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However, once a general becomes famous for eternity, casualties are inevitable on the battlefield.

Although the entire battle process is the universe crushing the undead, the number of the undead is extremely large, and the characteristics of the breath of death have a very strong lethal ability for the living beings.

So after this battle, Huang Yu sacrificed the lives of 282 warriors and heroes, not including the warrior-level arms in the auxiliary soldiers of each legion.

In addition, the breath of death will also cause some negative damage to the units under Huang Yu's command, and some units that were seriously injured by the undead are still struggling on the line of life and death.

Even if they are treated in the future, most people will leave behind a dark disease that will accompany them for life.

However, this level of casualties is also within the scope of the Universal Territory.

"The Arcanist of the natural school actually planted fifth-order Arcane results when he just planted a tree."

The upgrade of the Hall of Heroes has not yet been completed. The number of activated British soul seals has reached more than 1,800. Huang Yu is currently unable to convert the more than 800 American and British soul seals into heroic spirits.

After looking at the dead people, Huang Yu set his sights on the Crown of Mysteries Natural genre.

There are now five Arcane Schools in Crown of Mysteries, and the Natural School is the newest one.

But after this battle, the natural school came to the fore, and the mysterious school first researched the fifth-order arcane results.

And this achievement was born in the process of just erasing the traces of the battle.

Huang Yu took a brief look, then spent resources and chose to upgrade the Arcane Tower of the natural genre.

After finishing the work at hand, it was late at night, and Huang Yu rested under the service of two beautiful maids.

At the court meeting tomorrow, there are still many things left over from the war waiting for him to deal with...

When the Universal Forces returned from victory, the Punta Gan Alliance in the northern mountains was caught in a strange atmosphere.

With the return of the Pentagan Squad, the thirteen races of the Pentagan Alliance met outside the territory of the Light Elf.

It's just that the entire alliance has experienced a crisis of trust. The thirteen alliance races did not have a lord present, which was the first manifestation.

The news of the undead going east, while the various races of the Puntagan Alliance were relieved, they began to worry about the next situation.

This alliance formed by many alien races has actually become a tool of five powerful races.

During this period of time, the light elves surrounded the dryads and fairies, and were followed by many neutral races.

The Eagles have gathered a large number of orc tribes. Although they are not the royal family among the orcs, they have a very high status in the eyes of other orc races. In the history of the orcs in different time periods, there are even some who are called For the "Saint" experience.

In the War of the Undead, the most influential Danmo territory is even more the communicator of the light faith in the alliance. There are even two low-level races and one common race lord who voluntarily became a believer and became the **** of light. believers.

In many neutral alien races, believers of the God of Light have also appeared, and even in the territory of the Light Elves, there have been signs of the belief in the Light.

In the war, the penetration ability of faith has cast a shadow on the hearts of many lords.

Seeing that the three races have used the alliance to strengthen their strength, the dwarfs who are short-tempered and unsociable, and the orcs who are very wary of other races have also reached an agreement in private to advance and retreat together.

In order to prevent the disbandment of the Punta Gan Alliance, it became the target of the other three races.

Without a unified goal, the Puntagan Alliance can be said to exist in name only.

It's just that the five territories have been deeply entangled during this period of time, and many people still advocate maintaining the alliance in their hearts. Therefore, after learning that the undead had gone east, no one jumped out at the first time, saying that they would dissolve Puntagan and leave. alliance.

As for the "Titan Territory" that was just added to the south, it was automatically ignored by the territories other than the Dunmore Territory.

Although the Titan Territory is powerful, it has nothing to hold now.

Both as enemies and allies, they are too far away from the Puntagan where they are.

Even the bishops of the Dunmore Territory believe that there will be little communication between the two sides in a short period of time.

The most important thing now is to consolidate the status of the Danmo territory in Puntagan, and then subtly spread the belief in the God of Light to all the Puntagan tribes.

Of course, the Titans still have to keep in touch. After the priest came back, he secretly conveyed the kindness of the Titan lords to the bishop.

Although the Titan Territory is still three or four hundred kilometers away from the Danmo Territory, if the matter is urgent, the Titan can also become a great help for the Denmore Territory...

Bishop Danmo sat in the center of the conference and made small calculations. From the beginning of the conference to the present, only a few people have spoken, and most of the time has been spent in silence.

The representatives sent by the light elf lords have already expressed their intention to continue the alliance, which coincides with the idea of ​​Bishop Dunmore.

But the equivocal attitude of the representative of the eagle, and the disdain of the representatives of the dwarves and the orcs, brought the meeting to an impasse.

At this time, Danmo didn't want to take the lead. After all, the actual leader of the Pentagan Alliance was still the Lord of Light Elf.

"The struggle for hegemony of all races does not necessarily have to be divided. During this period of time together, everyone should have corresponding feelings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At this moment, I don't know if I received a name, and the representative of the light elf suddenly spoke. said:

"The alliance between us is not only a military alliance, but also a technical, cultural and even economic alliance can be achieved."

"Besides, different races have both advantages and disadvantages, and we can complement each other."

The representative of the light elf lord stood up and said to the other twelve representatives of the alien race:

"We light elves love life and advocate justice..."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Before the light elf representative could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by the orc representative.

Hearing the light elf say that he loves life and advocates justice, the representatives of the orcs and the dwarves all showed disdain and sneered:

"Go tell these words to those Demon Tower people and see if they believe it or not?"

The Demon Tower Clan, as mentioned by the representative of the orcs, was originally a well-developed race near the Light Elf territory.

However, during the time when the undead first came, the Puntagan Alliance had not yet been established.

And the light elf attacked and destroyed the magic tower clan when the troops of the magic tower clan were eliminated by the undead.

The representative of the light elf frowned and continued:

"Our lord will continue to maintain the Puntagan Alliance. If you want to continue to join, we welcome you. If you want to quit, it's a good time to get together."

"Staying in the alliance means advancing and retreating on behalf of everyone, honor and disgrace. If non-members of the alliance dare to violate the Punta Gan alliance, our light elves will never agree."

Glancing at the orc representative, the light elf representative turned his attention to Bishop Danmo and said:

"I wonder who else would like to stay in the Puntagan League?"

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