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The eighteen cavalry members of the special combat team Yanyun were promoted to the fifth rank, and many of them were only one step away from the extraordinary.

At present, the Eighteen Horsemen of Yanyun are mainly responsible for collecting the information of the nearby alien races, and from time to time they launch raids on the territories of some alien races with average strength.

Not long ago, a third-order goblin follower's territory was destroyed, causing disputes within the Puntagan Alliance.

The second special team is the blood-born **** general who only obeys Huang Yu.

There are still only five blood **** generals under Huang Yu, but the number of blood descendants has increased to eight, five gods and eight kings. This special unit built by Huang Yu has the strength to subvert the situation!

The last special unit is Huang Yu's Heroic Spirit Army, which is also the strongest army in Huang Yu's hands.

Heroic spirits are not only rich in ranks, but also possess unique holy artifacts and holy souls, and can use the power of faith to release some simple magical techniques.

At present, there are more than 1,900 Heroic Spirits in the Hall of Heroes, and Dilios has entered the sixth rank, which is equivalent to the transcendence of human beings.

In addition to Dilios, Corinna, who was born in the Amazon tribe, Cao Min and Cao An, who were born in Tiger and Leopard Riders, and Sharon, who was born in Kate's War Concubine, all mastered the high-star holy artifact and awakened well. Holy Spirit.

In terms of strength, they are no less than the god-level arms of the same rank, but they need a lot of faith to support them in long-term battles.

Among the heroic spirits, as long as they condense the holy artifact and awaken the holy soul, the strength of the heroic spirit is stronger than that of the heroes of the same level.

If the star level of the holy artifact and holy soul is not bad, the strength of these heroic spirits is usually comparable to the king level.

Of course, a heroic spirit transformed from a non-combatant like Chai Jin may have less combat experience and skills, but Chai Jin is only an example after all.

Now, the Heroic Spirit mercenaries in Huang Yu's hands are very popular in the World Alliance's cooperation zone.

Heroic spirits are not afraid of pain and poison spells. The body condensed by the power of faith is also immune to most negative spell effects, and some application skills of the power of faith can also exert effects similar to divine magic.

Heroic spirits who can fight and resist milk have become the most favorite arms of the members of the Universal Alliance. Even after a few actions, a powerful heroic spirit like Dirios has a group of admirers in other territories. Gain the power of faith from other territorial subjects...

"It's time to attack the Puntagan Alliance and Chifeng Territory."

Huang Yu beckoned, and the sand table floating above the Tinder Hall slowly fell, and quickly enlarged into a huge 10X10 sand table.

On the sand table, the Universal Territory only occupies an area of ​​less than one square meter, and the rest of the area is marked with a series of terrains such as the Sunrise Grassland, the Danmo Highland, the Chifeng Mountains, and the Puntagan Mountains.

After the Faceless [Wild Wolf] became the eighteen supreme lords of the Alliance of the Gods, without much effort, he obtained the map of the mission area of ​​the Church of Truth from the lord of Silla.

It's just a pity that when the Faceless [Wild Wolf] asked for maps of other areas, it was rejected by the Silla Lord.

The part in front of Huang Yu's eyes is the part that was intercepted centered on the Universal Territory, covering the Murayama Territory more than 2,000 kilometers away.

Among them, the terrain of the world territory and surrounding locations is the most detailed and realistic. Not only the locations of the sub-city and the acropolis are marked, but also the size and shape of the mountain peaks, rivers, and valley bottoms are made in proportion.

This kind of sand table has also been copied in each branch city, and it is definitely a rare treasure for the current legions.

On the map, from the foot of the Pentagan Mountains to the Universal City, there is no longer any alien territory.

When the Amazon Legion and the Red Skill Knight Legion are ready, Huang Yu can wage war against the Puntagan Alliance.

As for the Chifeng Territory, it is still some distance away from Shanyin City and Zhenyuan City, but in order to clear the foothold of the Alliance of Gods near the Huanyu Territory, Huang Yu plans to organize the Spartan Army and the Kashejin Army after Zhenyuan City is established. Start an expedition.

Over a distance of nearly 500 kilometers, destroy the Chifeng territory!

A war on two fronts, even if it is a universe, will have a lot of pressure.

In particular, these two enemies are not very easy to deal with.

The main difficulty of the Chifeng expedition is the distance, and there are many foreign territories along the way.

The Universal Territory is not familiar with that area. In case of encountering an enemy with good strength, it is inevitable that the fighter will be delayed.

The difficulty in attacking the Punta Gan Alliance is that there are too many enemies, and none of the five main forces are weak.

And in the past month, although there are faceless people who are secretly making troubles, the Puntagan Alliance has become more and more united under the union of the Light Elf Territory and the Dunmore Territory.

Even the Eagle Man Territory put aside their prejudices, and flirted with the Light Elf Territory and the Danmo Territory, jointly suppressing the Red Dwarf Territory.

The current red dwarf territory has become the equipment manufacturing base of the other three. After the disappearance of the orc allies, the lives of these red dwarves who cannot move are getting worse and worse.

In order to survive, I can only swallow ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ being exploited and oppressed by the other three.

"The battles on both sides must be resolved in a short period of time, and the alliance of the gods cannot be given time to react!"

"Especially on the side of the Alliance of Gods, it is not enough to solve only the Danmo territory, and the light elf territory must also be solved at the same time."

It's just that it can't contain the fire. Some time ago, the Light Elf Lord still did not suppress the "Child of Light".

I don't know what means, the children of light use the elf mother tree to continuously give the light elves the inspiration in their dreams, so that they can welcome their arrival.

The light elves didn't believe it at first, but as more and more people received the revelation, the revelation became more and more ordinary, and the light elves began to try to summon the children of light.

With the help of the faceless [Elf of Light], Huang Yu witnessed the birth of the Son of Light with his own eyes.

On that day, a holy flower bloomed at the top of the elf mother tree. After the petals fell off, the female core gradually grew into a fusiform golden fruit.

The walls of the fruit are so thin that it is possible to see through them humanoids immersed in an unknown liquid.

That is the child of light that has not yet been born. It can communicate with other light elves through thoughts. Although it is not yet mature, it has already made many light elves surrender.

Huang Yu can feel the strong power of faith from the Son of Light, which is exactly the same as that of the Church of Light.

Since the emergence of the Son of Light, the cooperation between the Light Elf Territory and the Denmo Territory has become increasingly close. Last week, the light belief of the Denmore Territory was introduced.

Huang Yu looked at the map, the light elf territory was close to Heyang, and the Danmo territory was close to Changxing, and the distance between the two was not too far.

If it can be destroyed by lightning, the entire Pentagan Alliance will be turned into a pile of scattered sand.

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