in the jungle.

In order to get rid of the pursuit of the undead, the Red Skill Knights gave up the loot seized from the alien territory, and let Qing Mingwei, who had no mounts to travel, retreated first with ordnance, and the Red Skill Knight riding a thorn deer intercepted the undead behind. , to buy time for Qing Mingwei to retreat.

But the number of undead is far beyond the imagination of the Red Skill Knights.

The boundless undead ran out of the dense forest, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and instantly formed a white ocean.

The red knights charged several times, not only did they not disperse the undead, but almost fell into the siege of the undead.

Fortunately, most of these undead were of average strength. When the Red Skill Knights would meet with one place, under the guidance of the two giant dragons, they quickly broke out from the army of the undead.

After escaping from the undead army, although the Red Skill Knights looked a little embarrassed, with the blessing of the phantom clone and damage offset, the Red Skill Knights suffered very little loss.

Although most of the captured loot was lost, the alien was only a Tier 3 territory with limited resources, and the value of the loot was not great.

In the battle just now, the Red Skill Knights Corps, the first legion commander Kevin, was also successfully promoted to the king-level arms.

He was riding his black dragon, soaring through the air with Fergus' brass dragon, clearing the sky of the flying undead while pointing the way for the army below.

Both Fergus and Kevin's dragons have entered their youth, and they are both creatures of the reincarnation of dragons.

Although the two giant dragons did not have the huge size of Huang Yu's Demonic Dragon Transformation and Cangqing Wing Fabilio, their wingspan also exceeded 100 meters, and they were accompanied by a variety of inheritance spells.

Although there are many undead in the sky, they are all a mob and can only be brutally killed by two giant dragons.

In this way, while fighting and retreating, although the undead have been chasing behind, they have nothing to do with the powerful Red Skill Knights.

A legion of 7,500 extraordinary arms can no longer be defeated by a large number. Without key arms, individuals and items, it is impossible to cause damage to the Red Skill Knight Legion.

What's more, the Red Skill Knight Legion is the legion with the strongest survivability among the major legions in the universe.

Their core characteristic ability is outstanding life-saving ability, and the thorn deer under their crotch can manipulate natural energy.

These natural energies can not only offset the negative effects of the undead death energy for the Red Skill Knight Legion, but also heal the injuries of the Red Skill Knights and replenish their physical strength consumed in battle.

Now that the Red Skill Knights are fighting in the forest, there is natural energy that can be absorbed everywhere. In this environment, in terms of combat endurance, few arms can compare to the Red Skill Knight.

However, Qing Mingwei is an infantry after all, and it carries a lot of ordnance and supplies. Although the maglev and the Thoron Eagle are used as means of transportation, the speed of evacuation is actually not fast.

The red knights turned their formations several times to stop the spread of the undead, and eventually they were caught up by the real core troops in the undead army.

The original skeletons were just creatures that were passively corroded by death energy. Although they were extremely numerous and under the control of the undead lord, they were the weakest.

In the undead army, at best, they can only be regarded as cannon fodder, with average combat effectiveness, just a group of skeletons that can run.

But the undead that caught up next showed obvious signs of transformation.

These undead are all mutated from humanoid creatures. The bones are faintly metallic, with sharp bone blades on their limbs. They move very fast and are very agile. Some special individuals can even display combat skills, and Make a ranged attack.

The red knights did not take these undead seriously at first. After all, compared with the extraordinary arms, the speed, strength, agility, and combat skills of these undead are not worth mentioning at all.

But these undead soldiers are extremely difficult to eliminate. Even if their heads move, as long as the soul fire is not extinguished, they can control the remaining bodies to attack.

Even some undead with broken arms and legs will "borrow" some limbs from the bodies of their dead companions to make up for their own deficiencies.

Although they can still crush these undead soldiers in battle, the Red Skill Knights have also lost the ability to advance and retreat freely in the undead army.

Two times in a row, it was only with the assistance of the giant dragon and the spell scroll that he broke free from the siege of the undead army.

Later, with the emergence of advanced undead arms such as zombies, black warriors, and undead knights, the red knights completely fell into a hard fight.

It's not because the red knights are inferior to humans, but because the number of these undead is too many.

It poured out endlessly from the jungle, rushing like a mad dog regardless of life or death... The red knights are living people, and they are fighting the undead for the first time.

Both physically and mentally, they are under enormous pressure.


At this moment, Kevin's black dragon suddenly issued a warning.

Fergus waved his spiral sword, struggling to resist the death of the three undead knights, and looked up.

In the dense woods in the distance, a snake-shaped undead composed of countless bones savagely crushed the trees and other undead in front of him, and rushed towards the direction of the Red Skill Knight Legion.

This undead serpent has a particularly frightening appearance, and the scales on its body are composed of skulls of different sizes and structures.

In the gaps of the scales there are bone spurs in the form of ribs, hand bones, etc. If the snake's head is not too bright, its body shape is more like a caterpillar.

Seeing the undead serpent, Fergus' expression couldn't help but sigh.

Not to mention how powerful this big snake is, just its huge size of ten meters thick and nearly two hundred meters long can cause a violent impact on the formation of the red knights.

However, the target of Kevin's warning was not just this undead serpent.

After the undead serpent appeared, a bone dragon also led many huge flying undead, galloping from the sky in the distance.

The size of this bone dragon is no less than Fergus' brass dragon, and its nose is spewing a faint blue soul-burning fire, with a very fierce aura.

Fergus was tight in his heart, but he was not too afraid. Holding the spiral sword, he rushed towards the undead serpent with several chapter leaders.

I plan to destroy the undead serpent before it impacts the formation.

The red knights urged the thorn deer under their crotch to control the rapid growth and entanglement of the surrounding plants, and control the undead in the direction of Fergus and others.

While clearing obstacles for Fergus and others, he also used plants to build a flyover to send Fergus and others directly to the undead snake.

"My Healing Game"

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