Lord of the People: Start Sign-in Discount Artifact Chapter 660 Crows dance

With the totem pole in hand, the orc lord can more or less see some enemy information.

Seeing that the entrance to the canyon turned out to be a god-level arm, a fifth-order arcanist, and two king-level arms guarding, the orc lord suddenly took a breath, and his heart was half cold.

When are these human beings sacred, and why do they have so many powerful arms and powerhouses?

Before he could think about it, the orc lord carried the totem pole and led the remaining orcs to break through to the exit of the canyon independently guarded by the "ugly" golden man.

In the eyes of the orc lords, although the "ugly" golden man is huge in size and extremely destructive, his movements are not fast.

The most important thing is that all beings are equal in front of the giant mace in the hands of the "ugly" golden man, and as long as they don't stand in such a conspicuous place, the orc lord will not be taken care of.

If they rushed back, the orc lord would definitely become the focus of the four people.

Although the orc lord is confident that his strength can compete with the king-level arms, he does not think that he will be an opponent of the god-level arms, not to mention the opponents are two powerful spellcasters.

In the critical moment of life and death, it has no idea of ​​sharing the firepower for its own men.

The Raven Guard kept leaping out of the shadows, hunting the orcs who had gathered together.

The orc army was struggling in the canyon, and had to use the life of the orcs to pave an escape route to the exit of the canyon.

Seeing that the "ugly" golden man was getting closer and closer, the orc lord felt relieved and began to move to the edge of the army.

The intention was to escape through the dead end of the "ugly" attack range to escape this canyon that ruined most of the Blood Axe tribe.


! "

At this moment, a high-pitched dragon roar came from above the canyon.

The shadow crows in the sky disappeared at an extremely fast speed, but the orcs who saw the sky again were not happy at all, because they saw eleven dragons flying fast.

The dragons swooped down toward the canyon, and at first sight the target was the orcs themselves.

Although I don't know why so many giant dragons appear together, orc lords who have no communication with giant dragons will not think that these giant dragons are here to save themselves.

Sure enough, those giant dragons passed over the head of the "ugly" golden man, and all kinds of terrifying breaths opened their mouths.

Fire, thunder and lightning, frost, poisonous gas... which are mixed with various offensive dragon spells.

The torrent of multicolored energy slanted down towards the orc tribe, like a walking waterfall, drowning the remaining orc troops.

Even the orc lords are covered, and can only be resisted with totem poles and innate abilities.

After the dragon flew over, the small half of the canyon turned into a sea of ​​dragon breath. Countless orcs died in the torrent-like breath, and only less than a thousand orcs survived in the energy breath.

The surviving orc lords were dazed. From the beginning of the battle to the present, they have been passively beaten. Until now, they have not figured out where these enemies came from, how they found their tribe's travel route, and why they attacked the blood axe. tribe.


"Lord Lord, save..."

A shrill scream made the orc lord come back to his senses.

Turning his head to look, he stretched out his arm to ask for help, the only king-level soldier under his command.

Behind it, stood a man in black armor, the slender machete in his hand had pierced the heart of the orc king-level troops, and blood was splattering on the exposed half of the blade.

When the orc lord looked back, the black-armored man also found the location of the orc lord after looking in the direction the orc king-level troops pointed.

The two looked at each other, and the orc lord cursed inwardly with a gloomy expression, while the man in black armor grinned and gestured toward the orc lord with a throat-slashing gesture.

Afterwards, the man in black armor, the commander of the Raven Guard, Pairush, turned into a black crow in the sky under the gaze of the orc lord, and flew towards the orc lord.

When passing through the blocking orcs on the way, Pairush will suddenly appear, and after harvesting the life of the orcs with the machete in his hand, it will be disintegrated into countless shadow crows in an instant.

For a time, the crows were flying, the black knives were bleeding, and the ghostly figure of Pairush, with his own strength, forcibly killed a **** path to the orc lord among the remaining orcs.

Another king-level soldier, and his strength is far better than that of the orc commander who is also a king...

After seeing Pyrush, the orc lord's heart was dead.

When the dragon attacked the orcs, the orc lord knew that his life was over.

Even if it can escape the blockade of the "ugly" golden man, it cannot escape the pursuit of the dragons.

However, as the last bit of pride as an orc warrior, he did not let the orc lord slaughter it, but put the totem pole on the ground, picked up a three-meter-long blood-colored giant axe from the side of the mount, and roared towards Pi Rush rushed.

Immediately after the totem pole stood on the ground, a yellow energy wave burst out, and quickly spread out, forming a unique energy field.

With the help of the flock of crows transformed by Shadow Crows, Pairush immediately transformed into wisps of shadow energy after entering the energy field.

And Pairush, who used the shadow crow for displacement transformation, also showed his figure immediately, and at the same time, there was a shadow crow with a length of one meter hovering over his head.

Seeing that the group of crows had been destroyed, Pairush was not panicked. He slashed wildly with the black knife in his hand for a while ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after killing a few orcs rushing in, he collided with the shadow crow circling down.

In an instant, the dark gray shadow energy burst out like a mist, rushing away the orcs who came up.

After a while, the shadow energies closed again, revealing the Pyrush that had merged with the shadow crow.

His body became a little bigger, his head was wrapped in a crow-like visor, his eyes had scarlet rays of light, and behind him were a pair of dark-black crow wings, constantly dispersing mist-like shadow energy.

Seeing the orc lord rushing towards him, Pairush shook his wings, and under the impetus of the fierce wind, his body brought out a series of afterimages and rushed towards the orc lord.


Almost in the next instant, Pyrush collided with the orc lord.

The black blade and the crimson axe collided, producing a sharp neigh and bursting out a series of sparks.

The orc lord, who has the power of a mount and a ground support, slashed Pairush out with an axe, but his face was not good-looking.

The fight just now was just a test for both sides.

On the bright side, the orc lord seemed to have the upper hand. In fact, the power on his axe had been removed by Pairush, and he almost didn't hold his own weapon.

In addition, Parush's weapons are also much better than the orc lord.

Although they are all perfect grade equipment, after the Shadow Crow merged, Pairush's black knife has also been increased.

In a confrontation between forces, Pairush's black knife was intact, and it still stood out.

On the blood axe in the hands of the orc lord, there was a conspicuous gap. +Bookmark+

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