Popular recommendation:

"According to the information I got, the universe territory is currently a fifth-order territory, and the universe lord has at least four extraordinary arms, as well as the super race such as dragons."

"In addition to the Heroic Spirits and the Twelve Golden Men mentioned earlier, there is also a magic pattern technology in the universe. Each magic pattern is equivalent to a talent ability, which greatly increases personal strength."

"And its territory is rich in equipment and potions, and the quantity is large enough to be sold to internal members in batches..."

Among the eighteen supreme lords, the believers of the cult of wisdom, after publishing their own information, said cautiously:

"This person has broken a lot of things for us, seriously affected the spread of our Lord's beliefs among human forces, and has deep hostility towards us."

"Even under his influence, many human lords are extremely resistant to the belief in our Lord, and now they have formed a situation of mutual opposition."

"If we don't suppress it, with the development speed of the world territory, it will sooner or later become the biggest obstacle to spreading our beliefs."


The words of the believers of the Wisdom God made the whole meeting quiet.

The four words, Lord of the Universe, have a high status in the hearts of all human lords, although most believers hate Huang Yu.

But it is undeniable that Huang Yu's strength is indeed strong, not only has the ability to kill angels, but also the wealth of his territory is enviable.

In particular, the magic pattern technology, which is popular among human forces, has caused many believers to scold them while buying them, and after using them, they call it really fragrant.

"We don't even know where the Universal Territory is now, and we can't do it if we want to suppress the Universal Territory?"

"Also, even if we find the location of the Universal Territory, with our strength, it is not necessarily an opponent of the Universal Territory, right?"

"What's more, there is also a Universal Alliance in the hands of the Universal Lord."

Hearing the words of the Supreme Lord of the Church of Wisdom, the war lord who had previously banned the Church of Truth said:

"The Oneworld Alliance became a Tier 5 alliance a long time ago, and the main improvement is the space for help."

"Once you start a war with the Universal Territory, you must also prepare for the confrontation with the Universal Alliance."

"Although there are few members of the Universal Alliance, all of them are of good strength. With the financial resources of the Universal Lord, it can be said that it is a matter of hand to convene a support army in a short period of time."

The remarks of the Supreme Lord of the God of War did not arouse the disgust of other believers, but many of the lords present took it for granted.

Now the impression of the strength of the universe has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Whenever there is information related to the universe, the believers are not only surprised, but also feel powerless in the face of such a powerful enemy as the universe.

The words of the Supreme Lord of the Church of War brought the entire meeting into a brief period of calm again.

After a while, Lord Silla said:

"Since we're here, there's one thing I have to mention."

"Lord Olai also said before that the alliance is not mine alone, but the alliance of all of us."

"If the alliance is to be promoted to Tier 5, each of us must do our best."

"I will give you three more days. If the lord does not pay the upgrade fee within three days, we will kick him out of the Alliance of Gods."

After finishing speaking, the Silla lord did not discuss the common believer lords who were talking about it, and said to the other supreme lords:

"We can't grow the ambition of others and destroy our own prestige."

"Although the world territory is strong, the strength of the world alliance is indeed good, but in the final analysis, the unbelievers of the world alliance are all tied together by interests."

"Without the fetters of faith, it is still unknown whether the lord of the universe can gain the support of these unbelievers."

Lord Silla stood up and waved his hand, isolating the believers who were watching from the Eighteen Supreme Lords, and at the same time projected a huge map on the top of the Eighteen Supreme Lords.

A total of thirteen areas are divided on this map, of which twelve areas are marked with a flashing red light.

Before Huang Yu could see the information on the map clearly, he saw Lord Silla pointed, and the map of the area without the red mark quickly zoomed in and appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"This was originally the mission area of ​​the God of Truth, but with the death of the agent Amir, this area was not under the control of the gods."

"What is certain now is that the Universal Territory is in this area."

Hearing the words of Lord Silla, Lord Olai immediately interrupted:

"We all know about this, but these areas are more than a dozen or even two billion square kilometers. To find the world territory in them is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack."

The Chaos Continent is boundless, and no one knows how big the Chaos Continent is.

But the total area of ​​the thirteen mission areas set up by the divine prison creatures among human beings exceeds 20 billion square kilometers.

It was also the first time that Huang Yu saw this. When the mission area of ​​the God of Truth was enlarged, Huang Yu saw the ocean occupying one-third of the map at a glance.

Looking north along the ocean, Huang Yu searched for a long time before he roughly found the location of his territory.

The current land area of ​​the Universal Territory is only less than 100,000 square kilometers~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the entire map, there is only a tiny little point.

In addition, although the forest where the Universal Territory is located is vast, it is only a small part of the map, with a total area of ​​only about two million square kilometers. Because of the existence of the South Bay, it is randomly marked as the Jiawan Forest.

The mountains located 500 to 600 kilometers north of the Universal Territory are labeled as the Puntagan Mountains. The overall length of the mountain range is tens of thousands of kilometers, which completely separates the plateau in the north of the mountain range from the grassland in the south.

The plateau was named the Danmo Plateau, and its area is similar to the forest where the Universal Territory is located. At first glance, it was written by the Danmo Territory, and the grassland that spread out in a fan shape and occupied a large area of ​​the Missionary Area of ​​the Church of Truth, was It is called the sunset grassland.

In addition, the mountains in the east of the Universal Territory also occupy a large area and are marked as Chifeng Mountains.

In addition to marking the terrain, the map also roughly marked the territorial locations of some believers.

For example, the Danmo Territory of the Punta Gan Alliance, and the Village Hill Territory where the Faceless [Wild Wolf] is located, these two believer territories were both seen by Huang Yu.

What Huang Yu has not seen is the Chifeng Territory in the Eastern Mountains, the Sunrise Territory on the Riguro Grassland, and so on.

It's just that the territories of the believers that were eliminated by Huang Yu did not appear on it.

Obviously, these terrains are named after the domain names of the believers, and many of these believers believe in the **** of light.

As the most powerful church force among human forces, the Light God Cult has far more believers than other churches.

Now the mission area that originally belonged to the God of Truth is being eroded by the Light God Cult little by little.

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