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Just then, a lord stood up from his seat and yelled loudly:

"If Lord Murayama serves as the supreme lord, the Church of Light has already occupied three supreme leadership positions in the alliance!"

"And our Church of Truth has none. It's not fair to the Council or to our Church of Truth!"

The lord's words immediately aroused the approval of many lords, but most of them were believers of the Church of Truth.

They originally had a supreme leader, but they were sacked by the parliament because of their lack of strength.

But this did not convince them, instead they felt that the alliance of the gods was suppressing them.

On the other hand, the wild wolf was not affected at all. While walking towards the chairman of the supreme leader in the central area, he said to Huang Yu:

"Now in the Alliance of the Gods, the Church of Light has three seats, but one of them is occupied by Osaicus, who is not against the Lord of Silla."

"The other two supreme leaders are the Holy Sect, the Wisdom Sect, the Life Sect, and the War Sect."

"The person who shouted was the previous Supreme Lord of the Church of Truth, the strongest believer in the Church of Truth... But he couldn't even gather a thousand Templar warriors in his territory."

With the help of Huang Yu, the Faceless [Desolate Wolf] has 2,000 Templars who were transformed from extraordinary arms, and their strength is completely higher than that of the Supreme Lord of the Church of Truth.

It can be seen that the head lord has developed to such an extent that it is possible to support a bottom lord.

Huang Yu of other churches is not clear, but the Osaicus that [Wild Wolf] just mentioned was supported by Lord Silla and helped him obtain a supreme leader.

It's just that after the death of the agent Joshua, the power of the gods of **** descended an angel for Osaycus, and Osaycus also broke with the new lord of Silla, who established himself as the pope of light at that time.

Until the Faceless [Wild Wolf] took the seat of the Supreme Lord, the Church of Truth, and some forces that did not deal with the Church of Light, were still shouting at the eighteen Supreme Lords in the middle.

Because the Supreme Lords covered their bodies, Huang Yu couldn't see their expressions.

But these people were still sitting in their positions, including the five agents who did nothing, obviously watching a play.

"Lord Murayama can't sit, can you sit?"

At this moment, all the voices expressing injustice suddenly disappeared, and a slightly feminine male voice echoed throughout the parliament.

A figure stood up from his seat and shouted in the face:

"Thirty-seven believers of the God of Truth worked together to cultivate, but a waste like you who can't even beat a halfling was born."

"So far, have you defeated a Tier 4 territory?"

"Trash like you are also worthy of being a high lord, alongside the rest of us?"

The words of the Supreme Lord did not stop the Lord of the Church of Truth, but made him even more angry.

The lord of the Church of Truth waved his hands and feet loudly, pointing at [Desolate Wolf] for a while, then at the Supreme Lord for a while, and kept saying something.

It's just that the entire council of the gods seemed to be muted. The lord kept expressing his dissatisfaction, but only the image had no sound, which looked rather funny.

It even made some supreme lords laugh out loud.

As the leader of the alliance, Huang Yu naturally knew what happened.

The supreme leader took the initiative to use the authority in his hand to selectively mute some people. The golden councilor of the Oneworld Alliance also has such power, but only for ordinary members.

"My lord, the one who spoke was the supreme lord of the Church of War. He has always had a good relationship with the lord of Silla."

The Faceless [Desolate Wolf] explained one sentence, then turned his gaze in the direction of the other lord, and introduced to Huang Yu:

"That is Lord Silla, and the one sitting on his left is Lord Osagecus."

These people were all in a mosaic. Huang Yu couldn't see it clearly and wasn't interested. He just watched the people of the Church of Truth calm down from shame and anger, and finally they turned away one after another, and it seemed that they had left the meeting.

After a while, the effect of the ban disappeared.


When the Church of Truth, who had not left, took office as the Supreme Lord, he spat at the eighteen Supreme Lords and said:

"This alliance, don't wait!"

Then the figure disappeared together with the seat, and it seemed that he quit the Alliance of the Gods directly.

With the withdrawal of the Supreme Lord of the Church of Truth, more than a dozen seats in the Alliance of Gods were shattered one after another.

A supreme lord saw this and said to the lord of Silla:

"Silla, even if you are the nominal leader of the Alliance of the Gods, you can't make the Alliance of the Gods lose justice for your own sake!"

"The establishment of the alliance was the result of the joint efforts of the main gods in the prison, but it was only created by you."

"Now that you kick the Church of Truth out of the game, aren't you afraid of attracting the dissatisfaction of the God of Truth?"

Through the introduction of [Wild Wolf], Huang Yu knew that it was Lord Aolai, the supreme lord of the Holy Church, who was speaking.

The Church of the Holy Spirit has always been the mortal enemy of the Church of Light~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After Silla created a Empire of Shinra, this lord also created a Holy Olai Empire.

The territories of the two are unique among the believers, and they should be compared no matter what.

It's just that the Church of Light now occupies three supreme leader positions, while the Holy Church still has only two, which makes Lord Olei and Stefan's agent feel uncomfortable.

"Fairness? Only those with strength are qualified to speak fairness."

"What's more, wasn't the proposal to withdraw Godoyin from the ranks of the High Lords by unanimous consent?"

The Silla Lord's tone was very calm, and he did not react at all to the withdrawal of some members of the Church of Truth.

"As for the great **** of truth, I believe her eyes won't stay on that kind of waste for too long."

"After all, halflings have been her main followers since Amir's death."

Believers exist not only among humans, but also among low-level and common races such as goblins, goblins, kobolds, halflings, and Nivens, there are believers.

Among those races, there are organizations similar to the Alliance of the Gods, except that the leader of the human believers is the Church of Light, and the believers of the halflings are dominated by the God of Truth.

This is also the reason why some believers have joined and coexisted peacefully in the territories of believers.

Although dissatisfied, the result has been set in accordance with the rules of the alliance. Although many lords are dissatisfied, it does not help.

Soon, the matter of the Church of Truth was left behind by the eighteen Supreme Lords. After exchanging some information, the Alliance of Gods began to discuss some matters.

It didn't take long for Huang Yu to hear his name.

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