I want you to turn the South China Sea Island into a sea fortress integrating manufacturing and military."

"It is used to guard the South China Sea area and deter the sea clan in the ocean."

Hearing Huang Yu's request, Groin patted his chest and said confidently:

"Master, please rest assured, as long as there are enough manpower, within half a year, the entire South Sea Island will be renovated."

"And I am confident that I will be promoted to a saint-level professional within ten years, and I will continue to upgrade the South Sea Island in the process."

"In a few decades, the South China Sea Island will dominate this sea area."

"By the time."

"Even if the eighth-rank legendary powerhouse comes personally, don't even think about spreading wildness in the South China Sea Fortress."

Huang Yu smiled and didn't answer Groin's words.

With the discount artifact in hand, Huang Yu won't have to wait too long in the future.

In this process, more amazing and talented characters will definitely be born in the universe, and they will shorten the decades in Groin's mouth to more than ten years, or even a few years.

However, the reason Groin said it for so long ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is solely because it was only planned from a personal perspective.

Such a huge project, with only one person presided over by it, can build a place that is difficult for an eighth-order legend to break through in a few decades, which is enough to show his talent.

No wonder it is confident that it can be promoted to a Saint-level professional within ten years.

"The transformation of the South Sea Island volcanic furnace can be done slowly."

Seeing Asimiya coming with a secondary fire, Huang Yu said to Groin as he walked up the mountain:

"I appointed you as the honorary dean of the School of Architecture and the School of Foundry of the Vocational Training Base."

"Besides that, you have positions in the manufacturing center and engineering."

"The teleportation function of Universal City and Nanhai Island will not restrict you. If you have time, you can run between the two places and pass on your knowledge to my people."

The words "my people" immediately attracted the attention of Groin, who immediately assured Huang Yu with a pat on his chest:

"Master, please rest assured, I will definitely impart my abilities without reservation."

"If my teaching skills are limited, I will also record my knowledge for your subjects to learn."

Huang Yu was very satisfied with Groin's answer, nodded, and as a result, the secondary fire presented by Asimia teleported to the edge of the volcano.

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