Since the development of the universe, the law has always been very strict, and the petty theft will break his hands and feet.

Miao Zhen harassed many women in the early stage, and also intended to **** an important figure in the territory. Although Miao Zhen will not die, he will be worse than death.

Not only will the palms and soles be chopped off and castrated, but they will also be exiled to the wilderness.

The criminal law related to amputation in the universal law is not as simple as cutting off.

The Arcanist in the Crown of Secrets will also impose bans and curses on it. Even if you get a high-grade healing potion in the later stage, don’t even think about restoring the cut off parts.

So after hearing Huang Yu's words, Miao Zhen was so frightened that he hurriedly crawled to Huang Yu, begging Huang Yu as he crawled.

"Huang Yu, let me go, I know I'm wrong."

"Oh! Lord Lord, Lord Lord, for the sake of us being in the same place, forgive me, I will definitely serve you well in the future."

"Besides, I didn't do anything to her!"

Miao Zhen was quickly stopped by the imperial guard behind him, and then dragged away neatly, while Huang Yu never looked at Miao Zhen from beginning to end.

After the fire hall was quiet, Huang Yu looked at Baili, the director of the Magic Weave Research Institute, and Ah Huai, the director of the Magic Weave Possession Center behind him.

"Baili, Ah Huai, if this kind of thing happens, you are also negligent."

"I will forfeit your salary this month as punishment."

"If something like this happens again, you should abdicate and be worthy."

Baili and A Huai got up and took the lead, their faces filled with shame.

Because Miao Zhen often used Huang Yu's name to talk about things, the two also turned a blind eye to Miao Zhen's outrageous behavior.

Unexpectedly, Miao Zhen did such a thing, and it became the biggest scandal since the establishment of the Magic Pattern Research Institute and even the Universal Territory.

After solving Miao Zhen and giving everyone a warning, the court will return to the formal process.

Because the Ministry of Government involved too many matters, Celine reported the most and the longest.

However, the most important work of the government affairs department is currently concentrated on the re-engineering department.

The current head of the engineering department is Xiahou, who is not only responsible for the construction of the Acropolis network, but also participates in the renovation plan of the ground fire furnace in the South China Sea. The daily dispatch of human, material and financial resources has even exceeded the military department.

Xiahou is a master-level architect and works part-time as a project manager. He is already too busy to manage.

So Celine applied to Huang Yu to recruit an engineering management talent to break down the pressure on Xiahou.

Unexpectedly, this remark immediately resonated with many departments such as the Magic Pattern Research Institute, the Crown of Mysteries, and the Manufacturing Center.

They all hope that their departments can separate technical personnel from management personnel in the same way as the military division divides civilian and military positions. Technical personnel are responsible for research and management personnel are responsible for affairs.

In particular, Ah Huai, who has just been criticized, strongly supports this proposal.

Her character is not suitable for some management things, and the Miao Zhen incident has greatly affected her enthusiasm in management.

After careful consideration, Huang Yu agreed with the proposal and asked the government department to come up with the corresponding regulations as soon as possible.

However, Huang Yu does not intend to completely separate technology and management, nor will he reform all departments at once.

Now the world has a big business, and there are dozens of secondary departments alone. It is easy to make a mess of comprehensive reforms.

Huang Yu pays attention to doing things step by step, and the universe has moved fast enough now, and infrastructure construction must not be neglected.

After all, going fast does not necessarily mean going far. Only when the foundation is laid can we have a brighter future.

Under Huang Yu's deliberate compression, the meeting ended in less than two hours.

After the crowd dispersed, Huang Yu glanced at the meeting minutes made by Emile and there were no major problems, then entered the Chaos Mall and re-sold the items in it.

But before he could finish it, the communication crystal in his arms began to vibrate at an extremely fast frequency.

Huang Yu frowned, took out the communication crystal, and found that it was a message from Wang Sunxin, the head of the seventh chapter of the Imperial Guard.

The Magic Pattern Research Institute invented the communication base station, and now all major cities have installed it.

Therefore, even if Cangxuan City is nearly 300 kilometers away from Huanyu City, Huang Yu can directly receive the information sent there.


Seeing the message from Wang Sunxin, Huang Yu was slightly surprised.

The last time the Universal Territory fought against the undead was half a year ago.

In the past half a year, Huang Yu almost ignored the army of undead retreating north.

Wang Sunxin's report said that when the Red Skill Knights went out to explore the northern mountains, they encountered undead and were being chased by a large number of undead.

However, the Red Skill Knight Legion was very mobile, and Thunder Fury Kraos was also awakened to respond, so he should be able to escape safely.

It is just a warning to the universe to prepare, because the army of the undead does not seem to be alarmed by the Red Skill Knights, but instead seems to be migrating to the south with a purpose.

Perhaps soon, the universe will encounter an undead invasion.

After hearing Wang Sunxin's words, Huang Yu immediately thought of the undead lord - Lan Yue.

The current location of Jingbei City was originally occupied by a human territory called Canglan Territory.

And this blue-blue territory was destroyed by the hands of the undead under Lan Yueji's command.

Now, with the undead reappearing, Huang Yu is almost certainly Lan Yue's comeback for revenge.

Huang Yu called Jingbei City, Cangxuan City, and Zhanyi City to pay attention, while summoning other backbones to come to discuss matters.

The horror of the undead, Huang Yu had seen in the lord assessment.

But at that time, the world territory was still very weak, and there were too many restrictions in front of BUG-level creatures like the undead.

The current Universal Territory has grown into a behemoth, and even if the undead reappears, Huang Yu does not feel that the foundation of the territory can be shaken.

Soon, the teleportation circle on Obsidian Square began to flicker, and a famous military backbone was the first to teleport to Universal City.

"First Clan"

Subsequently, the Ministry of Government, Manufacturing Center, Crown of Mysteries, Magic Pattern Research Institute and other institutions also began to operate.

Facing the undead of unknown strength, each gear of the huge battle formation machine in the universe began to rotate in an orderly manner.


Cangxuan City.

Thunderfury Kraos' hibernation lasted only five days.

In the past five Cangxuan City experienced a beast tide, encountered three aliens' temptations and attacks, but they were all defeated by the powerful Red Skill Knight Corps and the imperial army led by Wang Sunxin. It was cracked by the 7th Chapter of the Forest Guards.

Even in the past five days, the Scarlet Technique Knights had successively wiped out six alien territories, and they knew all the alien forces within a 30-kilometer radius of Cangxuan City.

But just when Fergus wanted to explore the huge mountain range from the northwest to the northeast, they encountered an enemy that the universe had not encountered for a long time - the undead!

After more than half a year of development, each legion in the universe has the power to compete with the top lords of other races.

But during the period of development of the universe, the undead tribe that once fled north has also developed at an extremely fast speed.

The Red Skill Knights, who fought against the undead for the first time, suffered a lot due to lack of experience in this area, and almost fell into the siege of the undead.

So at this critical moment, Wang Sunxin awakened the dormant Titan outside the city.

In fact, the five-day hibernation is not even a nap for creatures such as Titans and dragons.

So after being awakened, Kraos was very dissatisfied.

However, after hearing that it was Huang Yu's will, Kraos could only hold back his dissatisfaction, and under the leadership of a griffin knight, he rushed in the direction of the Red Skill Knights.

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