The silver of Guanfeng has already turned bloody, and Pan Sen's armor is also stained with blood and scratches. After fighting for so long, Pan Sen has lived up to his previous dashing, and now he seems a little embarrassed.

Under the roar of the troll lord, the trolls had given up the territory with the door wide open, and rushed towards Pan Sen recklessly, trying to stop the terrifying enemy who was rushing towards the lord.

The number of enemies is so numerous, and there are archers and spellcasters in the distance, ignoring the attacks of their own targets.

Even Pan Sen, who has fought a hundred battles, will inevitably make several omissions and encounter several accidents during the battle.

When a troll hero unit used a secret skill to wipe a blood trough on Pantheon's neck, the trolls boiled.

Even if the scar healed in the blink of an eye, the trolls who had already killed the red-eyed trolls were still in a lot of spirits.

The enemy is not invincible, he can also be injured and even die!

Under the deliberate instigation of the troll lord, the trolls raised the weapons in their hands and rushed towards Pantheon with a scream.

They no longer care about pain and death, from the initial fear to numbness, to the primitive desire to kill that is completely unstoppable.

The trolls have completely lost their minds, rushing towards Pantheon like beasts, roaring and using all their attacks.

It seemed to them that even breaking one of Panson's hairs was a victory.

But the trolls were going crazy, and Pantheon was even crazier than them.

After such a **** battle, Pan Sen's spirit has long been active to the extent of launching the wrath of the soul.

Under the influence of the wrath of the soul, the immortal breath in Pan Sen's body began to boil, and his size was getting bigger little by little, and now his height is close to five meters!

This is the liberation of the divine body in the first stage of the wrath of the soul. When the breath of immortality is so loud that Pan Sen can't bear it, it needs the strongest stunt that Pan Sen has not yet released to vent.

Body liberation not only gave Pantheon a huge body, but also gave him basic physiques such as stronger strength, defense, self-healing and speed.

It's just that, under the impact of Immortal Breath, Pan Sen's sanity is also constantly decreasing, and he has gradually lost other thoughts except for the idea of ​​killing the troll lord.

And the regular blue scale suit on his body has long been broken into pieces, revealing the golden string soaked in the inner spirit of the Holy Spirit, and the extraordinary grade equipment made of it - the Holy Spirit's battle robe!

The defensive power of this shirt is higher than the perfect barren heavy armor, and there are only three pieces in the entire universe, one for Huang Yu, one for Pan Sen, and one for the newly promoted god-level arm Xijiangyue.

Not only does it have super high legal resistance and physical resistance, but it also has the ability to change freely in size.

At this time, Pan Sen had lost most of his sanity, so he naturally took care of the Holy Spirit's robe, which caused the Holy Spirit's robe to be in the most primitive form, barely covering Pan Sen's key parts.

But even so, Pan Sen, who held the silver of Guanfeng like a short stick and smashed it around among the trolls, was still intact, without even a single scar.

Before Pantheon's divine body was liberated, the troll hero units could still cause him a lot of trauma, but after the liberation of Pantheon's divine body, the speed at which the trolls caused Panson's wounds was not as fast as Panson's self-healing.

Immortal Breath, an energy with immortal characteristics, is several levels higher than extraordinary power.

How can the immortality feature be invalidated by ordinary physical attacks and magic attacks.

Bang bang bang!


When the hooves of the stone horns sounded in the troll territory, the troll lord, who had been stimulated with red eyes by the blood, woke up from the wildness.

Looking at Panson who was raging in the tide of trolls, and then looking at the stone horned beast knight who was advancing in an orderly manner, quickly cleaning up the lives of the trolls, the troll lord's heart completely fell into the bottom of the valley.

Not long ago, it upgraded its territory to a Tier 4 territory, and before it had time to cultivate an extraordinary army, the territory was breached by the enemy.

This makes the new troll lord who has been imagining the future for countless nights cold, and at the same time hates the culprit Pantheon.

When seeing that these humans did not wantonly destroy the territory, but deliberately protected the city walls and houses, the troll lord knew that these humans wanted to occupy their territory as completely as possible.

Although I don't know why, but at this time, in the mind of the troll lord, the more the enemy wants to get, the less the troll lord wants to get it.

Even if it is his own territory, even if it will sacrifice his life.

Thinking of this, the troll lord urged the giant wolf under his crotch, turned his head and ran to his castle, trying to destroy his lord's authority—the spirit of the ancestors.

However, what the troll lord doesn't know is that Pan Sen, who seems to be insane, his only goal now is to kill him.

When the troll lord ran to his castle, Pantheon, who was slaughtering among the troll army, also moved immediately.

In the state of liberation, his body has broken through the height of five meters. When running, he is like a reduced version of a giant warrior. Every time his legs move, he will kick several trolls flying~www.wuxiaspot .com~ However, after all, the troll lord has a mount, and there is no enemy to obstruct him, so he escaped very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was far away from Pan Sen.


After seeing this scene, Pan Sen let out an inhuman roar.

At the same time, his spirit was at its peak, and the breath of immortality that was running fast in his body also reached its limit.

After hearing Pan Sen's roar, the troll lord turned his head and looked at Pan Sen, who looked like a little giant, and a bit of pleasure appeared on his hideous face.

However, at the next moment, this joy condensed on the face of the troll lord.

In its sight, Pan Sen bent his knees and jumped.

The body was wrapped in gold and red energy, and it jumped into the air dozens of meters high.

Where he just stood, there was a big pit, and there were many corpses on the edge that had become flesh and blood under the huge impact.

And it's not over yet.

Panson, who jumped into the air, quickly retracted his body to his normal size while releasing turbulent energy.

These golden-red energies burned like flames, and propelled Pantheon to fly towards the troll lord like a meteor falling from the sky.

Great Desolate Starfall!

Pantheon's most powerful offensive skill!

The first time came to this unknown troll territory!

Seeing the terrifying energy ball, the troll lord was so frightened that his heart was broken, and he drove the giant wolf under his crotch to avoid the attack range of Dahuangxingyun.

But it moves too slowly, and its last struggle is in vain.

The golden-red energy ball directly hit the troll lord, and no **** was left. Then it hit the ground for a distance of more than 200 meters, leaving a groove more than ten meters deep and dozens of meters wide. , it completely dissipated!

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