"It's not as good as Kratos, and it won't be the opponent of Citeria."

"The strength of this orc, even in front of other legion king-level arms, is only barely noticeable."

Pairush recalled the feeling just now, and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Whether it was the orc king-level arm that he had killed before, or the orc lord in front of him, compared with the king-level armies in the universe, their strength was a little worse.

The king-level arms of the Universal Territory are not only well-equipped, but also have the blessing of nearly ten kinds of characteristics and abilities. Compared with the king-level troops in other territories, their strength is naturally one level higher.

What's more, with the vigorous development of magic pattern technology, the possessed magic pattern has been popularized in the legions of the world.

As a king-level unit, the number of magic patterns that can be carried on the body is not small. For example, Citeria carries four perfect-grade magic patterns on her body.

And Pairush himself, currently possessed two kinds of perfect-grade magic patterns.

These two magic patterns are equivalent to two perfect-grade innate abilities, which greatly increase the strength of Pairush.

Therefore, even if there is a gap on the basis of race, the strength of the arms of the Universal Territory is one level higher than that of other races.

Of course, super races like dragons and titans are not in this category.

Even the abandoned dragons and titans have the strength of pseudo-king-level arms when they become adults, and one can single out dozens of times the hero arms of other races.

Dodging the magic attacks of several orc shamans, Pairush held a knife in one hand and flew to the orc lord below again.

This time, he did not intend to confront the orc lord head-on, but took advantage of his speed to eliminate the orc lord as soon as possible.

The turquoise energy overflowed from Pairush's legs and the north, and under the resonance of the perfect-grade magic pattern - the whirlwind raid, Pairush's body immediately formed a strong airflow.

In the shrill wind tearing, Pairush turned into a black light, ignoring the arrows and flying spears shot in the face, and the spell attack of the orc spellcaster, and rushed straight to the orc lord.

Under the wrapping of the strong cyclone, Perush's movement speed not only became faster, but also added a layer of strong protection.

The spears and arrows that were shot were lost, and all of them were torn in other directions by the whirlwind.

And those magic attacks, after coming into contact with the whirlwind shield, were also dissolved and resolved by the energy contained in it.

Even some orcs who flew over were either scattered by the whirlwind, or were cut into pieces by the fierce wind.

When Pairush killed the orc lord again, the transparent and colorless whirlwind wrapped around his body was already dyed a dazzling red.

Seeing Pairush rushing in again, the orc lord showed no fear, and looked at the giant axe in the hands of his target.

The striking crimson blade light is full of deadly danger, but in front of Parush, the speed is still too slow.

When the crimson blade dipped, Pairush's figure was divided into two, and instantly came to the side of the orc lord.

The enemy in front of him was divided into two halves. The orc lord thought that his all-out strike had achieved results, but the stinging sense of danger beside him told him that he thought too much.

Before there was time to withdraw the giant axe, the orc lord instinctively turned his body away and threw a few oily eggs at will.

This is a special equipment created by dwarves. It is a throwing explosive weapon.

Years of combat experience allowed the orc lord to successfully predict the attack of Pairush.

The black knife shrouded the left side of the orc lord like a storm, but only cut off the orc lord's left leg.

And those oily eggs replaced the orc lord, suffered the attack of the Pairush sword technique, and were chopped into pieces.

go to hell!

The severe pain from the orc lord ninja's leg, watching those oily eggs burst into flames, and tried to control the mount to escape in the opposite direction.

The power of these fried eggs is not weak, and when they are close, it will also be affected.

However, under the watchful eyes of the orc lord, Pairush, who had just shown his figure, suddenly disappeared, and the shadow crow hovering over Pairush's head appeared next.

Moreover, after the Shadow Crow was replaced again, its body immediately became shadowed.

Immediately afterwards, the fried eggs exploded.

The dazzling fire was accompanied by blazing flames, which engulfed an area of ​​more than ten meters in an instant.

Many victims were blown to pieces without even screaming.

Even the orc lord who was about to dodge was almost shaken off his mount by the aftermath. The flames generated by the explosion also burned the sides of the orc lord and his mount, giving off an unpleasant smell of barbecue.

However, the orc lord could no longer feel the pain caused by the burning of his body.

After the totem pole was knocked down by the Shadow Crow, Pairush quickly switched places with the Shadow Crow after attacking the orc lord.

Appearing on the right side of the orc lord, he used the orc lord and mount to resist the impact of the explosion, and then waved the black knife in his hand again.

The head of the orc lord flew up to the sky, and in the last sight, it saw a shadow crow that was in flames.

boom! boom!

Pairush's feet and the head of the orc lord fell to the ground successively~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Shadow Crow opened its mouth and tweeted, making a hoarse sound, as if to blame Pairush for throwing it into the fire pit.

The feathers on its body have scorched marks, but overall it doesn't seem to be a big problem, because at the moment of the explosion, it enters a shadowed state and is immune to most attacks.

Pairush beckoned to Shadow Crow, but Shadow Crow was still neighing continuously, just refused to fall.

Shaking his head helplessly, Pairush's figure flashed, and he ended the life of the orc lord's mount with one knife.

Then he rummaged through his heart and brain for a while, found an energy crystal, and threw it into the air.

When the Shadow Crow saw it, it immediately stopped calling, flew over and swallowed the energy crystals into its abdomen, then reduced its size, waved its wings, and landed on Pairush.

"Fairy Wood"

Totem poles are lordships and cannot be included in storage equipment.

Pairush could only carry it, then glanced at the dead orc lord, and killed the remaining orcs accompanied by Shadow Crow.

As the military with the highest potential in the history of the universe, Pairush never used his core skills until he killed the orc lord.

The group of crows that was used before was just an advanced technique used by the crow guards to fight with crows.

The difference in strength between him and the orc lord cannot be made up for by combat experience alone.

In the canyon, with the death of the lord, the remaining orcs also collapsed instantly.

Accidentally injured, the dragons even fell to the ground, robbing the Raven Guard for the few remaining experience points.

The giant mace of the "ugly" golden man was also covered with flesh and blood plasma, and he had stopped attacking at this time.

It didn't take long for the Orc Blood Axe tribe to be buried in this nameless canyon.

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