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"Like the abyss beacon, it's useless for the time being."

Huang Yu stuffed the underworld beacon into the anchor space. Now the strength of the universe is not enough to go to another world and fight against otherworldly creatures.

On the one hand, the environment of another world is not suitable for human life, and they all have special energy that can mutate human beings into otherworldly creatures.

On the other hand, the other world is different from the Chaos Continent. There are many powerful beings in the other world, including eighth-order legends and even ninth-order immortal creatures.

Now the world territory has no ability to compete with it.

However, in a world like the Land of Shadows, Huang Yu can make some arrangements.

After saying goodbye to the Faceless [Shadow Girl], Huang Yu had already let the Crown of Mysteries and the Magic Weave Research Institute focus on the study of shadow energy.

The focus has been on human survival in the Land of Shadows, which has now yielded some results.

In addition, Huang Yu also searches the Chaos Mall for pioneering arms that meet the requirements from time to time. At present, an extraordinary arm has been identified.

After the War of the Undead is over, the ninth legion of Huang Yu's territory will be established to prepare for the development of the country of shadows.

in the battlefield below.

Because of the death of the undead lord, the remaining undead fell into chaos, scurrying around in the encirclement of the universe army like headless flies.

Some undead in the central area, because they have not yet touched the breath of the living, began to kill each other.

The dragons who had cleared the undead in the air immediately began to slaughter these undead.

These undeads are experience points in their eyes, and they are the guarantee of rapid upgrade of level strength, but they can't let their internal consumption go to waste...

As twilight fell, the battle basically came to an end.

Huang Yu did not make any further moves in the future, but gave the experience points of these walking to the troops under his command.

The number of the remaining undead is not too large. He has just upgraded to LV47. Even if he kills all the remaining undead, it will not necessarily be upgraded. It is better to hand it over to the soldiers under his command.

For example, in the Kate War Girl training camp, the newly added more than 4,000 Kate War Girl will continue to experience and level up.

Huang Yu couldn't step into the extraordinary in a short period of time. After all, between LV49 and LV50, he needed a huge amount of experience points as support.

"Master, I have sent the Pentagan team back to the northern mountains."

When the battle was about to end, the teleporter Yuri suddenly appeared in front of Huang Yu, as Huang Yuhui reported:

"I interfered with their perception all the way, making them mistakenly think that the undead army is evacuating towards the eastern grasslands, because there should be no loopholes."

The confrontation between the universe army and the undead army proceeded very quickly, but in order to prevent himself from being exposed, Huang Yu still asked Yuri to send all those alien races away.

As for how the Puntagan Alliance would react after learning that the undead had withdrawn from the east, it was none of Huang Yu's business.

The dark son has been buried, and whether the Puntagan Alliance is torn apart or continues to be maintained, it will not hinder Huang Yu's follow-up plans.

"Yuri, well done."

Huang Yu nodded approvingly and looked at the battlefield below.

The five legions below have wiped out all the undead, and the commanders of each legion are leading their troops to burn the corpses of the undead to cover up the traces left by the battle with the undead.

On the devastated battlefield, the Arcanist of the Crown of Secrets is starting to "plant trees" with the Hermit of Holy Man and some natural elves professionals.

With the brilliance of the spell, trees rose from the ground, bushes grew one after another, and the entire battlefield was recovering at a very fast speed.

In this process, the thorn deer under the crotch of the red knights also played a huge role.

Seeing that the battlefield was almost cleaned up, Huang Yu gave a few words to the commanders of the various legions, and took the lead in returning to Huanyu City.

【Ding! 】

[Hall of Valor: 282 Heroic Soul Seals have been activated, please pay attention to the lord to check and determine whether to convert them into Heroic Spirit units! 】


[Amazon Tribe: You have two hero arms successfully promoted to king-level arms, and 27 warrior-level arms were promoted to hero arms...]

[Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps: You have two heroic arms successfully promoted to king-level arms, and 33 warriors...]

[Twilight Raider Legion: You have three heroic arms successfully promoted to king-level arms, and there are 65... ]

[Red Skill Knights: You have three heroic arms successfully promoted to king-level arms...]


[The Crown of Mysteries: The natural school has researched the fifth-order arcane math results! 】


Just after returning to Universal City, Huang Yu received a series of information prompts.

And the most conspicuous of these information prompts is a series of troop promotion prompts that pop up.

In this battle, including the captain of the Ada Chapter of Kate's 7th Chapter, Huang Yu's command suddenly had eleven more king-level troops.

At present, there are thirty-eight king-level arms and one god-level arm Pan Sen in the Universal Military Department.

The main reason for the sudden promotion of so many arms is that the Universal Territory has not had a large-scale war for a long time.

Legions such as Kate War Girl, Twilight Raider, and Red Skill Knights were established relatively late, and among the 7,500 extraordinary arms, there is no shortage of people with amazing potential.

But after they were established, the battles they fought were all small and big troubles.

Some time ago, although the intensity of the battle with the Bronze Dragon and Thunder Titan was okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~, these legions did not fully participate.

The long-suppressed fighting spirit has been released, and the potential of many arms has also been realized, and they have been transformed on the battlefield.

This is particularly evident in the promotion of hero units.

Like the Kate War Girl training camp, which has just been upgraded to the fifth rank, the number of people promoted to hero arms is the largest among the five legions participating in the exhibition, with more than 100 people.

The Eighth Legion, the Red Skill Knights, was not far behind, with more than 80 warriors being promoted to heroes.

However, in the old-fashioned legions like the Amazon Legion and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Legion, only a few dozen were promoted to heroic arms in this battle, and the gap was very large.

However, when it comes to the total number of hero arms, of course, these old legions are more, and there is a certain gap between the new and old legions in terms of arms level.

Huang Yu briefly glanced at the promotion list.

In the Amazon Legion, the fifth chapter Veronica and the seventh chapter Morgan were promoted to the king-level arms

In the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, Cao Ming of the third battle group and Cao Jiong of the fourth battle group were promoted to the king-level arms.

Among the Twilight Raiders who were promoted to the king-level arms were Ashley of the second legion, Rommel of the third chapter and Brant of the fourth chapter.

In addition to Kevin, the first chapter leader of the Red Skill Knights, who was promoted to the king-level arms before the war, the second chapter Guzman, the third chapter Cummins, and the fourth chapter Bonn were also promoted to the king-level arms one after another.

It is worth mentioning that most of these people are the chapter leaders of the corresponding chapters.

Their potentials are all outstanding, and they have experienced a lot after serving as chapter leaders, and the probability of natural breakthroughs is greater than others.

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