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Emile once told Huang Yu about the functional properties of the elf mother tree.

As the lord of the elf family, when the elf moves within the coverage area of ​​the elf mother tree, it will not only obtain all-round gain effects, but also form telepathy with other elves.

Even the special buildings within the coverage area of ​​the elf mother tree have the function of automatic restoration, and they will grow like fruits after being destroyed.

Fighting in the homeland, the strength of the elves is no less than that of the Guiluo clan with the secluded stream of the sea of ​​​​blood.

Therefore, the elf mother tree has an extremely high status in the hearts of all elves. Even the elf lords are only the messengers of the will of the elf mother tree in their eyes.

This is the complete opposite of races such as humans.

For example, Huang Yu, in the hearts of the people of the Universal Territory, the fire is only the fire of the Lord, and the territory is also the Lord's territory. Huang Yu's will is the will of the entire territory.

The lordship is Huang Yu's symbol of power, but it does not affect his status in the world.

After roughly guessing the status quo of the light elf territory, Huang Yu asked the faceless [Elf of Light] to pay attention to investigate the whereabouts of the light elf, and properly show his worship to the son of light, in order to get the opportunity to get close to the son of light.

Then he took off the face of the Faceless [Elf of Light] and put on the faces of the other three Faceless who were lurking in the Puntagan Alliance. In addition to arranging the space anchors, Huang Yu instructed the three Faceless. Pay attention to whether your territory has the power to believe in the God of Light.

If there is any special situation, use the mechanism of the Thousand Faces Church to notify him.

After the Thousand Faces Church was upgraded to the fifth rank, although Huang Yu still needed to wear the face of the faceless person in order to communicate with them.

But if the Faceless wanted to contact Huang Yu, Huang Yu could still sense it.

After learning about the affairs of the Puntagan Alliance, Huang Yu put on the face of the Faceless [Wild Wolf] again, and was about to ask about the Alliance of the Gods.

Looking around, Huang Yu found that he did not appear in the Murayama territory, but in a magnificent hall.

The stair-like seats in the hall were full, and at first glance, there were probably around five hundred.

And on the flat ground in the center of the hall, there are eighteen stone pillars about two meters long. There are eighteen seats on the stone pillars, but only fifteen of them are seated, and each of them is shaped like a lake, which can only be seen barely. Human silhouettes come.

At a glance, Huang Yu knew that his consciousness had entered the chaotic fantasy world, and he was still at the meeting of the Alliance of Gods.

Subconsciously, Huang Yu began to check the surrounding environment.

The hall where the Alliance of the Gods held a meeting was resplendent and resplendent, with a thirteen-sided shape as a whole, and on each wall there was an inscription of a humanoid creature.

Some wear cloaks and hold spherical objects in their arms; some have sharp horns on their faces and hold a large crossed sword in both hands; some are stooped, with slender arms firmly carrying the spherical shape on their backs. world......

One of the carvings on one of the walls has a square pyramid hanging upside down on the top of the head, with obvious holes in the head and abdominal cavity. Sitting cross-legged in the sky, the image is very similar to the carving of the God of Truth that Huang Yu saw in the church in the territory of Cyronda.

"The thirteen engravings should be the thirteen gods believed by the believers of the alliance of the gods."

"I heard some time ago that the believers of the Church of Truth lost their positions as the Eighteen Supreme Lords."

"The alliance of the gods is now carrying out, because it should be the election of the supreme lord."

The Faceless [Desolate Wolf] was chatting with several other people at this meeting, and was temporarily unable to communicate with Huang Yu who came.

However, listening to the man's complimenting tone, [Desolate Wolf] has a high probability of occupying the seat of an eighteenth supreme lord.

It seems that the [Night Lion], who occupies the status of a saint in the Silla territory, has already played a certain role.

After Huang Yu sent [Ye Shi] to Silla's territory, there were not many exchanges. He just asked Ye Shi to help [Barren Wolf] to obtain the supreme leader of the Alliance of Gods.

After that, [Night Lion] will usher in a long incubation period.

The main reason is because the Silla territory is too far away from the Universal Territory. When the time-space anchor was activated, Huang Yu almost thought that the Silla Territory was not on the Chaos Continent.

Huang Yu's power of time and space poured out, but the space anchor remained motionless.

[Wild Wolf] Busy dealing with other believers, he didn't have time to answer himself. Seeing this, Huang Yu began to check the carvings of gods on the wall.

Thirteen gods are engraved, and Huang Yu can recognize the God of Light, the God of Truth, the Mother Earth, and the God of Judgment. Among them, the God of Judgment is the **** that the Holy Church believes in.

The remaining gods such as the God of Judgment, the God of Life, the God of Nature, the God of War, etc., Huang Yu could not distinguish their images.

As for the faith schools such as the Crimson Church, the Church of the Dusk, and the Church of the Righteous God, which are regarded as heretical by the Alliance of the Gods, their engravings and believers will naturally not appear here.

In addition to the engravings of gods, the stone pillars in the main hall are also engraved with the images of angels, and there are also images of angels in some places.

Although its image is very different from that of human beings, and some angels even look ugly, but compared with the incomplete things that came to the Chaos Continent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these angels are very complete.

This should be the full body of an angel.

"Lord, please be quiet!"

At this moment, a voice spread throughout the hall.

The believer lords immediately stopped whispering, went back to their own, and looked at the center of the hall.

Huang Yu's gaze also followed the rotation of the Faceless [Desolate Wolf], and looked at the high platform surrounded by fifteen stone pillars.

On the high platform stood five clerics in various robes, and the one who spoke was a man in the robe of the Holy Church.

"My lord, that man's name is Stefan, and he is the representative of the Holy Church."

"The remaining four are the representatives of the Mother Earth, the God of War, the God of Judgment, and the God of Life."

"Joshua, the representative of Silla Territory, has died, so he did not appear here."

After the people around him dispersed, the Faceless [Wild Wolf] finally had time to talk to Huang Yu.

Hearing the words of [Wild Wolf], Huang Yu began to look squarely at the five agents.

The agent is also a human who came from the Blue Star. Huang Yu once killed the agent of the Church of Truth, Amir, and this is one of the reasons for the decline of the Church of Truth.

Seeing that the meeting site was quiet, Stefan, the representative of the Holy Church, had a slightly gloomy expression and announced:

"Three new Supreme Lords have emerged through voting."

"Next, I will announce their names."

"They are Lord Bochen, a believer of the God of Life, Lord Murayama, a believer of the God of Light, and Lord Holder, a believer of the God of War!"

As soon as Stefan's voice fell, the scene of the parliament was suddenly full of people, and everyone was talking about it, and their eyes were patrolling back and forth on the three of them.

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