
Seeing a human appear in front of him, the undead snake opened its mouth full of bone spurs, let out a low roar, and spit out a foul-smelling black liquid like a fountain.

Fergus and others are equipped with energy shields, and they are the fourth-generation perfect energy shields improved by Cang Yun, a new master-level magic weave constructor from the Magic Weave Academy.

Those black and smelly liquids were easily stopped by the fourth-generation energy shield, and did not cause any harm to Fergus and others.

However, the plant bridge that the thorn deer laid for it could not be protected by the energy shield.

Where those liquids are spilled, any plant will instantly decay and die.

The overpass composed of plants turned into black rotten wood in an instant. It could no longer bear the weight of Fergus and others, and collapsed quickly, exuding a strong stench.

Fergus and the others could only jump off the overpass and drive the thorn deer to rush towards the undead serpent.

The Wisdom of the Undead Orochi doesn't seem to be very high. Its own venom breath obviously can't hurt Fergus and others, but it still makes a retching sound, and keeps spitting out the venom accumulated in the abdomen.

For a time, the stench in the dense forest filled the sky, and Fergus and others were basically unaffected because of the protection of the energy shield.

But the undead that rushed towards them suffered. Whether it was a skeleton soldier or a undead knight, after being contaminated with black liquid, their bodies seemed to have osteoporosis, and they shattered into pieces after a few steps.

It was not until Fergus rushed to the front that the undead serpent stopped breathing, opened its wide mouth, and bit the leader Fergus.



The bite of the undead serpent was easily dodged by Fergus, and it knocked down several large trees one after another on the ground, and there were countless undead accidentally injured.

Fergus, on the other hand, held swords in both hands and slashed hard behind the neck of the undead serpent.

The splendid sword light came into contact with the scaly bones of the undead serpent, and the sound of Kaba Kaba sounded, and a crack of seven or eight meters long appeared immediately on the thick neck of the undead serpent.

Through that crack, Fergus could see all kinds of strangely structured Senleng bone structures.

However, the undead serpent that ate a heavy blow from Fergus did not feel any discomfort.

It turned its head and continued to bite towards Fergus. At the same time, its body curled up and twisted, compressing Fergus' dodging space. At the same time, the hand bones and ribs in the gaps between the scales also dragged the undead along the way into the body of the serpent.

After Fergus dexterously avoided the attack of the serpent, the wound he left on the serpent's neck had also recovered.

"Commander, this guy is hard to destroy!"

Holding a giant hammer and hammering a big hole in the abdomen of the undead serpent, Bonn, the fifth chapter of the Red Skill Knights Corps, asked with some headaches after seeing the wounds he had worked so hard to recover in the blink of an eye. Fergus.

Fergus also had some headaches about the undead serpent's ability to devour other undead and recover his own injuries. After looking up at the dim light emitting from the undead serpent's eyes, Fergus gritted his teeth and shouted to several other chapter leaders. :

"You have come to attract its attention, and give me the time and opportunity to break its skull and extinguish the fire of its soul.

As long as the fire of the undead is extinguished, no matter how strong the undead is, there is only one way to die.

However, just by looking at the dark golden color of the skull of this undead serpent, you can tell that its defense is extraordinary. It is very difficult to break it with one blow. Only Fergus has this ability.

The reason why he chose this weird weapon, the spiral sword, was to match his strongest combat skill - Circulation of Heaven and Earth.

This is a purely offensive skill, which can explode with astonishing power after accumulating power. Even the Spartan **** Pantheon was reborn once under Fergus's extreme accumulating power.

This is the result of Pan Sen's defense, and its destructive power can be imagined.

However, on the battlefield, Fergus basically won't have the opportunity to revolve around the world, but as long as he has a quarter of the strength of the battle against Pantheon, it is not difficult to destroy the head of the undead serpent.

Fergus rode the thorn deer and began to wander around the undead serpent. Vega, the chapter leader of the Seventh Chapter of the Red Skill Knights, escorted him to clear the attack of other undead.

The other five Chapter Masters cooperated with each other, constantly attracting the hatred of the undead serpent, buying time and opportunity for Fergus.

Fortunately, the wisdom of this undead snake is really not very good. It was constantly played by the five chapter leaders. Not only did it not cause casualties to the red knights, but it killed and devoured many undead troops.

It wasn't until half a minute later that Fergus saw the timing, jumped from the back of the thorn deer, and used the head of the undead serpent in the zipper hook to drive his body to fly above the undead serpent.

The zipper was retracted, Fergus started to rotate the spiral sword in both hands, blood surging on the spiral sword, forming a neon-like gorgeous sword light, piercing the skull of the undead serpent.


In a low roar, the spiraling neon sword light, like a huge drill, penetrated from the top of the undead serpent's head, and then drilled out from its lower jaw.

The dim light in the eyes of the undead serpent also disappeared instantly, and the body standing proudly in the dense forest began to disintegrate rapidly at the same time as it fell.

A large number of white bones slanted down like a waterfall, scattered in the dense forest, and piled up into a white bone hill.


Fergus let go of the spiral sword and stood on the top of the White Bone Mountain, gasping for breath.

Just as he was about to summon the thorn deer and leave here, he was startled when he raised his head.

In the distance, a huge skeleton undead with a height of nearly 100 meters lying on the ground is looking coldly at his direction.

This skeleton undead is completely composed of various white bones, and it is completely impossible to tell what kind of creature it looks like~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There are only two hollows on its face, with faint blue flames flashing in it, and thick limbs. Supporting its body, every step it takes, the ground vibrates slightly.

In addition, there is a castle made of white bones on its thick back, and a slender figure in black robes holding a sickle can be vaguely seen.

"What is this!"

Fergus quickly calmed down the horror in his heart, and took out the communication crystal to record the skeleton monster.



At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the sky.

A sturdy thunderbolt suddenly flashed in the clear sky, directly hitting the bone dragon that was fighting with the brass dragon Gastro.

The bone dragon obviously possessed good intelligence, and at the critical moment, it deflected its body and was only hit by the lightning on the neck.

Although half of the neck has been turned into a powder, its mobility has not been greatly affected.

He opened his mouth and spat out a faint blue flame. After pushing back the brass dragon Gastro, the bone dragon flew towards the skeleton beast.

When Fergus saw Thunderfury Kraios appearing behind him, he was sure in his heart, mounted the thorn deer he found, and quickly ran to the red knight.

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