The originally clear sky quickly piled up into pieces of dark clouds, and fine thunder and lightning flashed in the dark clouds.

This is a large area of ​​thunderclouds created by Thunder Wrath Kraos using his epic talent ability - Thunder Sky Sunlight.

When the red knights started to evacuate safely, Kraos raised his hand to pull the lightning accumulated in the thundercloud.

In an instant, a dazzling white light bloomed in the slightly dim space.

Countless thunder and lightning fell from the thunder cloud, intertwined and turned the space below into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning. A large number of undead chasing behind the red knight were engulfed by lightning and turned into broken bones and coke all over the ground.

Trees in the area covered by lightning also suffered, some were cut in two, and some were turned into coke.

After the thunder and lightning disappeared, the land between the red knight and the undead army turned into a scorched earth, shrouded in flames and thick smoke.


Looking at the undead like a hill in the distance, Kraos let out a roar, raised his right hand, and the lightning in the thundercloud was like a waterfall pouring down, quickly condensing a huge electric spear in his palm. .

With the crackling of thunder and lightning, Kraos threw the electric spear in his hand in the direction of the undead. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

Lightning burst, and in an instant, the world turned pale.

Facing the lasing electric spear, the tiny figure standing on the skeleton castle also moved.

It waved the scythe in its hand lightly, and a gray crescent-like slash hit the electric spear. The two forces collided and immediately burst out terrifying energy fluctuations.

All the objects below were either electrified into coke or corroded into ashes.

Seeing that his electric spear was neutralized by the gray gas, the eyes of Kraos' face were filled with lightning, and he was about to rush towards the undead.

However, at this moment, next to the skeleton undead carrying the castle, six giant undeads of different appearances, but all huge in size, slowly climbed out.

Although the size of these six undead is not comparable to the castle undead, they are only on par with the giant snake undead.

The faint blue eye socket exudes a terrifying aura, which makes Thunder Fury Kraos feel a lot of pressure.

Kraos took a step forward and couldn't help but stare at the gray-robed undead on the undead of the giant fortress for a moment. Thunder's fury dispelled the huge energy-consuming Thunder Sky Sunlight, turned around and followed behind the red knight and chose leave.

The undead army also seemed to be apprehensive about the strength of Kraos, and stayed where they were. They did not choose to continue their pursuit, but silently watched as the Red Skill Knight Army exited the forest and returned to Cangxuan City.


"There are dragons and titans. The strength of that person is really unexpected."

Watching the figure of the Thunder Titan gradually fade away, Lan Yue, who was standing on top of the undead in the giant castle, slowly lowered the sickle in her hand, her hoarse voice full of surprise.

At the beginning, he was afraid of Huang Yu's strength. He led his army of undead to retreat north, slaughtering many creatures along the way, and even raging in the northern mountains for more than two months.

Not only did he design to slaughter a giant dragon, but because of his outstanding performance, he was gifted by the monarch of the underworld with the advanced ability of bone recovery - bone structure.

To this end, Lan Yue spent a lot of money to destroy a mountain giant's territory, killed four extraordinary wild monsters hiding in the deep mountains, and then created eight skeleton giants with the ability of skeleton structure.

Above the extraordinary, the size is no longer a sign of strength, but under the extraordinary, the huge body often represents overwhelming strength.

Eight skeleton giants, plus a skull dragon, the strength of the Lanyue undead army has skyrocketed unprecedentedly, and the alien races on the northern mountain range have to let go of their racial views, and they are united by blood and alliance, and they can barely resist the undead army. offensive.

The war on the mountain range was at a stalemate, and Lan Yue had no intention of consuming it in that area. Thinking that there was a fellow clan behind her waiting to "take care" of her, she even evacuated from the mountain range and rushed out to the south.

But what it did not expect was that the strength of that human territory had developed to an unbelievable level. Now Zhang Si

As soon as the two sides met, those humans slaughtered a large number of its troops, and even killed a skeleton giant spirit.

Later, the appearance of the Titan extinguished Lan Yue's idea of ​​continuing to pursue.

Although its skeleton giant is huge, its attack methods are very poor.

And because the core soul fire is the product of condensing many low-level dead soul fires together, the intelligence of these eight skeleton giants is very low.

Whether it is strength or intelligence, it is not even as good as the bone dragon that is revived from the bones.

If you just insist on it, if you can leave the Thunder Titan and talk about it, you will definitely pay a painful price on your side.


The bone dragon waved its broken wings and wailed on the forehead of the undead in the giant castle, like a child who went home to complain after being beaten, and stretched his head to Lan Yue for comfort.

"Don't be angry, Kurami!"

Lan Yue reached out and touched the jaw of the bone dragon and made a hoarse voice:

"Next time I'll take you to take revenge and give you all those big birds to eat, okay?"


The bone dragon nodded, then rubbed Lanyue's body like a spoiled child, and put forward his own appeal.

Lan Yue's whole picture is hidden in the gray can't see the whole picture, seems to have thought for a while, and then said:

"You can eat, but you can't eat too much like last time, and you can't spoil it, or I'll punish you."

Saying that, Lan Yue also waved the sickle in her hand. Seeing the simple and even worn-out sickle beside her face, the bone dragon Krami nodded again and again, and then happily flew up from the forehead of the undead in the giant castle and rushed towards the surrounding area. Undead wandering aimlessly.

The most undead are low-level undead arms such as skeleton soldiers, skeleton combination monsters, and poisonous corpses, followed by intermediate undead monsters such as zombies, ghouls, giant corpses, corpse-eating beasts, and abominations, as well as some tomb golems, Middle and high-level undead arms such as Black Warrior and Undead Knight.

Although the bone dragon Kurami was Lan Yue's favorite, he didn't dare to move those high-level undead units, and then chose his lunch on those low-level and intermediate-level undead.

Jumping into the tidal army of undead, the bone dragon Krami swallowed several skeleton soldiers in one bite, and with the chewing action, there was a crunching sound in his mouth.

It's just that the bone dragon, which has no internal organs and skin, can't keep the swallowed objects at all.

Pieces of broken bones fell from the gaps in its jaw, cervical vertebrae, and not even a single piece could fall into its abdomen. control the big lord

The bone dragon that devoured everything, only devoured the soul fire of those skeleton soldiers, and in other respects it was equivalent to eating loneliness.

In fact, there are many ways for the undead to devour the same kind of soul fire, but the bone dragon Kurami chose the least efficient one.

It seems that only by doing so can it feel that it is alive...

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