Lord of the People: Discount Artifact For Signing In at the Start

Chapter 653: The enemy's home is our home

"Lord Lord, the scout commander sent a message before he died that there is a human heavy cavalry outside the city, rushing towards our territory!"

"What shall we do now?"

These **** humans!

It happens to be the trouble for us at this time!

If they survive today, those humans will regret taking advantage of the fire in the future!

After hearing the report from his subordinates, the troll lord's face suddenly turned ashen.

The territory is still struggling to resist the attacks of giant dragons and iron-feather griffins. This human army suddenly kills itself, isn't it afraid of offending those giant dragons?

Thinking of this, the troll lord was suddenly taken aback, and then he thought of the figure that fell from the red dragon's back, and the more he thought about it, the more he looked like a human being.

The chaos in the territory made the troll lord Wuxia guess what the relationship between humans and dragons was.

Picking up the warhammer, riding an excellent-grade wolf-shaped wild monster, he rushed towards the city gate.

Looking at the chaos along the way, and the terribly dead subjects and troops everywhere, the troll lord became more and more angry.

But in addition to his anger, the troll lord also discovered a strange thing.

Now the dragons and iron-feather griffins are attacking the territory. The dragons mainly destroy the fortresses, arrow towers, special buildings, city walls and the defenders gathered around the city.

The Iron Feather Griffin hunts and kills ordinary troll people, and rarely destroys ordinary buildings and city walls in the territory.

This sudden appearance and strange structure of the enemy does not seem to want to completely destroy the troll territory.


! "

With the roar of the dragon in the sky, the ground suddenly began to vibrate, and the fluctuations were so great that some fine sand and stones were continuously shaken into the air.

The sudden change interrupted the thinking of the troll lord. The first thought in his mind was that the human army outside the city was still attacking.

"Sword Comes"

But what kind of troops can make such a terrifying movement when launching an attack?

The troll lord has never seen a stone horn beast, and naturally he does not know how terrible this mount is.

When it was anxious about how to deal with the human troops attacking the territory, it was attracted by a human man holding a silver spear.

The man walked straight to the city gate of the troll's territory. The spear in his hand was airtight, and the silver cold light was like a hundred birds. Every time it bloomed, it would definitely bring out a flower made of troll blood.

The trolls rushed to the human man one after another, and fell to the ground five meters away, so that the trolls guarding the city gate were full of fear.

If it wasn't for the persecution of the city gate guard, the trolls would not have dared to rush to the human.

In this short period of time, the man walked a distance of nearly 100 meters, and dozens of troll bodies were piled up on the roadside.

Looking at the azure light, the armor that was not even stained with dust, the troll lord knew that from beginning to end, his troops had never even touched the corners of his clothes.

The man was Pantheon, the Spartan god, and the only one who flew into the troll territory on a dragon.

And his goal is also very simple, that is, to occupy the troll territory while ensuring that the troll territory is as complete as possible.

At that time, the troll territory will be the place where the Chifeng Expeditionary Force will be renovating tonight.

There are city walls, houses, food, water sources... Not only is it safer, but it also saves a lot of trouble for the expeditionary army and saves a lot of time and energy.

In order to achieve this goal, Pan Sen deliberately introduced himself into the troll territory, just to "gently" open the city gate of the troll territory, let the stone horn knights come in to clean up the trolls, and at the same time prevent the city wall from being damaged.

While attacking the enemy leader, it is not difficult to protect it from being destroyed too much.

But in the face of absolute strength, the difference is not that big.

And Pan Sen is now on the verge of a breakthrough. If he can be promoted to extraordinary in this battle, and after arriving in the Chifeng territory, if something happens, he can also have more ways to deal with it.

Therefore, Panson did not deliberately avoid the troll army in front, but rushed forward with a single shot, and then killed the troll army.


"Let's go together!"

"Kill this guy!"

Just when Pan Sen started to kill, maybe it was the humans who couldn't stand the slaughter of trolls, or they didn't dare to shrink back when they saw the lord appear.

The commander of the city gate guards and the four surviving troll hero troops on the city wall gathered up their courage, took the weapons in their hands, and rushed towards the Spartan **** Pantheon.

There are no king-level units in the troll territory, and the hero units are the cutting-edge combat power of their territory.

When the troll lord saw the five troll hero troops join hands to launch a siege, he also summoned the trolls around him to charge, and at the same time urged the giant wolf under his crotch, wanting to rush up and besiege Pan, the **** of Sparta with his subordinates. Sen.

And Pan Sen, who saw the five troll hero arms, could not help but flash a gleam in his eyes. Killing hero arms gave more experience points than killing ordinary and warrior-level arms.

After killing for a long time, Pan Sen gained very limited experience points. At this time, when he saw five heroic units, it was like seeing prey, and he rushed up in a flash.

In an instant, a silver cold light flashed, drawing a beautiful arc in the darkness.

The cold light reflected the troll's hideous face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then the blood gushing out like a fountain.

In one encounter, five hero-level troops died in Pan Sen's hands, and even after his death, he did not realize that he had died.

The fear hidden in the hideous expression on his face became a bit dazed when he knew that his head had landed.

When the troll lord saw this scene, he put down the warhammer raised in his hand, swallowed his throat, and subconsciously called up Pansen's information panel.

【Humanity:? ? ? 】

[Army: ? ? ? 】

[Level: LV40+]

[Potential: God Level]


"God-level...God-level arms!"

In the few information that can be seen, the word "God-level" on the potential column, the head of the troll lord who was directly bombed buzzed.

His territory has not cultivated a king-level soldier until now, but now this human is a god-level soldier!

A god-level unit that can pierce through a troll battle group with one's own power!

At this time, Pan Sen, who felt that someone was rushing behind him, turned his head and saw the troll lord behind the troll army at a glance, and smiled subconsciously.

With this smile, the sluggish troll lord instantly woke up, and immediately shuddered.

"Give it to me, kill him for me!"

"Whoever can kill him, I will grant his wish!"

"Any wish will do!"

The troll lord hysterically drove his troops, the majesty and promise of the lord, so that the surrounding trolls once again mustered their courage and roared towards Pantheon.

After Pan Sen saw it, he destroyed several sealing devices at the gate of the troll's territory with the silver of the front, and then rushed into the troll with great strides.

The silver of the front in his hand is constantly depriving the troll of his life, but his eyes are tightly placed on the troll lord.

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