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world territory.

Two thousand-strong Imperial Guards came out from the north gate of Huanyu City, fully armed, carrying a large amount of supplies, guarding two hundred arcanists and nearly a hundred special professionals, heading north.

The two thousand Imperial Guards belonged to the Ninth and Tenth Chapters newly built by the Imperial Guard Corps. They had been trained in the Magic Tower Training Camp for more than half a month, and their per capita level had reached the second rank.

Different from Jiang Chengzi's group of Imperial Guards, these two thousand Imperial Guards came from the military building that Huang Yuxin purchased - Imperial Guard Training Camp.

More than a month has passed since the War of the Undead ended.

In the past month or so, the territory of the universe has expanded again, and only three sub-cities have been established.

In addition to Shanyin City in the eastern mountains, Huang Yu also established Heyang City and Changxing City in the north near the Punta Gan Mountains.

In order to meet the defense needs of each branch city, Huang Yu began to cultivate new defense troops in the early days of the establishment of Shanyin City.

Looking around in the Chaos Mall, Huang Yu finally felt that there was no more suitable defensive arm than the Imperial Guard.

As a result, Huang Yu purchased the Imperial Guard Training Camp, which could also produce Imperial Guards, and expanded the Third Corps of the Universe, increasing the number of Imperial Guards under his command to 15,000. Fifteen Chapters!

At present, the Imperial Guard Corps is already the largest army in the universe. Although it is scattered all over the territory, it is the core army that Huang Yu controls.

The eastern city of Shanyin is currently under the management of the Eighth Chapter of the Imperial Guard.

The 10th Legion of the Universe - Kashejin Storm Legion, composed of 7,500 Kashejin storm fighters, 3,000 Cadian raiders, and 500 red and white knights, was stationed.

As for Heyang City and Changxing City, the construction was completed in the past two days.

The Amazon Legion and the Red Skill Knight Legion have completed the relocation work. The 9th and 10th Chapters of the Royal Guard are now bringing the government affairs talents, special professionals, and arcanists trained by the Universal City to the Two sub-cities are under construction.

In addition to the three branch cities of Shanyin, Heyang and Changxing, Tianshu City on the grasslands in the northeast and Zhenyuan City in the mountains in the east are also under planning and construction.

There are already ten sub-cities in the Universal Territory, ranging from the Puntagan Mountains in the north, to Weihai City on the South Sea Island in the south, to Shanyin and Zhenyuan in the east, and to Qingxi in the west.

The total area of ​​the territory is nearly 200,000 square kilometers!

In addition, the first phase of the South Sea Island Volcanic Furnace Reconstruction Plan has also been achieved, and the headquarters of the manufacturing center has been moved from Universal City to South Sea Island.

In the future, South China Sea Island will become the largest manufacturing base in the world!

Huang Yu watched the two imperial guards leave the city and walked into the Tinder Hall.

In the past month or so, each legion has cleared a lot of alien territories and obtained a lot of victories. Although Huang Yu didn't make a move, he only raised his level to LV49 with the experience points he intercepted.

However, as before, once it is time to cross the rank, a huge amount of experience is needed to help the lord to break through the rank.

Huang Yu was promoted to LV49 as early as two weeks ago, but now, half a month later, Huang Yu's LV49-LV50 experience bar has not been filled.

To break through to the extraordinary, Huang Yu still needs a period of precipitation.

However, although Huang Yu did not break through the extraordinary, he had a lot of arms under his command, and he was the first to enter the extraordinary ranks.

The Spartan Legion, Gannix, who is in charge of the Spartan Shadow tactical team, successfully broke through ten days ago and entered the extraordinary ranks.

And at the time of the breakthrough, he was successfully promoted to the king-level arms, which can be described as double happiness.

Ella, the commander of Amazon's Third Chapter, also bought Transcendent after Ganix, but Ella's potential was slightly inferior, and she was not promoted to the king-level arms.

In addition, Phaedra, the chapter leader of the Second Spartan Chapter, was promoted to the king-level army although he did not enter the extraordinary.

It is not difficult to see that most of the people who took the lead in stepping into the extraordinary, or even approaching the extraordinary, were veterans of the universe.

Gannix, for example, was the second heroic unit Huang Yu obtained at the beginning.

Ella, who holds the title of Storm, is also the first Amazon female warrior under Huang Yu's command.

They can break through the extraordinary faster, but also because of their long-term accumulation...

Although there are not many arms that have entered the extraordinary, in the past month or so, Huang Yu has added a batch of king-level arms.

In addition to the aforementioned Ganix and Phaedra, Sandra, the fourth chapter commander of the Amazon Legion, was also successfully promoted to the king-level unit.

But what Huang Yu didn't expect was that a king-level arm was also born in the Heijiamen battle group, the auxiliary soldiers of the Amazon Legion.

Although the Black Armored Sect is a perfect class of arms, every Black Armored Warrior will automatically become a warrior class after being promoted to the second rank.

Among the many perfect grade arms in the universe, the black armored warriors are also the only ones.

At present, the black armored warrior named Abarth is serving as the chapter leader of the Amazon's Eighth Chapter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is a commander-type king-level soldier, and has been serving as Ryana's before that. Adjutant, assist Rhianna in managing the Black Armor Gate Chapter.

As a training camp type of arms building, the Imperial Guard training camp has a probability of directly training king-level or even god-level arms.

When the Imperial Guard Training Camp trained 7,500 Imperial Guards, it not only directly trained three king-level arms, but also trained a god-level arm for Huang Yu!

The god-level arm named Xijiangyue is an augmented god-level arm. Currently, as the deputy commander, he is stationed in the Universal City together with Ying Changtian.

Among the other legions, Cao Xiang, commander of the fifth division of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Corps, and Cao Luo, head of the sixth division, were also promoted to king-level arms.

Kate's Battle Girl Legion, Twilight Raider Legion, Deep Tide Knight Legion, and Red Skill Knight Legion also had their members promoted to the king rank.

And the amazing and talented Dark Crow Guard Corps commander Pai Rush was promoted to the king-level unit as early as a month ago. His talent is so high that Huang Yu even thinks that he can be promoted to the rank before Cao Xing, Leiya and others. God-level troops.

As for the Kashejin Storm Chapter, currently only the commander Stuka is a king-level arm. As the newly established legion, this extraordinary arm still needs a large-scale war to baptize.

At present, Huang Yu has ten extraordinary armies in his hands, and the total number of arms has exceeded 100,000, including two god-level arms and fifty-three king-level arms!

Each legion strikes alone and can compete with the top territories on the Chaos Continent!

In addition to the ten major legions, Huang Yu also has three special units in his hands, namely the Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry with all the dragons, the terrifying blood-born **** generals, and the Heroic Spirit Army with per capita heroic troops.

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